London Gardens (ayaka_maruyama) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ayaka_maruyama English → Japanese
Original Text

Line has also roped in Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif, as its brand ambassador. She will be seen in new the TV ad campaign on the eve of Diwali, India’s festival of lights, starting on October 11. Line will also have India-exclusive Katrina Kaif stickers. This is in line with the app’s tradition of partnering with well-known celebrities.

In addition, Line has partnered with Sony India to be preinstalled on smartphones such as the Xperia Z1, Xperia C; Line and Sony will come out with a common ad campaign. Meanwhile, Sony’s music arm, Sony Music Entertainment, will open a brand account on Line to push its music line-up.


更にLineはBollywood女優であるKatrina Kaif氏をブランド大使として迎えた。彼女は、10月11日から始まるインドの光の祭典であるDiwali前日に新たなテレビコマーシャルのキャンペーンに出演することになっている。Lineはまた、インド限定のKatrina Kaif氏のステッカーも使用予定である。これは、このアプリが大物セレブと提携する際のお決まりのパターンである。

加えて、LineはSony Indiaと連携し、 Xperia Z1やXperia Cといったスマホにアプリをプリインストールすることとなり、共同コマーシャルを行う予定である。また、Sonyの音楽部門を担当するSony Music Entertainmentは、音楽のラインアップを売り出す為、Line上でブランドのアカウントを開設予定である。

ayaka_maruyama English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Similarly, he did not think it right to argue with the brother, because of his affection for the father of both of them. Caesar announced his decision on the whole matter, giving part of the kingdom to each of the brothers, and half of it to Archelaus. Caesar treated Nicolaus with honor. He gave Archelaus the title of ethnarch, and promised that if he proved himself worthy, he would soon make him king. He appointed the other brothers, Philippus and Antipas, to betetrarchs.He spent all [the money] that he had requested on the works themselves, showing that he was not swayed by [love of] money; and soon he won a brilliant reputation, because he had not done anything improper to gain more money.



ayaka_maruyama English → Japanese
Original Text

The mathematician Bruno Abakanowicz invented the spirograph between 1881 and 1900. It was used to for calculating an area delimited by curves.[1] Drawing toys based on gears have been around since at least 1908, when The Marvelous Wondergraph was advertised in the Sears catalog.[2][3] An article describing how to make a Wondergraph drawing machine appeared in the Boys Mechanic publication in 1913. [4] The Spirograph itself was developed by the British engineer Denys Fisher, who exhibited at the 1965 Nuremberg International Toy Fair. It was subsequently produced by his company.

Spirograph Nebula, a planetary nebula that displays delicate, spirograph-like filigree.


数学者のBruno Abakanowicz氏は1881年から1900年までかけ、スピログラフを発明した。これは、曲線によって区切られた面を図る為に使用された。[1] ギアを基にした絵描き機は、これがThe Marvelous WondergraphがカタログSearsに掲載された1908年頃から存在した。[2][3] Wondergraphの作成方法は、1913年、Boys Mechanic誌の記事に掲載された。[4]スピログラフは、英国のエンジニアであるDenys Fisher氏によって開発され、1965年Nuremberg国際おもちゃ展に展示された。その後、Fisher氏の会社により生産された。
