件名 IMATSファイナリスト結果について
●● 様
●● ●●
Dear ●●,
I am ●●, a graduate of ●●, and I have recently applied to enter IMATS Sydney.
I would like to make an inquiry regarding the trade show and took the liberty of contacting you via email.
Could you please tell me approximately when the results of the IMATS Sydney finalists will be announced?
Since it was written on your site that the announcement happened during the week of September 14th, I am concerned that perhaps something went wrong and your message did not reach me, or perhaps the results have not yet been released.
I apologize for bothering you at such a busy time. I look forward to your reply.
●● ●●
I am XX graduated from XX who did entry to IMATS Sydney.
I am emailing you as I have some questions.
When do you announce the finalists for IMATS Sydney?
Your site stated it would be during the week of September 14th. I am contacting you as I was wondering if there were some clerical error that I did not receive any news or if you have not announced as yet.
Sorry to bother you as I am sure you are busy. But I really appreciate it if you could reply to my inquiry.
Yours sincerely,
RE: Your announcement on the IMATS finalists
Dear ●●,
My name is ●●, a graduate from ●● who entered the IMATS Sydney Games.
I'm writing to you because there is something I would like to ask.
Approximately when will the results of the IMATS finalists be announced?
It says on the site in the week of September 14, so I wonder if perhaps the email didn't reach me, or perhaps they weren't announced yet?
I am sorry to trouble you at this time. Looking forward to your reply.
●● ●●
I am ●● who is a ●● graduate and entered the IMATS convention in Sydney.
I am sending this email because I have a question to ask you.
When the result presentation of the finalist of IMATS convention in Sydney?
In the website, it is written that is during the week of 14th Sep. So I wondered if I couldn't receive the email by mistake, if the result presentation hasn't done yet. That's way I sent you this email.
I'm sorry to bother you when you are busy but, I am waiting for your reply.
●● ●●
Dear ●●
This time, I'm ●●, graduate of ●● who has applied for IMATS Sydney Games.
I'm writing to you because there is something I want to ask you.
The IMATS Sydney Games finalists announcements results, when will they be announced?
On the site, it says during the week of September 14, but maybe it was a mistake or the e-mail hasn't arrived, and because the final results haven't been announced yet and I'm worried, I've contacted you.
I'm sorry to bother you while you are busy, but I'm waiting for your answer.
●● ●●
ちょっとお聞きしたいんですけど、IMATSとはInternational Make-up Artist Trade Showの略ですね。もしそうならば、"games"(スポーツ大会)とかの訳を使用すると、混乱が生じる可能性があります。