I messaged you about the ACD title that you proposed (job title).
Originally, I did not have a specialty in digital marketing. I have come to make my living mainly in graphic design. Afterwards I was able to concurrently do digital jobs as well. Now I'm doing web design work for a company in the industry while creating plans, marketing campaigns, promotions, commercials etc. while collaborating with an external production company.
I would like to contact you regarding the title of ACD which you proposed.
I am not specialist of digital marketing originally.
I did the graphic design mainly. Then, I did the digital job with the design together at the same time.
I work as a web designer in the company as a senior art director now.
It means I do the branding, campaign, promotion, CM etc. with outside production company.
I wanted to get in touch with you regarding the ACD title of your proposal.
I am not originally a marketing expert, but have mainly been doing graphic designing for living. At the same time, after that, I did some digital work, too. And now I serve as a senior art director to create branding, campaign, promo, CM and others with the cooperating external production company by leading web designers at a business company.
I am sending this email regarding ACD’s title you suggested me.
Well, at first, I wasn’t originally not a specialist in digital market. I used to be working at a graphic design field. Afterwards, I started working in digital field along with my main job. And now I am doing branding, campaigns, promotion and CM etc as a senior art director with my web designers under me in the office working with outside making company.