I want to be honest with you ,the shipping option you choose (28$ standard post) need about 10-20days to Japan.So the 7 days limit you want can achieved only by the expedited option who cost 69 $ via UPS or DHL (2-4 days).Please send via PAYPAL additional cost of 41$ for the expedited option or email me if you change your mind and wantto stay in standard shipping option or want to cancel the transaction and refund the 264.99$ you payMy best regards
正直に申しますと、お客様がお選びになったstandard shipping (普通配達)オプションですと、日本まで10~20日かかります。お客様が希望しておられる配達期間7日以内を可能にするにはUPS或いはDHL(2~4日間)による配送を選ぶしかありませんが69ドルかかります。そのオプションを希望される場合はPALPALを通して追加の送料41ドルを送ってください。もし、気が変わられてstandard shippingのままでよい、あるいは取引を中止してお支払になった264.99ドルの返金を希望される場合はメールにてその旨をご連絡ください。よろしくお願いいたします。
10 Essential Resources for Bootstrapping BusinessesIn the Bootstrapping Business Series, Mashable talked to a ton of entrepreneurs about how they got started, what tools they live by and what they wished they had known at the beginning. The result is a deep pool of tips and tricks for aspiring business owners who are looking to raise money, start a tech startup or build their brand.From selecting the best employees to putting together an awesome workspace, the little decisions are the ones that add up and will make you successful in the long run. Take a look at a roundup of 10 of these solid primers below. Have tips of your own? Tell us in the comments.
However, it’s important to note that choosing freemium doesn’t automatically guarantee satisfaction. Here are some tips and tricks that will help you hedge your bets within the freemium system — and benefit like a high-rolling VIP.Read the full story here.
1. What Founders Wish They Knew Before Starting CompaniesThe entrepreneurship journey isn’t an easy one — developing a product, scaling a business and growing an audience are intimidating tasks that necessitate endless hustle, ambition and passion. And even if you have all of those qualities in spades, there’s still a good chance your venture will fail.But one in 12 startups succeed, and these businesses are healthy, growing and maybe even profitable. But that’s not to say there weren’t bumps in the road. We’ve asked some founders for things they wish they knew when they started their companies, in the hopes that it’ll help you and your startup avoid a fatal flaw.Read the full story here.
1 起業する前に創業者が知っておきたかったことアントレプレナーの道は平坦ではない。製品開発、事業規模の拡大、閲覧者の拡大等、終わりなき精神力、志、情熱が必要とされる恐怖で気落ちするような作業だ。確かにそして紛れもなくそのような資質を全て備えていたとしても、ベンチャーが失敗する可能性は十分にある。だが、スタートアップの12社のうち1社は成功し、その事業が健全で業績が伸び、収益をあげている。だがそれはその道に障害がなかったということではない。何人かの会社創立者に起業した時に知っておけばよかったことを尋ねてみた。このインタビューが読者諸氏の一助となり致命的な失敗を避けることが出来るよう願っている。全て読む
2. 10 Tips for a More Beautiful and Functional Home OfficeIf you work from home, you owe it to yourself to set up a proper office space. It’s vital you have somewhere to concentrate that’s separate from your home life — and is hopefully a nice space to spend time in. A good working space is even more important if you operate your small business out of your home.To help you out on this rather specific front, we have pulled together some useful tips from experienced home-workers and chatted with home office expert Lisa Kanarek, founder of WorkingNaked.com.Read the full story here.
2 美しく機能的なホームオフィスのための10のヒントもしあなたが在宅で仕事をしているなら、しかるべきオフィス・スペースを持つべきだ。家庭生活とは切り離された集中できる場をもつことは重要だ。そこで時間を過ごせる快適な場であれば望ましい。もし家庭の外で小さな事業を営んでいるならよい作業スペースは一層重要だ。この比較的特殊な場で働く読者のお役に立つため、経験を積んだ在宅ワーカーから役に立つヒントを一緒に引き出し、WorkingNaked.com創立者でホームオフィスに詳しいLisa Kanarekさんにお話を伺った。
3. 4 Ways to Grow Your Customer BaseOnce your startup hits the market, there’s reason to celebrate — but this is only the beginning. The next step is growth, either indirectly through user acquisition or by bringing in additional customers. You know your product is performing well and has a few happy users or customers, so how do you get the word out?
