2009年1月韓国にてMaxi Single Album「New Schoolgirl」でデビュー。現在8人組のガールズグループ。
メンバー全員が167cm 以上の身長を誇り、セクシーかつモデル並の抜群なスタイルと、本格的でハイレベルなダンスやパフォーマンスが熱狂的な支持を得ているガールズグループ。
The girls group of all members taller than 167cm, with eceptional proportion being sexy and stylish like a fashion model, that earns enthusiastic support from the fans for its genuine and hi-standard dance and performances.
All members are over 167cm tall and boast sexy, model-like looks. They are popular for their authentic high-quality dance routines and heart-felt performances.
It is proud to tell that the height of all the members are more than 167cm, with a sexy and preeminent style at the same level as a model, girls group has gained genuinely an enthusuastic support through their high level performance.
日本では、2011 年4 月27 日にリリースされた安室奈美恵のベストコラボレーションアルバム「Checkmate!」内の楽曲「make it happen」で安室奈美恵とコラボレーション。
On August 17, 2011, made a debut with "Bang!" known for its marching performance.
On November 23, 2011, released the second single "DIVA". Their tap dance was performed.
The strengthened their Japanese debut with the single "Bang!" that was released on August 17, 2011 and garnered attention due to its marching band performance.
On November 23, 2011, they released their second single in Japan, "Diva." This release featured a tap dance performance.
2012年1月25日には、109CM ソングとして話題を呼んだ「Rambling girls/Because of you」をリリース。
6月17日には、AFTERSCHOOL出演のサマンサタバサCMソング「Lady Luck」をリリース。
SInce April 2012, ventured the national tour at Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka with their first Japanese album "PLAYGIRLZ" relased on March 14.
On June 17, released "Lady Luck" as the song for Samntha Tabatha CM that they also appeared.
Went on a nationwide tour in Japan, visiting Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka, from April 2012 to promote their March 14 album "PLAYGIRLZ."
Released the single "Lady Luck" on June 17 which was used as the background music for a Samantha Thavasa commercial featuring the members.
2012年9月5日にはAFTERSCHOOLメンバーレイナ・ナナ・リジの3人で結成された派生ユニットORANGE CARAMELが日本デビューを果たした。
ORANGE CARAMELは2012年12月12日にセカンドシングルLIPSTIC/ラムのラブソングをリリースし、2013年3月13日には1stアルバムのリリースした。
On December 12, 2012, ORANGE CARAMEL has released its second single LIPSTIC/ Lum no love song, and their first album on March 13, 2013.
After the 1 year and 4 months interval, on October 2013, they released "Heaven" produced by Shinichi Osawa, which has made a smash hit.
ORANGE CARAMEL released their second single, love song "LIPSTIC/Rum," on December 12, 2012 and their first album on March 13, 2013.
In October 2013, AFTERSCHOOL released their first single after a year and four months. The single was "Heaven," produced Osawa Shinichi, and was a smash hit.
in Korean TV drama series "You're Beuatiful" , which is heavy hitting drama
by appearance of Actor Jang Keun Suk .
As subsequent appearance, there are darams, "Birdie Birdie", "ojyokyo no kyoudaitati"
and "Chon uti", in addition, "Ougon no niji" starting from November 2013 which is
broadcast on prime time in Korea.
ナナはモデルとして日本でもTGCやガールズアワードなど数多くのファッションショーに出演し、2012年度はTokyo Brand New Girls(テレビ東京)にてレギュラー出演した。
Riji had a part in "Akuryo Byuto," which was aired on MBS TBS from July 2013, flexing her acting muscles and making headlines.
Juyon appeared in Maruko's CM, starting from July 2013, showing her well-proportioned walking posture in a sexy lingerie.
Lizzy appeared in the MBS/TBS drama "Demon Ward" which aired from July 2013, showing people her talents as an actress.
Juyeon appeared in a MARUKO commercial which aired from July 2013, showing off her amazing proportions and beautiful walking style in sexy lingerie.