[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 請負契約書の案を見ましたが、次の2点について変更するようお願いします。 1. 契約書では、支払われた給与に関して、所得税などの全ての税金、国民保険料およ...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は "ビジネス" "Eメール" のトピックと関連があります。 atsuko-s さん fish2514 さん n475u さん tearz さん saius0496 さん xiaomo114 さんの 6人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 8件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 903文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 0時間 24分 です。

yamakawa1による依頼 2018/11/27 13:31:41 閲覧 3445回
残り時間: 終了


1. 契約書では、支払われた給与に関して、所得税などの全ての税金、国民保険料およびその他の法定賦課等は自ら支払わなければならないことになります。従来の契約では、それらに相当する分は、給与とは別に加算されていました。この結果、新しい契約では、私の給与は、現在の日本の所得税率33%のみを考えたとしても大幅な給与の減少となります。(JPY6,500×(1-0.33)=JPY4,350)

評価 51
翻訳 / 英語
- 2018/11/27 13:44:13に投稿されました
I checked the draft of service contract, and would like you to change the below two points/

1. In the contract, all tax such as income tax, national health insurance, and other legal imposition for the paid salary should be paid by the individual.
In ordinary contract, the amount equivalent to them was added to me separately from the salary. In the result, my salary would be drastically decreased in the new contract even if we considered it as only 33 % of Japan's currently income tax percentage, (JPY6,500×(1-0.33)=JPY4,350)
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2018/11/27 13:59:40に投稿されました
I checked the draft for the contract documents, and please modify the following two points.

1. In the contract, the party should pay all the taxes including income tax, national health insurance premium, and other legal impositions. In the conventional contracts, these payments are added separately from salary. As a result, in the new contract, my salary will be reduced greatly even only by the 33% income tax rate in Japan. (JPY 6,500× (1-0.33) = JPY 4,350)
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2018/11/27 13:49:49に投稿されました
I checked the Service Agreement draft. Please kindly modify the below two items:

1. Pertaining to the paid salary, all the taxes such as income tax, national health insurance fee, and other legal impositions in the agreement must be paid at one's own expense. Under the past agreement, the amount equivalent to them used to be added separately from the salary. As a result, under the new agreement, my salary will be gravely decreased even though 33% of the present Japanese income tax rate is considered.
(JPY 6,500 * (1- 0.33)= JPY 4,350)
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2018/11/27 13:45:23に投稿されました
I saw the draft of the contract documents, and I'd like the following two points to be changed.

1. According to the terms of the contract, with regard to the salary paid, I will have to pay all the taxes such as the income tax, the national insurance premiums and other statutory charges, etc. by myself. In traditional contracts, the equivalent amount has been added besides the salary. As a result, in the new contract, there will be a large decrease in my salary even if I consider the current Japanese income tax rate of 33% alone. (JPY 6,500 x (1-0.33) = JPY 4,350)


評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2018/11/27 13:54:31に投稿されました
Last year, I was successfully able to conclude another 3-year contract with IBM by increasing the salary by 5% as well as obtaining the new risk modules. As a result, SAP has come to increase a new profit of US$200 per annum for the next three years in addition to the existing contract amount.
Furthermore, the amendment of the bank law which is a significant issue in the present Japanese TMS market has been working out smoothly because I negotiate directly with the Financial Services Agency.
Please also note that I have been succeeded in new customer acquisitions with Fujitsu, MCAP, and the like.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2018/11/27 14:13:00に投稿されました
I got an increase of 5%in the contract with IBM last year, and made other new 3 years contract above getting the new risk module . and as the result ,sap can get a income of US$200 per year added to the contract value before in after 3 years .
what's more ,I want to promote some nigotiation smoothly about the revising of bank law ,which is an important project in TMS market in Japan.
and besides ,I got succeed in exploiting new clients such as fujitsu ,MCAP and so on.


2. 契約書では、契約期間が2018年1月1日から2019年6月30日の18ヶ月となっています。しかし、IBMとの新たな3ヵ年契約は、2017年4月1日から2020年3月31日までとなっています。

評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2018/11/27 14:12:01に投稿されました
Take into account such a result, I would like you to change “JPY6,500” presented now into at least JPY9,500 (JPY6,500÷(1-0.33)=JPY9,500) including income tax. Or, please consider that the price will be almost the same as the perfect stage at least.

2.In according to a contract, the contract period is from Jan. 1st 2018, to Jun. 30th 2019. However, a three-year new contract with IBM is from Apr. 1st 2017, to Mar. 30th.

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2018/11/27 13:57:22に投稿されました
Taking the said outcomes, please revise the current proposition with JPY 6,500 to JPY 9,500 (JPY 6,500/ (1- 0.33)= JPY 9,500) at the least or any amount closer to it.

2. In the agreement, the contract period is set for 18 months from January 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019, however the new 3-year-contract with IBM is set from April 1, 2017 through March 31, 2020.
tearz- 6年弱前
Taking the said outcomes--> Taking the said outcomes into consideration

SAP・TRMのIBMグループにおけるGlobal Roll-outが拡大する次の契約更改に向けて、契約期間を2018年10月1日から2020年3月31日の18ヶ月としたほうが、予想される困難な交渉を円滑に成功させる観点から良いと思います。



評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2018/11/27 13:51:49に投稿されました
I think that the contract period should be from Oct. 1st, 2018 to Mar. 31th 2020 from the perspective of the smooth success for expected difficult negotiation for the next contract renewal for expanding Global Roll-out of SAP/TRM in IBM group.

(My salary for third-quarter, from Jul. 2018 ~ Sep. 2018, has not paid yet. Since I have sent the invoice on Oct. 4th, 2018, please pay it immediately in accordance with that.)

Thank you very much.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2018/11/27 13:55:20に投稿されました
For the next contract renewal when the Global Roll-out in the SAP / TRM's IBM group expands, I think it better to set the contract term to 18 months from October 1, 2018 to March 31, 2020, from the viewpoint of making the expected tough negotiation smoothly successful.

(By the way, my salary in the third quarter from July to September 2018 has not been paid yet. Since I sent you an invoice on October 4, 2018, please pay as soon as possible. )

Thank you for taking your time.



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