hmk0 Translations

ID Verified
About 10 years ago Female 40s
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
hmk0 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

I've been away all weekend so apologies for not responding sooner.

My courier notified me that my package, which was collected last week, has to be held for UK customs for up to one week since I am requesting a refund from them for my import duty and tax. Apparently they may wish to inspect the item, so I won't have a mail tracking number until that period is over and they have confirmed it can be shipped.

I therefore expect it to leave the UK on 22nd December and I will provide you with the Royal Mail / Parcelforce tracking number then. Once you have that, we can arrange for refund.



hmk0 English → Japanese
Original Text

Both orders will be shipped today and UPS Ground will have them delivered to Florida on Tuesday, December 16. I can send everything UPS Next Day for delivery on December 15 and the cost would be $1,173.37. However, we could ship directly to Japan for $1,169.07 with delivery on Friday, December 19.

Unfortunately, the Sliders will not be here until December 16. I can have the 9 Sliders and 3 CarryOn Cranes shipped to you either the 16 or 17, depending on what time the shipment comes in on the 16. Shipping directly to Japan would cost $350.39. Delivery would be made on December 22 regardless of whether we ship on Dec 16 or 17.



hmk0 English → Japanese
Original Text

Only the quickest and most meticulous chef will join the prestigious sushi chefs indoors.
Because of this, you must prepare sushi platters faster than your opponents, and moreover point out even their slightest mistake.

Stack all the Sushi Platters to the side, face-down, and then lay three cards face-up in the middle of the table. Set the bell where everyone can reach it. The oldest player takes 6 dice of one color, and then selects his opponent for the first duel, who takes the other 6 dice. It is very important for each duelist to have a set of dice whose color differs from the other duelist.



hmk0 English → Japanese
Original Text

4 The number of women awarded the George Cross medal for acts of bravery during the Second World War.
7 The average British adult moves home every seven years.
10 The percentage of British adults who admit to wearing the same item of underwear three days in a row.
19 The percentage of British people who've never visited a McDonald's.
29 The percentage of British women who cut off the size labels from their clothes.
55 The percentage of British workers who say they never take a lunch break.
2 The number of teeth lost, on average, every 10 years by a person who smokes 20 cigarettes a day.
2.72 The weight in kilograms of lipstick the average woman uses during her life.


4 第二次世界大戦中に勇気ある行動にて、George Cross メダルを受賞した女性の数。
7 7年ごとに平均的なイギリスの成人が引越をする。
10 下着を三日連続して同じものを身につけたことを認めたイギリス人の成人の割合。
19 マクドナルドに行ったことのないイギリス人の割合。
29 服からサイズのラベルを切り取ったイギリス人女性の割合。
55 お昼休憩をとらないと言ったイギリス人労働者の割合。
■ 人間
2 一日に20本たばこを吸う人が平均で、10年ごとに、歯を無くす数。
2.72 平均的な女性が、生涯を通じて使用するリップスティクの総キログラム数。

hmk0 English → Japanese
Original Text

Did you know that during your lifetime you'll eat approximately 35 tons of food or that the average human will grow 590 miles of hair? A fascinating new book by MITCHELL SYMONS interprets our world
1 The number of shops that sold toilet paper when it first went on sale in 1947 (Harrods).
1 The number of people who have been born on a London Underground carriage. A girl reportedly called Thelma Ursula Beatrice Eleanor (spelling TUBE) was born in 1924 on a Bakerloo line train at Elephant and Castle but the name story was untrue. She was called Marie Cordery.
2.8 The number of unhealthy snacks the average British person eats each day.


生涯で、あなたは約35トンの食べ物を食べ、平均的な人間の髪の毛は、590マイル(約950キロ)伸びることをご存知でしょうか。MITCHELL SYMONSの魅力的な新しい本は、私たちの世界を解説しています。
1 1947年に初めて販売された時のトイレットペーパーを販売した店の数。(ハロッズ)
1 ロンドンの地下鉄車両で産まれた人の数。
女の子は、Thelma Ursula Beatrice Eleanor(スペルはTUBE) という名前と報道され、1924年にベーカールー線のエレファント&キャッスル駅で産まれた。しかし、名前の話については、確かではない。
彼女は、Marie Corderyと呼ばれた。
2.8 平均で一日にイギリス人が食べる健康に悪いスナック菓子の数。

hmk0 English → Japanese
Original Text

According to CareerBuilder 1 in 4 (24%) employees in the US has been caught faking illness by their boss, through social media. While 1 in 5 (22%) employers has fired staff for pulling a sickie. So suspicious are some managers that they will even drive past a ‘sick’ staff member’s house to check.
In the UK, one in three Brits has taken a fake sick day, costing business £9bn a year.
A report by PwC this year found the most popular reasons for why people pulled a ‘sickie’ were hangovers (32%), to watch a sporting event (8%), being bored with their job (26%), interviews (26%) and Mondays (11%).
One in 10 people admitted to taking time off work due to good weather.


CareerBuilder によると、米国の4人に1人(24%)の従業員が彼らの上司に嘘の病気がソーシャルメディアを通じて見つかったとのことだ。一方で、5人に1人(22%)の雇用者が、仮病をしたことで従業員を解雇している。

hmk0 English → Japanese
Original Text

because we are more some kind of a stock provider I have attached all of our Adidas offers for you. You can also see the prices. Discount will be calculated individually and depend on the quantity that you want to order of each style. Sizes will be delivered in proportion to the size breakdown. If you only take 1 style you have to take at least 25 pieces of it, if the availability is high enough. If you take more than one style please take at least 15 pieces of each.

We already have a customer in Thailand so the shipping to Nippon shouldn't be much different. We will handle that. Just let me know how much of each code you want to order.

So the only way to pay is prepayment via bank transaction.

