As usual depression makes it hard to move.
I'm sorry.
Lately I've gotten addicted to oracle card readings.
It's like tarot. You can get messages from angels and guide spirits but there's a knack to reading it.
Everything is read intuitively, including the patterns and the colors. It's quite interesting and worth studying.
To be able to read the cards you have to develop your intuition so now I'm doing my best.
By the way I sold all the goods related to x in the flea market.
They really like x.
As you know, I am depressed and cannot move much.
I am sorry...
Recently, I am involved in Oracle card reading. It is like tarot, it is a card given messages from the angel and guide spirits, it has tactic to read it, and including color patterns and colors, you read it instinctively and it is gives me a lot if I do it more.
To be able to read it, I must brush you instinct, and I am doing it hard.
By the way, I have all X related goods at a flies market.
I like X though.
As you might know, I could not do anything because of my depression.
I am so sorry.
Lately, I am into Oracle card reading.
It is similar to a tarot game and the card gives you messages from an angel or guide spirit.
There is a knack for reading, and all have to be read with intuition including patterns and colours, it is fun to do as I learned a lot.
To be able to read them, we need to brush up my intuition and I am working hard for it now.
By the way, I sold all the goods on X at the flea market.
I like X, though.
As usual, I was depressed and couldn't do anything.
I'm sorry...
Lately, I've been getting into oracle card readings.
It's similar to tarot, where you can get messages from angels and guiding spirits, but there's a trick to read them, and I read everything by intuition, including the patterns and colors, and it's quite interesting because it's challenging to learn.
I need to improve my intuition to be able to read, so I'm working on that now.
By the way, I've sold all my X-related items at a flea market.
I do like X, but...
I look at a picture and memories come out even though I hate it. I decided to let it go completely.
If I don't see it it's over. I want the stocks to run out as soon as possible so I've been selling them cheaply.
I probably won't read them again.
I'm tired of it.
Do you know YYY?
I did a little YY at work before but I'm starting again.
I am trying hard to get my 6th sense back.
It's been a while since I got involved in something positively.
Will spring really come to Japan next year?
As I remember seeing pictures even though I do not want, I decided to leave the from my hands.
I would like to sell them as quick as possible so as to not be able to see them, I sell them as cheep as the can be.
I think I will never read them again.
I am so exhausted.
Do you know YYY?
I used to use YY a little for my work, I am starting it again.
I am working hard to regain my intuition.
It is a long while I am devoting in something.
And, are you sure to come to Japan next spring?
Seeing the picture reminds me of bad days so I decided to release it.
I sell it at very cheap prices as I no longer want to see it.
Perhaps I will never read it anymore.
I am so exhausted.
Did you know YYY?
I had done YY on my work before and I started it little by little.
I am working harder as I will regain my intuition now.
It’s been a while since I tried something positive.
Well, are you really coming to Japan next Spring?