[Translation from English to Japanese ] Brazilian and Chinese Internet Markets: Where Should You be Investing? [Th...

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Brazilian and Chinese Internet Markets: Where Should You be Investing?

[This post is written by our guest editors, Marc Violo (mviolo@mac.com) who has been based in China since 2008 and been working on a variety digital projects with Tencent, Edvaldo Acir (edvaldoacir@uol.com.br) who is a digital marketing management consultant and Brazil IAB’s Director of the AdNetworks Committee, and Andre Bodowski (bodowski@yahoo.com), a digital marketing professional based in New York and São Paulo.]

Brazil and China represent the economic power hubs of their respective regions, and despite different languages, cultures, political and economic systems, there are many similarities when it comes to their Internet markets.

Rating 50
Translation / Japanese
- Posted at 19 Jan 2012 at 18:28

「この投稿は我々のゲストエディターであるMarc Violo氏 (mviolo@mac.com)によって書かれており、 氏は2008年から中国に滞在し、 デジタルマーケティングコンサルタント、Brazil IABのAdNetworks Committee取締役をつとめるEdvaldo Acir氏(edvaldoacir@uol.com.br)、ニューヨーク、サンパウロをベースとするデジタルマーケティングのプロであるAndre Bodowski氏(bodowski@yahoo.com)らとともにTencentの数々のデジタルプロジェクトに携わってきた。」

[deleted user]
Rating 50
Translation / Japanese
- Posted at 19 Jan 2012 at 17:58



Companies considering investing in these two BRIC economies should know that profitable opportunities are plentiful, even though many large Internet firms have already established themselves and now hold important market share. A direct comparison based on strategic Internet figures should assist with the investment analysis and decisions.

The year 2011 ends with Brazil surpassing the U.K. to become the world’s 6th largest economy. The Brazilian Internet market is now 74 million strong according to Ibope/Nielsen Research Center, and as a result Brazil is attracting investments from major global firms.

Rating 44
Translation / Japanese
- Posted at 20 Jan 2012 at 02:39

[deleted user]
Rating 50
Translation / Japanese
- Posted at 19 Jan 2012 at 20:46

2011年はイギリスを抜き世界第6の国になろうとしているブラジルと共に幕を閉じた。Ibope/Nielsen Research Centerによれば、現在ブラジルのインターネット市場は7400万人もの規模であり、結果として大多数の国際企業からの投資を引きつけている。

Recent arrivals such as Facebook, Netflix, and Amazon are fighting for market share against companies that entered the Brazilian market a few years ago: Google, Yahoo and Microsoft. And all compete with home-grown market pioneers UOL, Globo.com, IG, and Terra Networks.

Even though China’s online population is the largest in the world with over 457 million netizens (Incitez.com), foreign companies have shown their fair share of fiascoes. Global giants such as Ebay, Google, and more recently Groupon, as well as smaller ventures have all faced tremendous difficulties developing sustainable business models in China.

Rating 50
Translation / Japanese
- Posted at 19 Jan 2012 at 22:09
最近登場したFacebookやNetflix、アマゾンはGoogle、Yahoo、Microsoftという数年前にブラジル市場に参入した企業と市場の奪い合いをしている。それに加え、地元企業の先駆けであるUOL、Globo.com、IGおよびTerra Networksも含まれる。

[deleted user]
Rating 50
Translation / Japanese
- Posted at 19 Jan 2012 at 21:27
昨今誕生したFacebook, NetflixやAmazon等は数年前ブラジル市場に参入した企業:Google, YahooやMicrosoftと市場シェアを争っている。またすべての参入企業はUOL, Globo.com, IG,やTerra Networksといった国内市場の先駆者と競合している。

45700万人を超える世界最大の中国のネット人口(Incitez.com)にも関わらず、海外企業は公正なシェア獲得の失敗を示している。Ebay, Googleさらに最近ではGrouponといった巨大グローバル企業も小さなベンチャー企業同様に、将来性のあるビジネスモデルを中国で構築するのに厳しい困難に直面している。

It should be noted that in order to be successful in China’s web space, companies must go local: hire local talents throughout the hierarchy, design localized business strategies, and avoid forcefully imposing to the Chinese market the same models that have been successful in the home country or in other subsidiaries.

