Colin K (colin777) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 11 years ago
Japanese English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
colin777 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

25 of Asia’s Top Photo Apps to Take On Instagram

With Instagram getting acquired by Facebook for $1 billion, there is no question that photo apps are a very hot place to be for startups. I think they’re still ripe for disruption, Instagram has only about 100 million monthly active users. There are still hundreds of millions of untapped smartphone users out there who could easily be swiped away from Instagram. Here’s a look at the best out of Asia. (I’ve excluded popular folks like Instagram or Tuding because they weren’t built here in Asia, the latter being from Finland though mostly used in China).




colin777 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text


Thanks for getting in touch - I’m sorry your order wasn’t placed.

I’ve had a look into this and can’t see a successful recent order on your ASOS account. This means the payment you sent with PayPal hasn’t gone through.

We’ve been advised by PayPal that when this happens, the payment is displayed in your PayPal account for a length of time (usually around 10 days but this may vary). After this period, the order expires and the funds are returned to you.

PayPal may be able to provide more information - you can contact them by clicking here.

I hope this helps. If you have any more questions, please let me know – I’ll be happy to help.

Best wishes,









colin777 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

KakaoTalk announced a huge deal with Yahoo! Japan last year to see the two join hands and reach out to over 65 million global users. Available on iOS, Android, Bada OS, BlackBerry, Windows Phone and PC, KakaoTalk has a significant presence in Korea.

Apparently, according to a case study of the app published on Korea Marketing, 90 percent of Korea’s smartphone owners use KakaoTalk. And according to a domestic survey, 72.4 percent expressed a certain loyalty, which is difficult to find elsewhere. They said that they will not buy mobile phones that do not support the messenger service.


カカオトークは昨年、Yahoo!Japanとの大規模な提携を打ち出し、互いに手をたずさえながら世界中の6500万を超えるユーザーに手を差し伸べようとした。iOS、アンドロイド、Bada OS、ブラックベリー、Windows Phone、あるいはPCからでも使えるカカオトークは、韓国において大きな存在感を示している。

Korea Marketingにおいて公表されたアプリに関するケーススタディによれば、韓国のスマートフォン所有者の90%がカカオトークを使っているとのことである。また国内の調査によれば、72.4%の人が他では例を見ない、ある種の信奉を持っているとのことである。彼らはメッセンジャー・サービスの機能をサポートしていない携帯電話は買わないとのことである。