jaga Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
jaga English → Japanese
Original Text

Crowdfunding is not a new concept to Asia, there’s at least nine across the region from Japan to Indonesia. The IG9 team hopes to be at the forefront of this in Vietnam, so I talked to Lew Yin How, CEO of the project, to get the lowdown.

In a largely cash economy like Vietnam, how are you actually going to get projects funded online?

Since this is the first type of project of its kind, we want to open up the payment options as much as possible, so that payment won’t be a limiting factor. This includes the usual online payment, bank transfers, and also COD. We also allow people to pay at our office and designated partner.


クラウドファンディングというコンセプトはアジアでは新しいものではない。日本からインドネシアにかけての地域に少なくとも9つのクラウドファンディングサービスが運営されている。IG9チームはベトナムにおいてこの最前線に立ちたいを考えている。そこで真相を知るためにこのプロジェクトのCEOを務めるLew Yin Howに話を聞いた。



jaga English → Japanese
Original Text

How are you different from Kickstarter?

Kickstarter’s focus is mainly on creative projects; but for us, we see this model as very versatile – it really depends on the market response. There are two ways this can turn out: the first is similar to Kickstarter, with the main focus on creative projects; the second is more towards crowdfunding for startups (which takes some time for the market to develop). So our initial focus would be on the creative projects.

Currently, IG9 accepts projects under 14 Categories: Art, Comics, Dance, Design, Fashion, Film & Video, Food, Games, Music, Photography, Publishing, Technology, Theatre, and Community.





jaga English → Japanese
Original Text

e27 spoke with co-founder Ralph Wintle, who explained that the service is still currently in beta, but the marketplace for buying and selling pre-loved bags and shoes is gaining traction, especially with its recent launch of their MVP program. Ralph actually got to the idea of building a marketplace for these pre-owned items after a first-hand experience with his sister — Anicka, who is likewise co-founder — trying to sell her own stuff. “The problem of re-selling or recycling of second-hand or vintage fashion has been around for a while now, and I noticed it first hand when my sister was trying to off-load some of her pre-loved designer shoes, this past Christmas.”


e27とのインタビューの中で共同創業者のRalph Wintle氏は、サービスは現在ベータの段階だが中古のバッグや靴を売買するためのマーケットプレイスLovvdのユーザーは、特にMVPプログラムを最近開始してから増えていると説明してくれた。Ralph氏が中古品のマーケットプレイスを構築しようというアイディアを思いついたのは氏の妹であり共同創業者のAnicka氏が彼女のものを売ろうとした時の経験をじかに見た後だった。中古品あるいはビンテージファッションの再販あるいはリサイクリングさいの問題はしばらく前からあったが去年のクルスマスに妹が愛用していたデザイナーシューズを売ろうとしていた時にその問題をじかに目にすることになった。

jaga English → Japanese
Original Text

The investment represents another step towards MOL’s goal of creating a premium online payment eco-system in the region. Through the combined assets, it will provide a comprehensive payment solution around the region. It will also generate more monetisation opportunities for its global game publishers and social networks partners.

“With an annual growth forecast of 33 percent for the next five years, the Indonesian online game industry holds immense untapped potential,” said Craig White, President, Global Operations, MOL Global. “MOL understands Indonesia’s games industry. We are dedicated to continue providing innovative ways to connect our global partners with the Indonesian consumers.”



「インドネシアのオンラインゲーム産業は今後5年間年率33%の成長が見込まれており手付かずの計り知れない可能性を秘めています。MOLはインドネシアのゲーム産業を理解しており我々のグローバルパートナーをインドネシアの消費者に結びつける革新的な手段を引き続き提供することに全力を尽くしています」とMOL Global のGlobal Operationsのプレジデントを務めるCraig White氏は語った。