Ad Spending

The IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) in Brazil has recently presented an extensive study on the current state of online advertising spending, adding new criteria and expanding the scope of previous studies. In the past, the IAB considered only spending data from display media. Now it also includes spending in the major search engines in Brazil: Ask, Bing, Google, and Yahoo.

Rating 50
Translation / Japanese
- Posted at 19 Jan 2012 at 22:28


ブラジルのIAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau)は最近、オンライン広告費用についての詳細な調査を発表し、新しい項目を追加するとともに過去の見通しを拡大した。以前は、IABは費用としてディスプレイメディアのみを対象と考えていた。今ではブラジルのサーチエンジン(Ask,Bing,Google,Yahooなど)も費用調査の対象としている。
Rating 44
Translation / Japanese
- Posted at 20 Jan 2012 at 02:53


ブラジルのIAB(Interactive Advertising Bureau)は最近、オンライン広告の出費、新しい批評の追加、以前の研究の範囲の拡張においての最近の状況の広範囲にわたる研究を公開した。過去において、IABはディスプレイメディアからのデータにのみへの支出を考えていた。いま、それはブラジルの主要な検索エンジン:Ask、Bing、Google、Yahooにおいての支出も含む。
★★☆☆☆ 2.0/1

Because search engines do not report their data to the organization, the Brazil IAB creates spending estimates which are the result of surveys with Brazilian ad agencies and advertisers. In addition, the Brazil IAB analyses investment guidelines and data from markets similar to Brazil.

The new study indicates that roughly 50% of online advertising spending in Brazil is invested in search, while display represents the other half. The study forecasts online ad spending in Brazil to reach $3.1 billion in 2011, a 10% share of the total advertising market in the country, with an expected growth rate of 25% compared to 2010.

Rating 50
Translation / Japanese
- Posted at 19 Jan 2012 at 22:38

Rating 44
Translation / Japanese
- Posted at 20 Jan 2012 at 03:01
検索エンジンは彼らのデータを組織へ報告しないので、Brazil IABはブラジルの広告会社と広告主の調査結果である支出の見積もりを作成している。さらに、Brazil IABはブラジルと類似する市場からの投資ガイドラインとデータを分析する。

★★☆☆☆ 2.0/1

Compared to the Brazilian internet advertising market, the Chinese search engines are known for unclear display advertising pricing policies which don’t make them the first choice of advertisers. Showing much better growth potential is mobile advertising.

With 303 million mobile internet users or 66% of its connected population, advertisers are increasingly reaching out to ad networks to develop mobile digital advertising strategies. Of recent investments in this market, InMobi, one of the leading global ad networks, have started heavily investing in China and opening offices there to compete against strong local players such as MadHouse.

Rating 50
Translation / Japanese
- Posted at 19 Jan 2012 at 22:19

Rating 44
Translation / Japanese
- Posted at 20 Jan 2012 at 03:09

★★☆☆☆ 2.0/1

Digital Divide

Social inequality is also traceable in the digital world both in Brazil and China. In Brazil, among the poorest 10% only 0.6% have Internet access. Among the richest 10%, 56.3% are online. In reginal terms, Internet access in the South (25.6%) and Southeast (26.6%) contrasts clearly with the North (12%) and Northeast (11.9%) according to research conducted by Ibope/Nielsen. This gap is clearly less perceivable in China, where Tier 1 cities like Shanghai or Beijing, have over 34% of its population online, while in less developed cities (Tier 3) have a 28% internet penetration rate (Incitez.com).

