Henno (henno) Translations

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Over 12 years ago Male 40s
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
henno English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 6-2
Those who like to criticize him, and accuse him of monopolistic tendencies, might pause once in a while to reflect on where the PC revolution would be right now without the timely, if self-interested, intervention of Bill Gates. In the end, it's hard to argue with the claim that Bill Gates played a major role in ushering in a new technological era.


Gates is the richest man in the world today. In the 2009 Fortune Billionaires list Gates was placed first (again) with an estimated pot of $40 billion. On that showing though Gates still has a way to go before he is the richest tycoon of all time.


ページ 6-2



ゲイツは現在、世界で一番のお金持ちだ。2009年のFortune Billionariesのリストで、ゲイツは推定400億ドルの資産で(再度)一位を獲得した。これが示したのは、しかし、彼が、すべての時代の最も裕福な大物になる、道半ばにいるということだ。

henno English → Japanese
Original Text

Page 4-3
Since the early days of Microsoft, Gates pursued his vision of 'a computer on every desk and in every home'. (Interestingly, the original slogan was 'a computer on every desk in every home, running Microsoft software', but the last part was often left off, because it seemed too self-serving.)

Looking back now, the spread of personal computers from the office into the home seems almost inevitable. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Foresight, however, is much more lucrative, as Gates has shown. It is important to remember, too, that the ubiquitous screens and keyboards that we all take for granted today were the stuff of science fiction just a couple of decades ago.


ページ 4-3



henno English → Japanese
Original Text

Once the login team receives and sorts your package, they declare and describe your items based on the information they have readily available (merchant invoice, internet search). After this you will receive an email with the description of the items received, as well as the price we declared your items at for customs purposes. This will allow you to review if the information we entered on your account is correct or not.
As a Premium Member, if the declared values or export descriptions are incorrect, you can log into chat or email us the correct information and we would be happy to make the adjustments.




henno English → Japanese
Original Text

And the answers may seem self-evident to the point of appearing naive. But managing oneself re-quires new and unprecedented things from the individual, and especially from the knowledge worker. In effect, managing oneself demands that each knowledge worker think and behave like a chief executive officer. Further, the shift from manual workers who do as they are told to knowledge workers who have to manage themselves profoundly challenges social structure. Every existing society, even the most individualistic one, takes two things for granted, if only subconsciously: that organizations outlive workers, and that most people stay put.
But today the opposite is true.




henno English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

The engineer, for ex-ample, now knows that he has not been very successful in his job. But in his outside activity-as church treasurer, for example - he is a success. One's family may break up, but in that outside ac-tivity there is still a community.
In a society in which success has become so terribly important, having options will become increas-ingly vital. Historically, there was no such thing as "success." The overwhelming majority of people did not expect anything but to stay in their "proper station," as an old English prayer has it. The only mobility was downward mobility.
In a knowledge society, however, we expect everyone to be a success. This is clearly an impossibil-ity.





henno English → Japanese
Original Text

Kim Kyujong and Oh Sehjung?

Kim Kyujong revealed that he has been in contact with Oh Sehjung on SBS 'Strong Heart.'

Kim Kyujong revealed "2 years ago I bumped into her on the streets but didn't get to introduce myself. So I went into her mini homepage but found the post 'I'm sorry I didn't get to introduce myself. Lets grab lunch sometime.' I thought it was directed at me so I sent her an email."

Oh Sehjung replied "It was meant for Kim Kyujong to see." Kim Kyujong added "I received a reply 3 months later. But ever since then we have been regularly contacting each other."
Kim Kyujong added "Even when I see her name on the toilet, I get so nervous" and shocked fans.


Kim KyujongとOh Sehjung?

Kim KyujongはOh SehjungとSBSの「Strong Heart」で連絡をとっていることを明らかにした。

Kim Kyujongは「2年前に道端で彼女にばったり出くわしたが、そのとき自分のことを紹介しなかった。そうしたら、彼女の小さいホームページで『ごめんなさい。自己紹介しないで。今度昼飯でも行きましょう。』という投稿を見つけたんだ。僕はこれは自分に向けたメッセージだと思って、彼女にメールを送ったんだ。」と明かした。

Oh Sehjungは「Kim Kyujongと会うことを意図してたのよ」と返答した。Kim Kyujongは付け加えて、「僕は3ヶ月後に返信を受け取った。でもそれ以来、僕らは定期的に連絡を取り合っている。」Kim Kyujongは「トイレで彼女の名前を見るときでさえ、僕はとても神経質になってしまう」と付け加えて、ファンはショックを受けた。

henno English → Japanese
Original Text

Jo Kwon reveals 2AM's how abouts in Japan

Jo Kwon posted a photo taken with his group 2AM, in Japan.

