I will try to help you to correct the error on my order. I have a picture of the offer that I used to order the product in the first place. Please send you fax number and I will forward back to you a copy of the advertisement.
When you look at it you will see that the ARS LA-180ZR305 Razor Edge 6-10ft ZR Series Telescoping LongReach TM Pruner is pictured and offered at $114. When my package arrived it contained an ARS pull saw and the only number that I have on the product is 255Z-1.8L.
ご覧頂ければ ARS LA-180ZR305 Razor Edge 6-10ft ZR Series Telescoping LongReach TM Prunerが写真に載っていて$114で提供されているのが分かると思います。私のパッケージが着いた時にはARSプルソーが入っていてその商品についている唯一の数字は255A-1.8L.のみでした。
広告には切取り刃付き1.8から3メートル伸張できるTelescoping LongReachのZシリーズARS LA-180ZR305写真が載っていて、値段は114ドルです。私が荷物を受取ったときにはARSの引き鋸と255Z-1.8Lの番号だけでした。
If you can guarantee a full refund of my money, including shipping from the US, then I will send the incorrect pruner back. Shipping from the US will cost around $114 according my local FedEx shipping agent. I really like your products but I am quite unhappy with the false advertisement and I will be relieved to get my money back.