本当に沢山お世話になりありがとうございました!サナも時差ボケでさっき寝始めてしまいましたが、とても元気に帰ってきてくれました!素敵なあなた達ファミリーとの出会いや、Dianna とPTAのSaoriさんや去年お世話になったDonやTessaにも会えた事を話している途中で寝始めてしまいました。また後でサナの話を沢山聞きたいと思っています。
Thank you so much for everything! Sana is jet lagged and fell asleep a moment ago but she’s alright back home! She fell asleep while she’s talking about her new encounter to you guys such a great family and that she could also meet Dianna and Saori from the PTA, Don and Tessa she got support from last year. I would loved to ask her lots of more questions about her stay when she wakes up too.
Thank you very much for your support. Sana started sleeping a few minutes ago due to jet lag, but she came back in good health. She started sleeping when she was talking about meeting a nice family you, Diana and Saori of PTA as well as Don and Tessa who supported her last year. I am going to hear about Sana a lot later.
We all arrived back in Japan in one piece yesterday. Some ended up staying in Narita for having got a fever, however they will be returning to Kobe some time today, too.
Indeed, you took good care of us! Sana just went to bed earlier because of the jet lag, but she was in full of spirit to have returned here! She had started mentioning about the wonderful encounter with you all, the host family, and Don and Tessa who took care of Dianna and Saori from PTA last year and fell asleep without finishing the story. I would like to hear more about Sana's stories later on.
A few members had a fever flying back to Narita and stayed there on the day of arrival. They were back to Kobe later.
I really thank you for your generous support for my kids. Sana still got a jetlag and started napping shortly.But they were fine for home.
She just started sleeping just in the middle of talking she could meet Dianna, Saori at PTA, and Don and Tessa had taken care of her so much last year.
Later I would like to hear about lots of stories during her stay at this time.
Is Saori fine? Sana said that she met Saori and Emi in roller skating party. She had not recognized them at first and seen them repeatedly. Was her behavior strange enough to amaze them? She wanted to look for Emi in school and hand out an item if she could see her. But as she could not hand it out, she sent it today.
I hope that Shoma says that he goes there this time.
How are you, Saori?
Sana told me that she could meet EMI at the party. At first, she didn't who she was and looked a few times looking at her. was she astonished with her behaviour because it was fishy?
She had something to give to Emi at school but she couldn't manage to do so. I sent it today.
I hope that Shoma will go next time.