2 of 3 shipped have arrived but one of them has not.
As the item not arriving has no tracking number. Has it really shipped?
As the amount money has been paid by credit card, please ship it quickly.
If you have it out of stock and it is impossible to ship, please issue me the deference into my credit card.
The item missing is as follows.
The item which has not been delivered does not have the tracking number. Can you please confirm whether it has been shipped or not?
As the amount of money of the item price has been already charged on the credit card, please ship the items as soon as possible.
If any item is out of stock and you cannot ship it, please issue a refund for the different amount of money of the undelivered items to my credit card.
The missing items are as follow.
I received 2 items among 3 that have been sent, but have not received 1.
As the item I have not received does not have a tracking number, it might not be sent.
As price of this item is charged at credit card, please send the item immediately.
If you do not have the item and cannot send it, please refund to my card the difference of price of the item I have not received. The item I have not received is this.