We’re Rebranding: Announcing ‘Tech in Asia’
We’re dropping the name Penn Olson and rebranding our Asia tech news blog to (drumroll please…) Tech in Asia (Techinasia.com). Some of you likely saw this coming as we have been gradually making changes to some of our online presences over the past few weeks [1]. The original name was never ever chosen in the context of it being a tech blog focusing on Asia. It started out more as a self-learning blog which we then focused more on social media, and later even used to run digital marketing campaigns for brands.
我々は、アジアにおけるテクノロジー関連ニュースブログであるPenn Olsonの名称を改め(ドラムロール開始・・・)Tech in Asia(Techinasia.com)とすることを決定した。 我々は過去数週間に渡り、徐々にオンライン・プレゼンスの改新を行っていたため、読者のみんなは何らかの動きがあると感じとれていたことと思う[1]。そもそも元の名称は、アジアに焦点を置いたテクノロジー関連ブログということで決定されたものではなかった。当初は自学的ブログとして立ち上げられたのだが、後にソーシャルメディアにより焦点を置くようになり、また数々のブランドのためのデジタルマーケティングキャンペーンなどを取り上げていたりもした。
We didn’t like the agency work so we shifted our focus to tech in Asia, where we found our sweet spot. Things have changed so much that the old name wasn’t much related to the things that we’re doing right now. But I do acknowledge that Penn Olson has served us well, like an invisible guardian angel that has taught me much about blogging and all things on the web.
Some of our close friends look forward to the rebranding, but some are sad that the name couldn’t stay any longer. But we made a decision to rebrand to Tech in Asia because we wanted it to immediately make sense to the millions of potential readers who are or will be taking a closer look at technology and startups in Asia in the near future.
我々の友人の多くは再ブランド化を心待ちにしているが、幾名かの友人達は古い名称が存在しなくなることに対して寂しさを覚えているようだ。しかし我々は、現在アジアにおけるテクノロジーとスタートアップをより深く知りたいと思っている何百万人もの読者や、近い将来にそれらについてより深く知りたいと思うような何百万人もの読者が、ぱっと見てすぐに関連付けができるようにという理由から、Tech in Asiaへの再ブランド化を行う決断をしたのだ。
We will also rebrand our Twitter, Facebook, Weibo, Google+, and other web presences to maintain the Tech in Asia brand consistency. Other than the rebranding, everything else will pretty much remain the same. Our team will be working as hard as ever to dig up and report on the latest tech and startup news across Asia.
The logo is made up of the letters ‘T’ (ech) and ‘A’(sia) which forms the shape of the Asia continent and the figure ‘8’ if you look sideways. ‘8’ is a good number in in Asia which stands for prosperity. Our red theme color is chosen as it is a common color found in most flags in Asia. Red also stands for prosperity too.
Special thanks to Yao Liu for coming up with our new logo, Leo Haryono for advising us on SEO matters, Eric Koh for server matters, and also Yet Another Studio for the design tweaks and site migration.
Most importantly we’d like to thank all of our readers and supporters who have helped us get this far. We look forward to growing with you, continuing to build this company in the future.
You may have noticed our Facebook page URL, for example, has been facebook.com/techinasia for some time now. ↩
お知らせまでだが、我々のFacebookページのURLは、既に facebook.com/techinasia へと改変されており、改変からしばらくの時間が経過しているが、これに気づいた読者もいるだろう。↩