コロンとして丸みで自分史上最高に可愛く 大人カジュアルな美フォルムボブ
If the side angle is cut longer in the front having a vellus hair, the unruly hair around your face can actually stand out due to the oblong silhouette effect. The side angle can be cut shorter in the front and make it look softer at the lip line with the mushroom layered style to emphasize the feminacy. The unruly hair around your face will be easy to handle by getting a natural straight perm on the front. Add a warm color keeping the brightness with this sweet orange color.
Apply soft wax loosely to the entire hair and you'll be ready to go.
The curly hair habit around the face standouts since she has soft hair, no volume overall, and the cut style of falling off line around face. Therefore, we made a rising cut, and mash layer which create the impression of femininity and softly with the hair around the lip line. Moreover, we did the natural straight perm on the curly hair around face and it became easy to manage her bangs. We kept the high tone of hair color and added the warm colors with sweet orange. We finished up with soft wax to make a natural movements.
With a soft hair quality that does not have any volume as a whole, a vertically long silhouette in the front part will make the hair around your face stand out.
From there, we will cut the hair in the front part, and use the hair around your lip line to give you a soft, more womanlike, charming mash layer. By giving the hair around your face a natural straight perm, we will make you bang easier to take care of. While keeping the color bright, we will also add in warm colors like sweet orange. Finally, we casually rub soft wax into the whole and finish the whole process.