eggplant (eggplant) Translations

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Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
eggplant English → Japanese
Original Text

universalize and formalize these activities and curtail local autonomy. Government regulatory, redistributive, welfare, and social service bureaucracies, moreover, transform citizens into passive followers of orders and clients of services. State efforts to promote citizen well-being, furthermore, allow individuals and communities to shirk their personal and particular responsibIlities to contribute to the well-being of community members. State actions break up the civic sources of mutual aid and solidarity. Government programmes to achieve substantive ends of equality or self-development generate an 'entitlement' mentality according to which citizens clam-our for particular benefits to serve their interests



eggplant English → Japanese
Original Text

According to a 2012 health ministry report, more than 45% of college graduates employed in the service, entertainment and education industries left their jobs within three years.

But critics note that attrition rates alone can’t be the sole criteria for determining whether a company is exploiting workers.

If Japan is notorious for its long working hours, why is this becoming a social issue now?

When karoshi emerged during the bubble years in the 1980s, both young and old employees were victims.

Despite the nominal reduction in working times that the karoshi phenomenon instigated, Japan still has the second-largest ratio of people working more than 49 hours a week, according to the International Labor Organization.







eggplant English → Japanese
Original Text

Experts say such companies resort to exploiting staff in their 20s and 30s, rather than part-timers, by forcing them to work excessively long hours without overtime pay in the name of global competition.

The young workers are often told their base salaries already include overtime pay and that they can increase it if they perform well. These claims are used to lure hungry recruits.

In many cases, workers are verbally abused and subjected to power harassment because disobedience is not an option. Some fall into depression or develop other psychiatric disorders that eventually leave them no choice but to quit the very jobs they were dying to keep.

When did the problem become prominent?






eggplant English → Japanese
Original Text

Must be a hot head that failed COR testing. If you want to send it back I can refund or swap it out.

QC is Quality Control. Probably has something to do with the testing or who is

doing the testing. Whoever writes the specs on them has terrible handwriting.

I wanted to let you know that I have received several more R1 V2 Tour Issue driver heads. I have them available in right handed and left handed now. All of the heads that I have are the TD2 9.5 degree heads.

Hi, I could do $175 per wedge if you want them now, if this works send me your paypal address in this format: gcinternational at me dot com and I will invoice you for $350 for both wedges,




R1 V2 Tour Issueのドライバーのヘッド部分をいくつか追加しましたので、お知らせします。現在、右利きでも左利きでもご使用になれます。扱っているヘッド部分はどれも、TD2の9.5度のものです。

こんにちは。もしご希望で、これによって、このフォーマット(gcinternational at me dot com)上で、あなたのPaypalアドレスを送っていただけるのでしたら、ウェッジ1つ当たり175ドルでご提供します。両方のウェッジで350ドルの請求になります。

eggplant English → Japanese
Original Text

Hypothyroidism Obesity, Cushing’s Syndrome Obesity, Gonad Functonal Retardation Obesity etc,
separately caused by the thalamencephalon, pituitary, hypothyroid and gonad diseases. Among them.

Mostly Cushing’s Syndrome Obesity, Hypothyroidism Obesity happen to the adults,
Hypothalamus Obesity always to the children, which is caused by the craniopharyngioma

The equipment takes the strong ultrasonic heads to release 40,000Hz powerful ultrasonic,
speedy vibrates fatiness cells, produces countless vacuum air pocket in and out of cells,
mightily impacts the fatty cells, makes the cell membrane produce the inner cracking,
so as to dissolve the triglyceride to be the glycirin and free fatty acid.





eggplant English → Japanese
Original Text

The obesity means a certain extent overweight and fatness layer overdepth,
it is fatness in the body, especial is caused by the triglyceride accumulation too much.
The obesity can be devided into two, Single Obesity and Secondary Obesity. Normall we see the former.
Single Obesity occupies 99% in the obesity, we cannot find what causes the single obesity. In medicine,
it is alos named Primary Obesity. It maybe relevant to Descendiblity, foods, sporting habits.
So called S Secondary Obesity, that is caused by some healthy problems, that is to say,
we can source the reasons of Secondary Obesity.

It occupies 1% in the obesity, can be classified into Hypothalamus Obesity, Pituitary Obesity,




eggplant English → Japanese
Original Text

The launch of village elections in China has passed its 20th anniversary. Elections officially began with the enactment of the Organic Law of Village Committees. This law promised ‘self-governance’ via self-management, self-education, which were soon reconceived as democratic election, decision making, management, and supervision. Since then, ‘grassroots democracy’ has become a term freighted with controversy for those who study Chinese politics.

Judging by procedures alone, village elections have achieved much. Surveys and direct observation by international monitors also show that the conduct of elections (including nomination procedures, competitiveness, and secret balloting) has improved over time.




eggplant English → Japanese
Original Text

By many indicators, the future of grassroots democracy in China is bright, much as
Shi foresaw some years ago. When tracing the introduction of village
elections, Shi highlighted the role of democratically committed midlevel officials in
the Ministry of Civil Affairs who employed an incremental approach that focused on
extent first and quality later. This explanation accords nicely with most theories of
democratization and its diffusion, and their emphasis on the role of leaders and their

Is rural China on the path to democracy that Shi and others have suggested? Viewing the
mountain of evidence now available in light of the literature on democratization, we re-examine the practice of self-governance and




eggplant English → Japanese
Original Text

suggest that the working definition of democracy adopted by most observers, which underscores its procedural components, is incomplete. This definition, in a word, leads analysts to over emphasize form at the expense of content. Instead, we follow Sebastian and suggest a distinction between two dimensions of democratization, namely access to power and exercise of power. The introduction of elections has indeed begun to change the way in which village authorities gain power, but this has not necessarily transformed the way they exercise that power. Reducing rural democracy to well-run elections oversimplifies the complexity of the local power configuration and turns village governance into much less than it is.

