Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] We reiterate the fact that Loving touch was not repaired but a new piece sen...

Original Texts
We reiterate the fact that Loving touch was not repaired but a new piece sent to you, as a matter of fact the item has been sold several times after and the same distinct crack that you refer to was also evident in the other pieces, simply because the baby is separate and attached before firing to the mother, when in the oven some times because of the expansion in the kiln there is a separation that looks like a crack. We spend valuable time in ensuring that items are packed very carefully and securely so that they reach safely their destination without damage, fact that you simply ignore and do not appreciate, and do not have time to neither peel stickers, repair items not change lap documentation. Hence please don´t make any assumptions. As far as 08438 " Precious Angel " is concerned only because our ultimate goal is to ensure that are customers are satisfied with the products they purchase, if you wish to return by post we can replace with a fresh piece.
You may note the lap number of this item so that you can be sure we are not sending you the same piece.
We are proposing this as an option to your original suggestion of taking the item to the Lladro head office to verify quality and authenticity.

Finally let us explain that our reputation and credibility with customers comes first, we have many satisfied customers around the globe that continue to purchase from us regularly and that is only a result of hard work, and an honest and efficient service. We would like to also keep supplying you with any requirements you may have and you are a valuable client.

We await your response as to what you wish to do.
Translated by yakuok
何度もお伝えしておりますが、Loving Touch に関しましては私共では補修などは行っておらず、新しい商品をお送りしました。実際、貴方に商品をお送りした後、何名かの方々にも同じ商品をお買い上げ頂いており、それらの商品にも同様の傷が見受けられたようですが、この傷は、赤ん坊の部位は元々母親の部位と離れた状態なのですが、焼竈に入れてそれら2つの部位の焼き付け・貼り付け作業を行う際に、焼成炉内での膨張により2つの部位の間に隙間ができるようですが、この部分が傷のように見受けられるようです。私共では、全ての商品がきちんとそして慎重に梱包されることを確認し、それらの商品を損傷などなくお客様のお手元にお届けするため、諸所の確認作業に時間を費やしております。お客様には、これらの点を認めてご理解頂けず残念でありますが、私共ではシールの取りはがしをしたり、補修をしたり、諸書類の差し替えなどを行う時間などは全くもってございません。
ですので、仮説の上での判断はお控え頂きたく思います。08438 " Precious Angel " に関して言いますと、お客様にご満足頂けることを私共の究極の目的地点として定めさせて頂いており、もし貴方に商品を返送して頂けましたら新しいものをお取替え致します。その際には管理番号をお控えください。管理番号にて私共から送られてくる交換品が同じ商品ではないことをご確認頂けるかと思います。



Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 6 hours
yakuok yakuok