3 顧客基盤を拡大する4つの方法自分のスタートアップが発売されれば、それを祝う理由があるが、それはまだ序の口に過ぎない。ユーザーの獲得を通した非直接的なものであるにしろ、追加の顧客を取り込むにしろ、次の段階は成長だ。自社の製品の販売が順調で、製品に満足しているユーザーや顧客がいることを知っているなら、それをどうやって言葉にすべきだろうか。
The challenges faced by early-stage startup are unique. There is no existing user base to piggyback on with network dynamics and little data to determine the most effective entry points that lead to a paying customer. Also, many startups are too small to bring on a PR staff, and most founders are not educated in the best tactics for reaching out to media. The good news is that social media can enable you to reach potential customers without depending on traditional outlets, and sometimes these tactics will work hand-in-hand.Read the full story here.
4. 4 Hiring Tips for Your Lean StartupThere’s a ton do when you’re first starting a company. Each co-founder or employee executes several job descriptions jumbled together, and it seems a simple solution to just hire a new person and delegate away responsibilities, never to be worried about again. This becomes especially relevant post-funding, because it suddenly becomes plausible to hire with the intended result of getting more done faster.But this isn’t necessarily true, according to Eric Ries, creator of the Lean Startup methodology. “As you add people to a team or project, there is an increase in communications overhead that makes everyone slightly less productive,” he explains.
4 リーン・スタートアップのための4つの裏ワザ会社を立ち上げると最初にすることは山のようにある。共同経営者も従業員もそれぞれごちゃごちゃになった職務記述書を作成しなくてはならないし、そんなことに二度と煩わされないように新しく人を雇って責任を委譲してしまうのがシンプルな解決のように思われるかもしれない。仕事を一層早く処理するという結果を意図して人を雇うことは突然もっともらしくなるので、これはごく妥当な事後調達になる。しかしリーン・スタートアップのクリエーターであるEric Ries氏によれば、それは必ずしも事実ではない。「チームやプロジェクトに人を1人加えれば、それだけ余計なコミュニケーションが増え、全員の生産性が幾分下がることになります」とRies氏は説明する。
It may seem counterintuitive to do anything slow when following lean startup methods, but Ries’ point stands: To continue executing effectively, you must not introduce a point of friction to your team. Finding the right person is paramount, and worth the wait.Read the full story here.
5. 6 Ways to Get the Most Out of Freemium for Your Small BusinessOne of the most difficult things about bootstrapping a startup is utilizing the right resources to optimize efficiency and promote growth. And, it doesn’t help that the best tools for the job often come at a pretty hefty price. It’s easy to feel shortchanged, especially when the apps of your dreams feel like a mouse-click away.
5 自分の小ビジネスにフリーミアムを最も有効に使う6つの方法スタートアップにとってブートストラップのもっとも難しいことの1つは、効率を最適化し、成長を促進するための正しいリソースを用いることだ。仕事のための最適なツールは非常に高額であることが多いことは助けにならない。特に自分の夢見たアプリがワンクリックで得られるように感じられる時、不当に扱われたように感じてしまうものだ。
But don’t despair. Over the last few years, startups benefited from the so-called “freemium” model — a company offers the basic functions of an app suite for free, and then charges more for premium features and bigger storage space. A classic example is newsletter platform MailChimp, which is free for a few subscribers, but as your userbase — and business — grows, so does the cost, increasing incrementally according to your number of subscribers. Taking advantage of freemium options can help you put together the enterprise arsenal of your dreams while also maintaining that shoestring budget.
Hi, I finally just received back those items that got returned to sender in September. I checked the shipping address and it was perfect, I don't know why they got returned to me. I checked on he tracking for your newest 24 items I sent out Tuesday and it seems the last movement on the tracking was on the 18th. I will keep an eye on it throughout the upcoming week. I don't know why this is happening, I triple checked the address again and it's perfect. You should check with your parcel service and see why things are getting returned to sender. I've never had this problem twice before. It has to be an issue on the receiving end.