Rating 44
Translation / Japanese
- Posted at 20 Jan 2012 at 03:21

★★☆☆☆ 2.0/1
Rating 66
Translation / Japanese
- Posted at 20 Jan 2012 at 05:08


When it comes to social networking, the most noticeable trend in both countries is their growing addiction to micro-blogging. According to Mercopress, Brazil still sits in the top three countries with the highest Twitter penetration (24%) and China proves to have the fastest growing micro-blogging sphere of all times. Introduced in August 2009 by Sina, one of China’s leading information portals, the Twitter like “Weibo”, is already used by 24% of Tier one citizens, which represents 250 million users according to CIC a local leading business intelligence provider.

Rating 60
Translation / Japanese
- Posted at 21 Jan 2012 at 07:00

2009年にSinaが始め、 中国の先端を行く情報ポータル ツイッターのような “Weibo”は、2億5000万人のユーザーに相当する第1層の24%の人がすでに利用していると、現地の先端ビジネスインテリジェンスプロバイダであるCICは伝えている。
Rating 66
Translation / Japanese
- Posted at 20 Jan 2012 at 05:17

Weibo, quickly went from being perceived as a copycat product to an innovative one and is now an inspiration for Twitter, for third party, video or image integration.

There is also consensus in the industry that the economy in Brazil will continue to grow despite the Euro zone problems and the slow growth in the U.S. In addition, online ad spending is expected to skyrocket because of the 2014 FIFA World Cup of Soccer and the 2016 Summer Olympics – both of which will be hosted by Brazil. Expect new and important digital players coming Latin America’s largest economy in 2012.

Rating 50
Translation / Japanese
- Posted at 21 Jan 2012 at 09:08

ブラジルの経済は、ユーロ圏の問題と米国の低成長にもかかわらず、成長し続けるという見通しが業界内にあり、オンライン広告の支出はブラジルでホストされる2014 FIFAワールドサッカーワールドカップ、2016年の夏季オリンピックに後押しされ、急上昇するとみられている。2012年にラテンアメリカ最大の経済に登場する新しく重要なデジタルプレーヤーを期待しよう。
Rating 66
Translation / Japanese
- Posted at 20 Jan 2012 at 05:26


China’s numbers speak for themselves, investment opportunities are plenty. Developing e-businesses for example, as according to Dong Baoqing, deputy director of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology’s promotion department, “the sales volume of China’s e-commerce will annually grow at least 32 percent year-on-year from 2011 to 2015. We estimate a transaction volume of 18 trillion yuan ($2.8 trillion) in 2015.” However, one will have to thoroughly study and understand the market before succeding in establishing a profitable enterprise in China. As an old Chinese proverb says ru xiang sui su (入乡随俗), when in Rome, do as Romans do, and this is definitely applicable in both countries.

Rating 66
Translation / Japanese
- Posted at 20 Jan 2012 at 05:36
中国の数字はおのずから明白であるが、投資の機会で溢れ返っている。E-ビジネスの開発を例にとってみると、工業情報化部宣伝部のDong Baoqing次長は、「中国におけるEコマースの売上高は、2011年から2015年の間、年々少なくとも32%の成長を遂げるであろう。我々は、2015年の取引高として18兆元(2.8兆ドル)を見込んでいる。」
Rating 50
Translation / Japanese
- Posted at 21 Jan 2012 at 13:12
中国の数字は、中国市場には投資のチャンスが豊富にあることを物語っている。例としてe-ビジネスの開発を挙げれば、中国工業情報化部推進局の副局長 Dong Baoqing 氏は「中国での電子商取引の売上高は2011~2015年にわたって年ごとに少なくても32%の成長をするだろう。我々は2015年には取引高は18兆ウォン(2.8兆ドル)に達すると見込んでいる」と語る。しかしながら、中国で企業を起ち上げ利益を出して成功するには、徹底的に中国市場を研究し理解する必要があるだろう。古い中国のことわざに「入乡随俗」というものがあるが、つまり郷に入っては郷に従え、ということだ。このことは両国においても当然のようにあてはまる。
kyo_- over 12 years ago


2015/01/21 数字表記についてアップデート済
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*$:米ドル(例:US$250 million→2億5000万米ドル、15,000→1万5000 etc)

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・serial entrepreneur:シリアルアントレプレナー
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