✿Apple Tea✿ (appletea) Translations

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About 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
appletea English → Japanese
Original Text

We will guarantee the quality of our equipment, normally there is no quality problem
1.If there is a deficiency, please email or call us on the reasons, it would be best if this can be dealt with by email or telephone. Because some of the problems are caused by using the machine in a wrong way
2.We suggest the client to take photos of the area where the problem occurs, we will pass them to our technician , our technician will give a satisfactoryanswer within 1-7 working days
3.If the problem comes from the spare part, we could consider in changing the spare part for our client, which could be sent with his/her next order. If the next order is uncertain, we could pay freight cost to send the spare parts



appletea English → Japanese
Original Text

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appletea English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

When Fall Out Boy went on indefinite hiatus in late 2009, they had no way of knowing how much they would be missed.After all, vocalist Patrick Stump likenedtouring in support of 2008’s Folie À Deux to “being the last act at the Vaudeville show: We were rotten vegetable targets in Clandestine hoodies,” saying “at no other point in my professional career was I nearly booed off stages for playing new songs.” But in the three-or-so years the band members spent playing other music, the clamoring for Fall Out Boy’s return never waned.As a result, there’s absolutely no way the quartet’s hiatus-is-over album, Save Rock And Roll, can live up to the expectations placed upon it.


2009年後半にフォールアウトボーイの解散が決定的になった時、彼らはファンが解散をどれだけ寂しがるか想像もつかなかった。結局、ヴォーカルのパトリック・スタンプが2008年コラボで参加した Folie À Deuxでこう言った。「劇場での演奏はこれで最後になるだろう。僕たちはクランデスタインのフードに身を包んだ連中から腐った野菜を投げつけられる対象だったんだ。新曲を披露する時、ブーイングでこんなふうに舞台から降ろされそうになったことはなかったよ。」しかし、約3年間の内にバンドのメンバーは他の楽曲を演奏し、フォールアウトボーイズ再結成の呼び声は絶えなかった。その結果、再び4人が結集して作られたロックンロールを守れは、ファンの期待が集まるのもとなった。

appletea English → Japanese
Original Text

Cicero was all too often deluded in his political judgements. No easy optimism this time, however, but an accurate forecast of the hazards of supporting the Caesarian revolutionary. Octavianus professed the utmost devotion for Cicero and called him 'father'-an appellation which the sombre Brutus was later to recall with bitter rebuke. Octavianus has sometimes been condemned for cold and brutal treachery towards a parent and a benefactor. That facile interpretation will be repulsed in the interests, not of Octavianus, but of the truth. The political alliance between Octavianus and Cicero was not merely the plot of a crafty and unscrupulous youth.Cicero was possessed by an overweening opinion of his own sagacity.