Like I said I will keep a close eye on it and keep you updated, but my supply of items has gotten smaller and smaller with the iPhone 5 coming out, so if they do get returned to sender again, I'm going to have to wait for those 24 items to get returned before I can reship for you.
申し上げたように、トラッキングを見守って情報をあなたにお知らせしますが、iPhone 5が出たことで商品の在庫がますます少なくなってきました。そこでこの24個の商品については、また送り主の元に返ってくるのでしたら、再びあなたに発送する前に商品が戻ってくるのを待たなくてはなりません。
HelloThank you for your reply. The item which I want to purchase is this. I'd like to know the carriage,the total sum and the date of the delivery.I'll pay in advance. (the item, the number of articles, the delivery address)Also, I'd like to know if it is possible to ship the product directly from the factory with insurance, becase my client want to send it to an adress in Jakarta, Indonesia. I won't request it, if it is difficult. Could you tell me, if is is possible, the carriage,the total sum and the date of the delivery? The problem is an invoice. I don't want to let them know a supplier and the amount. What would be a good way to resolve the problem? I'm waiting for your reply.
Hello friend, today is Sunday, the post office does not work, we will be in the post office, provides parcel to you, and please you to be patient, thank you!
Photo of tweaked full-sized iPad shell with new, smaller Lightning port?The authors of blog Apple.Pro have posted a photo of what appears to be the shell for the upcoming tweaked third-generation iPad with a Lightning port.No other changes appear to be shown in this image.That is in line with expectations of this being a very minor refresh.Apple.Pro is known to have a fairly reliable track record when it comes to sharing images of parts for upcoming Apple products.
It would be great if you could review the list and reply back to me by Monday with your $ offers. When I receive it I will only take a few days to compile the results and get back to you with the final list. From that point we can ship pretty quickly, as you know.Please let me know if you have any questions.Again, I'm very enthusiastic about the furthering of our business relationship.Best Regards!!
ジェームズタレルの光の館2003年に、新潟県の越後妻有と呼ばれる地方で三年に一度行われている「大地の芸術祭」に行ったときに、こいつはえらいもんを作ったなぁと思ったのが光の館だった。Photo&Text by tamachanggその同時期、谷崎潤一郎の「陰影礼賛」を読んで蛍光灯にひどく嫌悪感を感じていたり、日本の近代文化に関する光と闇の興亡にひどく敏感になっている時だったから、余計心に残るものが大きかったのかもしれない。
James Turrell's "House of Light" When I visited 'The Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial' in 2003, which was held in each three years, I felt that he had created something great. That was a house of light. Photo&Text by tamachanggAt that time, I had a strong sense of dislike to a fluorescent light after reading "In Praise of Shadows" by Junichiro TANIZAKI. I was also too sensitive to a rise and fall of light and darkness concerning the Japanese modern culture. They might be the reasons for which I rememberd his work even more clearly.
AmazonのAPIを使い、Amazomサイトより、カテゴリ毎のランキングと販売価格、JANコード、ASINコードなどの項目を指定条件に加工してcsvファイルに一括抽出するソフトウェアをご依頼させて頂きます。 AmazonAPIを利用して海外Amazon(アメリカ・カナダ・イギリスなど)と日本のAmazonの同一商品(同一ASINコード)の商品を探して差額を計算し、CSVとして吐き出すツールの作成をお願いします。
I'd like to order a software which processes the items on Amazon website: rankings, sale prices of each category, JAN code, ASIN code etc, to a specific conditions using Amazon API and extract them all together to a CVS file. I'd like you to creat a tool which find the same items between Amazon Japan and Amazon abroad (USA, Canada, England etc) using Amazon API calculating the balance betweem them and then export them as CSV.
Delivery has not been completed. I am at the address presently and we have not received the package yet. According to USPS, the package has not been delivered. Signature is required for delivery and nothing has been signed for. See attached.