10 Reasons Why There aren’t Many Startups in Japan
A survey by Global Entrepreneurship Monitor has shown that Japan has the lowest entrepreneurship activity among the 37 countries that were included in the study…
Studies show that the best predictor of the entrepreneurial activity is population growth. This somewhat makes sense because if there are more people a) there are more opportunities b) there’s low job security and social security c) there are more people to compete against in order to survive. Then we might assume that developed countries usually have low entrepreneurship because there’s low population growth.
Global Entrepreneurship Monitorの調査によると、日本での起業家精神の活性化は研究活動も含め、37カ国中もっとも低くなっている。
Global Entrepreneurship Monitorによる調査では、日本は彼らの調査対象37か国の中で最低の起業活動しか見られないという結果が出た。
同調査は起業活動に対してもっとも良い先行指数となるのは人口成長率であることを示している。これは考えてみればもっともなことで、もしも人口が増えれば、a) 機会も増大する b) 雇用の保障と社会保障は低下する c) 生き残るために競争に身を投じる人が増える、ということである。つまり、我々は先進国は人口成長率が鈍っているために、常に起業活動も低調である、と仮定することができるかもしれない。
However Japan has a higher birthrate than Singapore and Korea but scores lower in the entrepreneurship index.
As the matter of fact Japan has some characteristics that makes it a very suitable country for entrepreneurs such as
Low tax rate (compared with the US or the EU)
High work ethic and masculinity culture (work is important, growth is essential, etc.)
Educated workforce
High Integration with the rest of the world (compared with any other large Asian, South American or African countries)
Why is then there are few startups in Japan???
1. Japan scores lowest of all countries as regards risk-taking behavior (according to the World Value Survey, 2005-2008). Starting a company with a few people on a small bdget is taking a huge risk.
2. Japan is a collective society and in collective societies there's low need for "individual self-achievement." If you don’t have a strong desire for “self-fulfillment” or being very influential or very rich you wouldn’t want to start a company.
3. Japan has high power-distance in society. This makes things very hard for young entrepreneurs when dealing with suppliers, creditors and even employees. Additionally this makes decision making harder and longer.
2. 日本は集団的な社会である。そして集団的社会においては「個々人の自己実現」に対する欲求は小さい。もしも自己充足や、周囲に影響を与えるような存在になることや、大金持ちになることに対する強い望みを持たなければ、会社を起ち上げようなどとは思わないであろう。
3. 日本は社会の中に高い序列を築いている。このことにより若い起業家にとってサプライヤーや債権者、あるいは時には自社の従業員すらも、扱いが非常に難しいという問題をもたらす。さらに言うなら、このことは決断を下すのが困難かつ長い時間を要する原因でもある。
4. Japanese people have low internal locus of control (belief that outside factors change things, government, city, big corporations etc.)
5. In Japan, the best job is thought to be the most secure job; not the best paying job. Thats why the majority of the students just want to get a life time job regardless of the job itself.
6. In Japan one of the worst things is disappointing others. If you found a startup and if it fails you will take others down with you.
7. In Japan the most important thing is "majime suru." That is, how you are doing one thing is as important as, if not more important than, the result itself. This is against the startup philosophy:
5. 日本においては最良の仕事とは報酬が最も良いものではなく最も安定したものを指す。したがって大部分の学生はただ単に一生続けられる仕事を望み、仕事の内容に無頓着である。
6. 日本では、最悪の出来事というのは他人を失望させることである。もしも起業して失敗した場合、それは周囲にも迷惑をかけることになる。
7. 日本において最も重要なことは「真面目にする」ことである。つまり、それをどのように行うかということが、結果そのものと同様に、あるいはそれ以上に重要なのである。これは起業精神とは相反している。
In startups you have to achieve many things with small workforce, small amount of money and in a very short time. That is, in startups because of constrains many things have to be “macha kucha” and this is against "majime suru."
8. In Japan companies want to do business with big organization with long history just to be safe. That is, if a few young techie guys go to a company and say "hey, we have this new web application and we will give it to you for free." No company will talk to them because they are very young, they have no capital and their company has no history. That's why in Japan companies list how much paid capital and the head count they have on their websites.
8. 日本の起業は長い歴史を持つ大きな組織と、ただ安全のためだけに、取引をしたがる。これはつまり、数少ない若い技術オタクたちがとある企業に出向いて「もしもし、我々はここに新しいwebアプリケーションを持ってきました、どうぞ無料でお使いください」と言ったとしても、彼らが非常に若いうえに、資本も持たず、会社は歴史が浅いという理由で、彼らと話をしようとする企業は存在しないということである。このために、日本の各企業はwebサイトの上に資本金と従業員数を掲載しているわけだ。
9. Japanese culture has "long time orientation." That is, from a western point of view its normal that a small company can grow exponentially (100% this year and 500% next year). If a company grows this fast in Japan (e.g. 5 folds every year) people would think it’s very unhealthy. What is worse, a startup which is trying to reach a global audience or grow 5-10 folds a year might be seen very aggressive in Japan.
…Startups need to move very fast. You can find these kinds of quotes on the walls of facebook "move fast break things" or "done is better than perfect" But to a Japanese these things don't make much sense. If you move fast and if you don’t check what you are doing, you will be disrespected in Japan.
…Startups need to move very fast. You can find these kinds of quotes on the walls of facebook "move fast break things" or "done is better than perfect" But to a Japanese these things don't make much sense. If you move fast and if you don’t check what you are doing, you will be disrespected in Japan. More importantly, Japanese people want to do things perfectly, it’s better to wait and do it right in the first place right than trial and error.
1. Japan has the lowest social network usage in the world as a result of smaller social circles (usually ones circle is limited with co-workers and high school friends) where in the West people have larger circles.
Smaller friend circle means smaller social capital that means it’s harder for Japanese to find individuals to collaborate with.
As it can be seen most of these are related with “risk avoidance” and “long term arientation.” However there are some factors that make it very hard for Japanese startups to be scucesful. Such as
1. Little Understanding of the Local Culture: I never forget, when I first arrived in Japan, in almost all book stores they were selling a book called “free.” This book talks about why it’s good to do free sampling or give away free promotions.
これらのほとんどが「リスク逃避」や「長期的な疎外」に基づいていることが分かるだろう。 しかし日本人が成功する為にスタートアップするのが困難な要因がいくつかある。
The fact is, these kinds of promotions are very common all around the world but not in Japan. Japanese people even have a proverb for “how bad a free stuff is.” Many people bought the book and thought that this was the new trend even though it was against the Japanese culture. This still continues today… For instance, it’s against the Japanese culture that one constantly discloses his/her location on foursquare or on another sns because a) it’s not safe, “chikan” might follow them b) it’s selfish. However, today many developers are betting on location based services in Japan.
2. Little Understanding of Local Social Dynamics: For instance, Twitter is way more popular than Facebook in Japan and past studies show that twitter is better for acquiring new customers and driving sales. However, most developers in Japan are focusing on Facebook and that’s why Japan doesn’t have its own Hootsuite or Twitpic.
3. Little understanding of Marketing and Consumer Behavior: When I teach marketing strategy, in the first class I teach
a) if you don’t have a business connection, never invest in a B2B company because it’s 100 times more difficult to sell to a company than an individual, without any personal connection
3. マーケティングと消費者行動に対する理解不足-マーケティング戦略の授業で私がはじめに教えることは a) 商社でないなら、企業間取引をする会社には決して投資しないこと。企業に人脈なしに販売することは、個人に販売するのの100倍難しいのだから。
訂正です。「8. 日本の起業は」→「8. 日本の企業は」