On the 11th Jo Kwon posted on his Twitter "ぼくたち2amの日本のアルバムを?きましたか?久保田利伸さんのmissingを僕たちがリメイクしました。たくさんチェックしてください" (Did you guys hear 2AM's album? We remade the song 'missing' by Kubota Toshibobu. Please listen to it often".

In the photo Jo Kwon is posing friendly with 2AM members. Jin Woon and Seul Ong showed off more manly look while Chang Min made the fans laugh with his funny psoe.

Netizens who saw the photo commented "Best of luck in Japan!", "Jo Kwon's serious face is a little awkward", and etc...


Jo Kwonが2AMの日本での活動を明らかにした

Jo Kwonは日本で彼のグループである2AMと一緒に撮った写真を投稿した。

11日に、Jo Kwonは彼のTwitterに、「ぼくたち2amの日本のアルバムを?きましたか?久保田利伸さんのmissingを僕たちがリメイクしました。たくさんチェックしてください" (2AMのアルバムを聞きましたか? 久保田利伸さんの'missing'を僕たちがリメイクしました。いっぱい聞いてください。)」

写真の中で、Jo Kwonは2AMのメンバーと仲良くポーズしている。Jin WoonとSeul Ongは男らしさを誇示し、Chang Minは面白いポーズでファンを笑わせた。

写真を見たネチズンは「日本での幸運を!」「Jo Kwonの真剣な顔はちょっとぎこちないね」などとコメントした。

henno English → Japanese
Original Text

Hello- To process the order I need to know if the shipping address in Sarasota is a freight forwarder and if so the name of the company and their phone #- thanks-

On 2011 Oct 2, Mr. Rebates, Inc. sent you a payment for $62.44 USD.

The money has been returned to Mr. Rebates, Inc.'s account.

This payment was returned because:

You are an international customer and haven't manually accepted or refused this payment.

Contact Mr. Rebates, Inc. (accounting@mrrebates.com) to agree on an alternate payment method.
For more information, log in to PayPal account, look for this transaction, and click Canceled to see details.



こんにちは、ご注文を処理するために、 Sarasotaにある発送先の住所が輸送サービス業者であるかどうかを知る必要があります。もしそうなら、その会社の名前と電話番号をお知らせください。

2011年10月2日に、Mr. Rebates, Inc. があなたに62.44米ドルの支払いをしました。

お金はMr. Rebates, Inc.の口座に返金されました。



Mr. Rebates, Inc.(accounting@mrrebates.com)に連絡をとり、他の支払い方法を決めてください。


henno English → Japanese
Original Text

Neither of these seems to be obviously bad, although it is almost certainly the case that Japan still suffers from some hidden unemployment (mostly among women) in addition to its relatively low official unemployment.

Fingleton probably does go overboard in a few areas. First, Shadowstats is not a credible source. There are issues with the official statistics in the U.S. (as is the case everywhere), but the idea that we have overstated growth by 2% a year does not pass the laugh test.

Second, the measure of electricity use that he sees as a main determinant of living standards is likely distorted by the fact that Japan was starting from a very low base whereas the U.S. was starting from a very high base.





henno English → Japanese
Original Text

We can get any number of new appliances that will be markedly better than the ones that they replaced and still use considerably less electricity. The same is not likely to be the case with Japan. The same applies to commercial and industrial users of electricity.

But there is an area in which Fingleton may actually understate his case. I remember refereeing a journal article at the end of the 90s about Japan's price index for passenger trains. (Wait, this is not that boring.)

The article purported to show that the official Japanese index overstated inflation because it missed quality improvements. The main quality improvement was that the trains were less crowded.





henno English → Japanese
Original Text

The author had compared the price of first class and second class seats and noted that the main difference between the two was that first class passengers were guaranteed a seat. However because the trains had become less crowded, almost everyone in second class could now get a seat as well. This in effect meant that a second class seat at the end of the period examined was as good as a first class seat at the beginning.

This made a substantial difference in the price index for trains, effectively showing a much slower rate of price increase when this quality improvement (less crowding) was taken into account.


その記者は、ファーストクラスと、セカンドクラスの座席の価格を比較して、この2つのクラスの主要な違いは、ファーストクラスの乗客は座席を保証されていることだと述べていた。しかし、電車の混雑率が下がったので、セカンドクラスのほとんど全員が、現在は同じように席に座ることができるようになった。 この効果が意味するところは、調査時期の最終時点のセカンドクラスの座席は、調査時期の開始時点のファーストクラスと同程度に良かったということだ。
