Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Humanity cannot be grasped in its totality by a view that exempts personhood, meaning, and redemption from its purview, by a perspective whose criterion is the machine rather than man(Feifel,1964).Leaving the mountain top for more earthly ground, it is becoming plain that power is needed along with scholarship and learning. It is not enough to offer advice, instructive as it may be. The call is to integrate existing knowledge concerning death and grief into our communal and public institutions. There is no way in a dynamic society that a strict line can be drawn between scholarship and wissenschaft and the tides of social change.


人間らしさ、人間としての意味、人間視野からの救済の欠けた、或いは人間というよりむしろ機械である(1964年 ファイフェル)という基準に基づく見方で、人間性の全体像を把握することは不可能だ。山頂から俗世に降りる時には学識や知恵と共にパワーが必要であることは明らかになってきている。アドバイスは、ためになるのはともかくとして、それをするだけでは十分ではない。要求は死に関する既存の知識や嘆きを共同施設、公的施設に溶け込ませることなのだ。ダイナミックな社会の中で、学識、究極的根拠をもつ知識体系、社会の変化の潮流の間に厳しい線引きをする手立てはない。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Perhaps the humanistic legacy of having graduated from a top liberal arts college has inoculated the more authoritarian women in this sample from closed-mindedness. In considering these findings on authoritarianism, it is important to keep in mind that this sample was generally nonauthoritarian (M=2.30 on a 5-point scale). The generally low score in part reflects the fact that the sample was college educated. It is unclear to what extent these results would replicate for less educated populations. Prior research on authoritarianism, however, has shown few differences in patterns of correlates between very different samples(e.g., see the range of samples reviewed by Winter, 1996, chapter 7).


おそらく、トップレベルのリベラル・アート・カレッジを卒業したという人間的な遺風はこのサンプルのより権威主義的な女性達に閉ざされた意識を植えつけたのだろう。権威主義に関するこのような発見を考えると、このサンプルは総合的に非権威主義的である。(5点スケールでM=2.30 )であったということを記憶に留めておくことが重要である。一部の全体的に低いスコアはサンプルが大卒のものだったという事実を反映している。これらの結果が高い教育を受けていない人々にどこまで再現されるのかは明らかではない。しかし、権威主義に関する先の研究は非常に異なったサンプル(ウインターにより批評されたサンプル範囲参照のこと。1996年 第7章)間の相関パターンにほとんど相違が見られなかったことを示している。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Nonetheless, when discussing authoritarians in this sample we are, in fact, discussing women high on authoritarianism only in a relative sense, compared to their college peers. Some of the women who scored relatively high on authoritarianism, therefore, may share some of the positive characteristics of women labeled conservers by Helson and Srivastava (2001) or labeled guardians (or identity foreclosed) by Josselson(1996).
Nonetheless, to summarize briefly, and to borrow a phrase from Kotre(1999), the generative way (with links to the nurturant parent) seems to lead to happier life outcomes compared with the authoritarian way (linked to the strict father).


それでもなお、このサンプルにおける権威主義者について話す時、実際、学生時代の級友と比較して相対的な意味においてのみ、権威主義度が高い女性について話していた。したがって権威主義的傾向が比較的高い女性は、Helson やSrivastavaによって保守的 (2001年)とレッテルを貼られたりJosselsonによって監視人とレッテルを貼られた(1996年)女性のポジチブな特質を幾つか共有できるかもしれない。なお、Kotre(1999)の言葉を借りてかいつまんで言えば、(子供の養育に熱心な親と結びつく)次世代育成度の高い方法は、(厳格な父親と結びつく)権威主義的方法よりも人を一層幸福な人生に導くようだ。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

The relationships of changed functions to aging per se ande to diseases, psychosocial crises, and personality remain obscure. There is at least reason to observe that personality change can occur all along the life spna, and that old age is no exception. Change obviously cannot be attributed only to professional effort, and changes in behavior out side
of professional effort and beyond professional understanding should not be casually categorized as either unreal or ''spontaneous''. It is necessary to study the changes wrought in life by experience, eventful or uneventful, by brief or enduring relationships with other human beings, or even through images evoked by hearing or reading of the experinces or efforts



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Goldfarb's brief therapy is oriented neither toward insight nor toward discharge, but rather toward amelioration of disturbed behavior. One might also speculate as to whether there is any relationship between the onset of the life review and the self-prediction and occurrence of death. Another question that arises is whether the intensity of a person's preoccupation with the past might express the wish to distance himself from death by restoring the past in inner experience and fantasy. This may be related to human narcissism or sense of omnipotence, for persons and events can in this way be recreated and brought back. At the same time a constructive reevaluation of the past mea faciliate a serene.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

