I understand your situation, however; as I mentioned previously, ACell only
has clearance to sell its devices within the US only. That means that
anyone outside of the US cannot obtain ACell material and outside of the US
includes Europe. I dont understand why you are trying to get around the
system, but we cannot assist you with this matter. Also, to be clear, ACell
can also only sell to a physician within the US as we are a prescription
(訳注:「outside of the US cannot obtain ACell material and outside of the US includes Europe.」の部分は一部重複していると思われましたので「outside of the US includes Europe cannot obtain ACell material.」と取りました。また、「as we are a prescription device.」の部分は本来は「as it is a prescription device.」のはずではないかと推察します。急いで書かれた文章のようですね)
ACell is working to offer its technology outside of the US, but
this will not happen until next year at the earliest and because of the
difficulty getting devices in Japan, it will even be longer before we can
get our devices into your country.
We appreciate you interest and we are working to offer our technology
outside of the US.
Best regards,
失礼しました。「outside of the US cannot obtain ACell material and outside of the US includes Europe.」の部分はそのままで翻訳可能でした。意味は変わりません。「つまり、アメリカ国外では誰も ACell 製品を入手できないということです。アメリカ国外にはヨーロッパも含みます。」となります。