(About the Japanese TMS market)
As I attended the seminar hosted by Financial Services Agency the other day, I heard the following from Mr. Yoshida the GM of FERTE.
FIERTE is the exclusive agency of BELLIN, Germany. I participated this seminar as an advisory of Mitsubishi bank.
According to him, TMS demand of Japanese companies for FIERTE is firm, and several Japanese companies have been under negotiation right now by receiving an order from 2 companies in the first half of the FY alone.
(About TMS Market in Japan)
When I attended the seminar sponsored by the Financial Services Agency the other day, I heard the following story from Ms. Yoshida of FIERTE GM.
FIERTE is a distributor in Japan of BELLIN in Germany. Also, I was participating in this seminar in the position of Mitsubishi Bank advisor.
In his speaking, the demand for Japanese companies' TMS for FIERTE was steady, we received orders from two companies only in the first half of this year, and that there are now several Japanese companies currently negotiating.
Regarding this, I asked him that if he is approaching SB, the largest company in Japan, as FIERTE, and he replied as follows.
"SB is using A now. The former CFO of SB had a strong influence to SB, and he is still insisting to continue using A that he himself had introduced when he was CFO. The current members of SB are following it. As SB will not change from A to another company regarding TMS, I do not approach about sales."
In relation to this, in response to my asking if FIERTE is also approaching SB the largest in the country he said as follows:
"SB uses A at the moment. Since the former CFO of SB has a strong influence on SB, he has been strongly suggesting it to continue using A he had introduced during his tenure as CFO. The current SB members are following his direction and since they think there is no need to change TMS from A to another company, so no sales approach will be made."
and release to this message ,i asked him if the FIERTE had made the approach to the biggest communication SB,and he answered like this below:
"SB now is in cooperation with companyA. this advice keep on going which was pushed out by the predecessor SB'CEO and the influence is strong.even now ,members of SB are following this rule, so TMScan not be changed from A to other companies ,and there are no possibilities to make the sells approach .
(About the revised Banking Act)
I also asked Mr. Yoshida if FIERTE is going to register itself to the Financial Services Agency as an electronic payment agency. As you know, the extension for foreign company will end in December. B's response in this regard is as follows:
"It is yet unclear if the cloud service we offer requires registration or not. Currently we hire a lawyer who know well in the financing field and putting the matter under investigation."
(Regarding revised banking act)
Also, I asked Mr. Yoshida if FIERTE will register to Financial Services Agency as an electronic payment agent. As you know, the registration for foreign companies will be closed this coming December. The answer to this matter by Mr. B is as following.
“It’s still unclear if the cloud services that we offer are required to be registered or not. Currently we are sorting it out with a lawyer specified to finance”.
and i asked Mr yoshita about if it necessary to register to the commercial apartment in order to make the E-payment agent ,because as you know ,the deadline of the registration is Dec, and he answered as below:
"it is unclear that if it should be registered about she cloud service provide by theirselves.now we are in discussion with the lawyer,."