The potential cost of marrying a masculine husband may be that he does not display more loving qualities such as compassion and tenderness. Once again, it is unclear whether the husbands of authoritarian women were, in fact, highly masculine and unloving, but, at the very least, their wives perceived them this way.
One might expect that motherhood might offer rewards to both generative and authoritarian women. According to traditional gender roles, women are the primary caregivers of children. Thus, the role of mother should appeal to authoritarian women, at least in the abstract. In fact, though, it was only the more generative women who expressed positive feelings about motherhood.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

This remarkable story was written in 1903 when James was 60. Other writings of James’s contain similar content. The Ambassadors is about a man superbly equipped to react to the experiences which came to him too late.34 The titles of his two unfinished novels are also pertinent to the life review: The Sense of the Past and The Ivory Tower. As Van Wyck Brooks has written, James’s fiction became increasingly tragic with age.35
11. The recent Japanese motion picture Ikiru describes the salvation of a man whose thirty unproductive years as a governmental bureau chief were interrupted by cancer; he undertook a new and constructive activity following acceptance of his impending death and review of his past.


この注目すべきストーリーは1930年、ジェームズが60歳の時、執筆された。他のジェームズの作品に同様の内容がある。The Ambassadors (「使者たち」)はあまりにも遅く(34)訪れた経験に応えるための準備がしっかり出来ている男の話だ。ジェームズの2つの未完の小説もやはり人生への反省に関連している。The Sense of the Past and The Ivory Tower(『象牙の塔・過去の感覚』)。ヴァン・ウィック・ブルックスが書いたように、ジェームズのフィクションは35歳の頃には、ますます悲劇的になってきた。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Another patient, 86 years old and periodically confused, often stood before the mirror in his hospital room and rhythmically chanted either happily or angrily. He was especially given to angry flare-ups and crying spells over food, money, and clothes. When angry he would screech obscenities at his mirror image, so savagely beating his fist upon a nearby table that the staff tried to protect him by covering the mirror. But in contrast to the first patient he denied that the image was himself, and when an observer came up beside him and said, “See, this is me in the mirror and there you are in the mirror,” he smiled and said, “That’s you in the mirror all right, but that’s not me.”



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Psychotherapeutic functioning and models of personality and psychopathology require amplified representation of the future and death in their horizons.There is a defite need to integrate the clinician's admiration for individuality and complexity with the researcher's demand for precise and vigorousdocumentation(Feifel,1969).We require comprehension and images that are more applicable to contemporary death and grief.Refinement in the pursuit of our craft,however,will not be sufficient unless it is carried on in the context of healing the humanity of the dying patient and wounded mourner.Our model of understanding and treatment must be the humanity of the person.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Predictably,though,the women were more concerned about the aging process at 62 compared to at 52, t(61)= 3.74, P< .001. (As a side note, these means for the age 62 feelings were almost identical to the means reported by Miner-Rubino, for college-educated women in their 60s.) The pattern of correlations with generativity was as predicted. Generativity was correlated positively with identity certainty, confident power, and generative concerns. Generativity was negatively correlated with aging concerns. Correlates held up at ages 52 and 62. Authoritarianism was correlated negatively with confident power at ages 52 and 62. It was also correlated negatively with generative concerns, but significantly only at age 62.


しかし予想通り、女性達は52歳の時と比較して62歳の時には年をとるプロセスに一層関心を持っておりt(61)= 3.74, P< .001だった。(注:この62歳時の気持ちの平均値はMiner-Rubinoが大卒の女性について60年代に 検査した報告の平均値とほぼ同じである。)次世代育成能力との相関パターンは予想通りだった。次世代育成能力はアイデンティティーの確信、確信力、次世代育成への興味に積極的に相関していた。次世代育成能力は年を取ることへの関心に消極的に相関していた。52歳の時と62歳の時の相関性が示されている。権威主義は52歳と62歳の時の確信力に消極的に相関していた。権威主義は次世代育成への関心にも消極的に相関していたが、62歳の時のみそれが顕著だった。  

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

All 44 items of this self-report scale are answered on a 5-point metric. The Extraversion scale contains eight items (three were reverse scored), including “generates a lot of enthusiasm.” Agreeableness was assessed with nine items(four reverse scored), including “is considerate and kind to almost everyone.” Conscientiousness was measured with nine items(four reverse scored), including “does a thorough job.” Neuroticism contains eight items (three reverse scored), including “can be tense.” Finally, openness to experience was assessed with 10 items(2 reverse scored), including “is original, comes up with new ideas.” Item means and standard deviations for each scale are depicted in Table4.

