4. Fix epayments
Even as ecommerce spreads throughout ASEAN, the vast majority of payments are still conducted offline. Methods like ATM transfers and cash-on-delivery remain the most popular. One of the root causes is the fact that between 70 and 80 percent of citizens in Vietnam, the Philippines, and Indonesia don’t have bank accounts. Another is the region’s extensive know-your-customer processes that exist. As PayPal explained in its own report last year:
eコマースがASEAN全体に広がっているにもかかわらず、支払いの大半はまだオフラインで行われている。 ATM転送や代引きなどの方法が、よく知られているのである。根本原因の一つは、ベトナム、フィリピン、インドネシアの市民の70〜80%が銀行口座を持っていないというからである。もう一つは、地域に幅広く存在する顧客を理解するプロセスknow-your-customer processes)である。 PayPalは、去年の独自の報告書でこう述べている。
EコマースはASEAN全域に広がってはいるが、依然として支払の大部分はオフラインで行われ、ATMによる振込や代金引換のような支払方法が相変わらずもっとも人気が高い。この根本的な原因の1つには、ベトナム、フィリピン、インドネシア国民の70~80%が銀行口座を持たないという事実がある。また、もう1つの原因は、これらの地域で広範囲に渡り顧客熟知(know-your-customer) プロセスが存在していることにある。PayPalが昨年自社レポートの中で説明したように:
[Consumers] have to scan copies of their national ID and send them to the payment provider facilitating the transaction and wait a couple days for their review before the payment instruction is carried out. In the meantime, the merchant they purchased the product from will be chasing them up on payments and wondering if they have got cold feet.
Some of the proposed solutions include revamping epayments regulations, and again, making the regulations harmonize across country borders.
5. Make logistics a pleasant thought
Logistics processes do not seem to meet the expectations of eshoppers in ASEAN countries. The geography of the region poses an inherent challenge for logistics, but other bottlenecks exacerbate the issue. These include poor transportation infrastructure, a lack of warehouse readiness, inefficient last-mile delivery, and nightmarish customs processes.
To address these, most ASEAN countries have decided to invest in transport infrastructure projects, while other major players also plan on putting money in. DHL is one, and is set to invest US$180 million in its regional warehouse capacity and double its supply chain.
One of the key recommendations for the future is to accelerate the integration of logistics systems across the region. This will again require the six nations to further cooperate in terms of their national supply chains.