Travel Discovery Startup Flocations Receives $573,000 in Funding
Type in your budget and Flocations will map your possible travel destinations within your price range. Ten months ago, the startup was pitching on stage at our very first Startup Asia Singapore conference. Today, the Singapore-based startup has raised SGD$700,000 (about US$573,000) in a round of funding led by TNF Ventures. SingTel Innov8 and angel investor Ben T. Ball also participated in the financing round.
予算を入力すればFlocationsは予算に合わせた旅行先を探してくれる。10ヶ月前、スタートアップは我々が主催する最初のStartup Asia Singapore会議に向けて準備をしていた。今日、シンガポールを拠点とするこのスタートアップはTNV Ventures率いるファンディングラウンドで70万シンガポールドル(57.3万USドル)を獲得した。SingTel Innov8とエンジェル投資家Ben T. Ballもこの資金ラウンドに参加している。
まずは予算を入力してみよう、そうすればFlocationsは予算内で可能な旅行先を地図に表示する。10カ月前、同スタートアップは我々の最初のStartup Asia Singaporeのカンファレンスにおいて、ステージ上でプレゼンテーションを行っていた。そして今日、シンガポールを拠点とする同スタートアップはTNF Venturesがリードする資金調達ラウンドで70万シンガポールドル(およそ57万3000米ドル)を集めたのだ。SingTel Innov8とエンジェル投資家Ben T. Ball氏もこの資金調達ラウンドに参加した。
Since it graduated from JFDI’s incubator program, Flocations has attracted about 30,000 new users each month, and most of those users originate from Singapore. With the new capital injection, Flocations will be ramping up its marketing efforts throughout Southeast Asia and improving its product by trying to understand the buying decision process of travelers. Tudor Coman, a co-founder of Flocations, said:
There are many stages of buying [a holiday trip]. From the daydreaming phase, to the purchase, information on the actual trip, and the return. These are all facets that we are interested in and they migrate back and forth between your laptop and phone. We’re keen to go beyond the first and second phase and expand onto other surfaces but it’s a matter of time and money.
Flocations is looking for talent, including graphic designers, social media managers, and mobile developers. If you’re interested to join this crew, head over to the FAQ section to get in touch with the founders.
Flocations’ business model currently relies on affiliates’ commission whenever it brings traffic or sales to its hotel or airline company partners.