Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

3-1 Albert went back to his own work, relieved the project was over. He was thankful he could work alone without having to worry about all the hassles, frustrations, and endless, time¬consuming delays of dealing with a bunch of groupies who were more interested in what everybody else was doing than they were in getting the job done.
Then came this second Tiger Team.
Even the term Tiger Team rubbed him the wrong way.
What was it supposed to mean? Albert suspected it was just a form of manipulation to get people to think they were special if they did something with a bunch of other people.
Well, Albert didn't feel special. In fact, working in a group just gave him a headache.


3-1 アルバートは自分の仕事に戻ってプロジェクトが終わったことに安堵した。彼は仕事を遂行することよりも他の誰もがやることに関心をもつ多くのグルーピーに対応する時の揉め事、落胆、限りなく続く時間を食う遅延などに全く煩わされずに一人で仕事ができることに感謝した。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

WSJ: Apple to build cheaper iPhone as smartphone dominance slips

In a tweet on Tuesday, The Wall Street Journal claimed Apple is currently working on a cheaper iPhone that could hit the market as soon as this year.

Coming just hours after DigiTimes said Apple would be releasing a less expensive iPhone with a larger 5-inch screen, The Journal tweeted an identical message seemingly corroborating the earlier report.

According to people briefed on the matter, Apple is reportedly looking to a new audience with the less expensive iPhone, a move the WSJ claims is in response to slipping smartphone supremacy.




DigiTimesがApple が現在のスクリーンよりも大きい5インチの廉価版iPhoneをリリースすると報じた数時間後だった。同氏の同じメッセージのツイートは一見最初の報道を裏づけているかのようだ。


3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

The thing is, most people cannot remember all the petty fights. If they read the news, they’ll know about some of them, maybe even get outraged by a couple, then move on and live as they’ve always lived.

Malcolm Gladwell wrote an article couple of years ago, pointing out nowadays people equate the “like” button on Facebook with actually doing something about a perceived injustice. Gladwell’s point is that we can’t just “like” something away; if we want to change something, we have to actually do something about it, and it might actually involve real and painful sacrifices.



数年前Malcolm Gladwell氏はある記事を書いたが、その中で今や人々は認識される不公正に関して実際に何かをすることをFacebookの「いいね」ボタンと同じようにしか見ていないと指摘していた。Gladwell氏が言いたかったのは、身近にないものを「いいね」と思うだけではならない、何かを変えようと思えばそれに対して行動を起こさなければならない、そして本物のつらい犠牲に関わらなければならないということだ。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Chinese Pinterests Have to Change Courses, Thanks to Taobao

Jack Ma’s comments on social shopping sites at an internal meeting earlier this year is no secret: Taobao wouldn’t like to see a small number of them to grow big enough to have a decisive impact on retailers’ sales. He’d like to see a short-grass prairie, rather than a forest with large trees.

Social shopping sites account for 21% of the total revenue cuts Taobao Union shared with third-party partners in 2012; mobile shopping apps earned half the total revenue shares, about 50 million yuan ($8mn), from Taobao Union’s mobile program.



今年初めに開かれた社内会議のソーシャルショッピングサイトについてのJack Ma氏の「Taobaoは少数のショッピングサイトが小売店の売り上げに決定的な影響を与えるまで大きく成長することを望んでいない。彼は大木の鬱蒼とした森よりも短い草の茂る草原を見たいのだ。」というコメントはすでに周知のところである。

2012年Taobao Unionがサードパーティーの提携会社とシェアしたソーシャルショッピングサイトの総収入からのカットは21%を占める。Taobao Unionのモバイルプログラムではモバイルショッピングアプリは総収入シェアの半分の約5000万元(800万ドル)を稼いでいる。