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[Translation from English to Japanese ] OpenTiket To Be Available Soon; Online Ticket Reservation via Mobile Will Be ...

Original Texts
OpenTiket To Be Available Soon; Online Ticket Reservation via Mobile Will Be Even More Exciting

Since the emergence of startup community Stasion, the development of digital industry (startup) in this city is getting seen and exciting. Some of the services/startups have been discussed on DailySocial. The startups/services in this city are also very interesting and arguably is able to compete with the startups/services from big cities from business model, technique and UI/UX sides. There will be another service made by the people from Malang that will be released soon. This time, we acquired information that a service named will be released soon. One of the interesting things of OpenTiket is the founders. Other than being one of the initiators of Stasion community, each of them also helped several startups namely,, Ongkoskirim, etc. They are Heru Herlambang and Revandi M.
We also had the chance to do an interview via email with Heru Herlambang. Here’s our interview with Heru as the founder of DS: What is

Heru: Simply put, OpenTiket is an app to replace ticket counter. We all know what a counter is and how it works so I guess I don’t have to explain about it.

What makes OpenTiket different from other ticket reservation services in Indonesia is – other than as ticket reservation app – OpenTiket also provides ticket distribution channel which packed in a comprehensive way to make it easier for vendor in selling the service and shortens the distribution process as well as makes it easy for customer to book/buy ticket and pays it. DS: There are so many ticket reservation services available already, so what is the background of’s establishment?

Heru: We are aware of that but as we learned from some researches during these past years, the existing ticket reservation solutions haven’t be able to fully accommodate the market’s needs.

At OpenTiket, we can’t be sure yet whether the solution we offered can accommodate all those needs, but at least we can make it easier, more efficient and effective; both for vendor and customer.

If we see one of our neighbor namely Singapore, about how easy for someone to book train ticket, maybe we can understand the problems in our ticket reservation system today. Different with the existing ticket reservation systems in the market today, which mostly focusing on the detailed information on the services they are selling to lead the customer while doing a transaction, OpenTiket will not provide that. OpenTiket’s focus is the transaction, not information. And by focusing on transaction, we can easily distribute OpenTiket’s platform to other electronic media.

For example, if you search on Google the keyword “Bali”, we’re sure that most of the search result will lead you to the information on Bali and not about service reservation in Bali. And through OpenTiket Developer Connect (ODC) feature which we also developed inside OpenTiket platform, we are hoping to join hands with those information providers to integrate OpenTiket platform into their websites.
What about the payment system? Most of ticket reservation systems out there are depending on payment method using credit card, online banking and money transfer through the ATM. Those methods are indeed efficient, activity-wise, but are those effective enough? The truth is, we can see that not all the customer in Indonesia is comfortable with those methods. Those who prefer to pay in cash certainly higher in number and for that reason OpenTiket opens agency chance for everyone to settle the problem.

DS: What makes OpenTiket different and more special than other ticket reservation services? Heru: From the background we’ve explained above, actually the difference between OpenTiket’s platform with other ticket reservation service is apparent. If we can divide it, what makes OpenTiket special than other ticket reservation service are:

Compact App
OpenTiket app is developed to support multiplatform both on desktop and mobile. With this app, vendor, agent and customer can use it in easier and faster way.

Distribution channel
Easiness for customer in getting a good service through website, mobile as well as agent which not limited to the B2C concept but also B2B. The completeness of product offered
At OpenTiket, we provide many ticket services which categorized in to 8 main categories namely accommodation, theme park, film (cinema), transportation, tour activity, event, match and sport center.

Payment Easiness
OpenTiket not only accommodates online payment system but also direct or cash payment system through OpenTiket’s agents.

Agency system with profit sharing concept
OpenTiket gives the chance for everyone to be ticket agent and OpenTiket will share the profit from the difference of public price with agency price given by vendor. Open API
Through OpenTiket Developer Connect feature, we are hoping to offer alternative income for website and mobile app developers other than ads.

DS: What kind of services does OpenTiket offer to the users?
Heru: OpenTiket usage is divided into 3 types namely customer, agent and vendor. Fortunately, we are offering different services for each type of user with different benefit, for example:
Translated by yakuok
OpenTiket、間もなくサービス開始 ー モバイル利用のオンラインチケット予約がより楽しく

我々は今回、OpenTiket.comと称されるサービスが間もなく開始されるという情報を得た。OpenTiketの面白い点の1つはその創始者にある。Stasionコミュニティの発起人の1人としてだけではなく、創始者は共に、、、Ongkoskirimなどのスタートアップの支援を行ってきている。彼らは、Heru HerlambangとRevandi Mだ。
我々は、Heru HerlambangとEメールインタビューを行うチャンスも得た。以下が、我々とOpenTiket.comの創始者Heruの間で行われたインタビュー内容だ:






そして、私達がOpenTiketプラットフォーム内に構築したOpenTiket Developer Connect(ODC)機能を通じて、私達はそれらの情報プロバイダーと協力し合い、OpenTiketプラットフォームと彼らのウェブサイトと統合させたいと考えています。





OpenTiket Developer Connect機能を通じて、私達は、ウェブサイトとモバイルアプリのディベロッパーに広告料以外の代理収入を提供していければと思っています。



Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
3 days
yakuok yakuok