Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] Thank you very much for everything you've done, Paul. You supported Rei even...

Original Texts
ポールさん、この度は本当にお世話になりました。レイがホームシックにかかったのを変わらずサポート頂きレイのご家族も大変感謝されていました。レイは着いてすぐホームシックになったようで、日本料理のお店に連れて行ってもらって日本茶を飲んだ時、思わず嬉しくて泣いたそうです。ポールさんも優しくケリーはとても明るい陽気な女の子で日本語でもコミュニケーションを取ってくれて、とても楽しい毎日を過ごしたとサナは話をしてくれました。 携帯電話の使用の件はサナも大変反省していて、あなた達に心配をかけてしまった事を申し訳なく思っています。また、学校にお知らせ頂いた保護者の方にも感謝していて、無くなって諦めがついたので自分にとってとても良かったと言っています。お騒がせしましたが、来年も行きたいと呑気な事を言っています。次回は是非ケリーが日本に来てください。私たちはあまり英語が得意ではありませんが、一生懸命サポート致しますので大阪であなたがくる事をお待ちしています。 サラは今日、少し時差ボケになっていたようで、お昼過ぎ(ついさっき)まで寝ていました。色々とオーストラリアのお土産もありがとうございました。大好きなコーヒーを今わたしも頂きながらサラの旅の話を楽しく聞いています。本当にありがとうございました。またいつかお会い出来る日を楽しみにしています。そしてこの出会いに感謝しています。お二人ともお元気で。
Translated by chibbi
Thank you very much for everything you've done, Paul. You supported Rei even though she became homesick. Rei's family was very appreciative. Seems like Rei became homesick right after she arrived, and She cried tears of joy when she was taken to the Japanese restaurant for a cup of tea. Sana told me that Paul was kind and Kelly was a cheerful girl and communicated in Japanese and she had a fun time every day.
Sana also regrets about using the cell phone and is very sorry for troubling you. She is also appreciative of those parents who reported the school. Since losing it now makes her relief and, she says it turned out to be a good thing for her after all. Of all the troubles she caused, she is optimistic saying that she still likes to visit you next year again. We want Kelly to come and visit Japan next time. We aren't really good at English, but we will do our best to support her. We will be looking forward to seeing Kelly in Osaka.
Sara seems to have a jet lat a little today, and she even overslept (until a minute ago) past lunch time. Thank you so much for all the souvenirs from Austrailia. Right now, I'm enjoying hearing stories from her trip having my favorite coffee. Thank you so much. We look forward to seeing you again someday, and we appreciate that we met. Take care of yourselves.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
30 minutes
chibbi chibbi