Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

4.9 28 reviews
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About 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) French English Spanish
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

The document is a strong demand for the government to identify and protect national interests and to present clear strategies to do so. Most important is that tariffs on products of agriculture, forestry and fisheries is the lead of six issues identified, and there is great clarity about tariffs related to this sector.The resolution states: “Sensitive products of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, such as rice, wheat and barley, beef, dairy products, and sugar, must be excluded from negotiation or subject to renegotiation for the purpose of maintaining their sustainable domestic production.”There are many good reasons that Abe should not rush into being a TPP partner.


この文書は政府が国益を保護し、国益保護のための明確な戦略を提示するための強い要請だ。最も重要なことは、農林水産製品の価格が、6つの特定された問題の主要なテーマとなっていることで、この部門に関する価格に関して非常に明確にされている。決議にはこう記されている。「米、小麦、大麦、牛肉、乳製品、、砂糖等の農林水産の慎重に扱うべき製品は、交渉から除外するか、もしくは、持続的国内生産を維持する目的で、再交渉することが必要である。」 阿部首相が急いでTPPパートナーとなってはならない多くの納得のいく理由があるのである。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text


yes..AR.7 on order...sorry for delay..next week..(Fri)

YES...815's has the "TC" Stamped Tour Issue from Callaway Tour Van and yes..the 2 heaviest is 14G..I can ask
Im getting 2 in let me know if you want both (10.5*) $*
YES....Tour Issue 2014 ix Limited Edition1.92.AR.7◆MYSTERY (limited but I can get one more for you) $*
YES...RARE 2009 Tour Issue "V" Callaway X-Forged Iron Set 4-PW L & H Stamped Combo $*

All Above discount to $** Shipped to US or $** shipped to JP

let me know on this and below

VERSA 2BALL (will ask $**)
VERSA #7 BWB CS (will ask $*)
VERSA #1 METAL-X (will ask $**)


I will send you an invoice for 30 at $25.50 ....Not 60 New York for $23.08 through Paypal within the next hour.




はい。ツアー異臭2014 ix限定版1.92.AR.7◆ミステリー(限定版ですが、さらに入荷は可能です)価格$*
はい。レア2009ツアーイシューVキャラウェーX-鋳造アイアンセット4-PW L & H 刻印コンボ 価格$*


VERSABAL 2 ( 価格$**で聞いてみます)
VERSA #7 BWB CS (価格$*で聞いてみます)
VERSA #1 METAL-X (価格 $**で聞いてみます)

30個$25.50のインボイスを送ります。 New York 60を$23.08ではありません。1時間以内にペイパルを通して送ります。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Hello Colleges from the New-Japan-Team,

a few weeks ago I ordered a yellow High quality jersey track suit from you.

The delivery to Germany was succesfull ... till the German Zoll ( Zollamt Jena / Göschwitzer Straße 34 / 07745 Jena / Thüringen / Germany ) stopped it.
Because there is / was no bill on the parcel the German Zoll hold the delivery for two weeks back.
Unfortunaly I get this Info too late and coud not collect the parcel from the Zoll during there Deadline :(

What I want to know is :

- First, if you already received the parcel, which the German Zoll sends back to you ?

- And the second question, can you send me the parcel again ?

Please reply.

Best regards,
Felix Turtenwald




ドイツへの配送は、ドイツ入国まではうまくいきましたが、ドイツ税関( Zollamt Jena / Göschwitzer Straße 34 / 07745 Jena / Thüringen / Germany ) で止まってしまいました。インボイスが入っていなかったため、ドイツ税関は2週間前まで配送を保留していました。




Felix Turtenwald

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

I understand your concern regarding the $99 charge in your account. Let me help you with this.

I looked into your account and see the $99.00 charge you mentioned was processed on November 13, 2014 for your Amazon Prime membership renewal.

More information about Amazon Prime benefits is available on our Help pages:


However, I understand that you want to cancel the membership and be refunded for the $99.

To help you with, I've canceled your Amazon Prime membership

You'll receive a refund of $99.00 for the Amazon Prime membership fee. Refunds typically process within 2-3 business days and appear as a credit on your statement.



お客様のアカウントを確認いたしましたところ、お客様のおっしゃっている99ドルは2014年11月13日に Amazon Prime会員リワードのために処理されました。

Amazon Prime特典に関しましては以下の弊社ヘルプページをご覧ください。


しかし、お客様はAmazon Prime会員を解約して99ドルの返金を受け取ることを希望されていると理解しております。

お客様をお手伝いするために、お客様のAmazon Prime会員を解約いたしました。

お客様はAmazon Prime会員の会費99ドルの返金をお受け取りになられます。通常、返金は2~3営業日内に処理され、お客様の明細書にクレジットとして表記されます。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

The store I purchase from receives new inventory everyone Monday.

I would be open to establishing a relationship directly after the first couple transactions.
This would reduce my fees to eBay.

Right now I have only shipped via global shipping program at eBay but if I have a partner I would be open to direct shipping.

I am definitely interested. How many do you want? Purchase the first two and I'll purchase more tomorrow. Send me any other model numbers you want and I can get you prices for those. Right now I don't have a wholesaler but can explore if the first transactions go smoothly.








Please let me know your phone number.

Thank you for your polite reply.
I would like to discuss with you directly about the transaction.
Could you please contact to this contact information?