Step 1: Determine why your account was suspended/blocked
Read the notice you received from Amazon to determine whether your account was suspended/blocked for poor performance, or for one or more violations of our selling Policies & Agreements.
Step 2: Evaluate your selling practices
Review your customer metrics and identify those that do not meet our performance targets. Evaluate your selling practices for those that may result in buyer dissatisfaction, and your inventory for items that are in violation of our Policies & Agreements.
Step 2: 販売行動を評価する
Step 3: Create a Plan of Action
Create a Plan of Action outlining the steps you will take to correct the problems you identified in Step 2. Providing a precise Plan of Action that can effectively address the problems gives your account a better chance of being reinstated.
Step 4: Send your appeal to Amazon
Once you’ve created your Plan of Action, send it to Seller Performance with your request for reinstatement. The easiest way to do this is to go to the Notification page of the Customer Metrics section of your account, find the suspension/block notice you received, and click the “Appeal” button. A text box will appear for you to use to send your appeal.
行動計画が出来上がり次第、それを復権依頼と併せてアマゾンのSeller Performanceに送ってください。送付するのに簡単な方法は、Customer Metrics(お客様の評価)セクションのNotification(通告)ページに行き、貴店が受取った一時停止/一時拒否通告を探して、”Appeal(要請)”ボタンをクリックしてください。貴店の要請を送信するためのテキストボックスが表示されます。
ステップ 4: アピルをアマゾンに送ります
Step 5: Watch your e-mail for a decision from Amazon
After receiving your Plan of Action, we'll notify you of our decision by e-mail, usually within 48 hours. We review all appeals carefully; however, submission of an appeal does not guarantee reinstatement of your account.
How do I create a Plan of Action?
Your appeal should always include a Plan of Action that shows you have identified the problems in your selling and/or inventory management practices and addresses how you will change your practices to resolve them. Below are a few examples to illustrate this.
Performance Issues
Example 1: The notice from Seller Performance indicates your account was suspended or blocked due to a high order defect rate. Action: Check your customer metrics page to determine which metric (negative feedback, A-to-z Guarantee claims, and/or credit card chargebacks) does not meet our performance targets. You may find, for instance, that your percentage of negative feedback does not meet the target. As you evaluate your account, you may want to read all of the feedback comments left for you by buyers. If comments reflect a lack of response from you to buyer e-mails, your Plan of Action may include scheduling time every day to respond to all buyer correspondence.
例1:Seller Performance(販売者業績部)からの通告が、貴店アカウントの一時停止や一時拒否は高注文取消率によるものであることを指している。行動:貴店のお客様評価ページに行き、どの評価(悪評価、A-to-Z補償請求か、クレジットカードの払い戻し請求のどちらか一方)が当社の業績目標を満足していないのかを究明してください。例として、悪評価のパーセンテージによる割合が目標を満たしていないこともあります。
Example 2: The notice from Seller Performance indicates that your account was suspended or blocked due to a high late shipment rate and your customer metrics show that the late shipment rate does not meet our performance target. Action: After you’ve shipped your orders and confirmed 100% of the shipments, you could review your feedback and order fulfillment practices. You may find that the shipping lead times you set may have been too short. Your Plan of Action may include changing those lead times to something more realistic for your fulfillment processes.
とるべき行動: 注文を出荷後、出荷を100%確認して、フィードバックを読んだり在庫を補充したりなさると思います。あなたが設定なさっている配達所用期間が短すぎることに気づいたとします。そうしたら、アクションプランには、配送手順において、配達所用期間をもっと現実的なものにする、と書くことになります。
対応: あなたが発注された商品を発送し、その発送を100%確認したら、あなたは自分のフィードバックと発注完了手続きを再確認することができる。あなたが設定した発送所要時間が短すぎることが判明する可能性がある。アクションプランに、この時間があなたの手続き完了に関して何かしらもっと現実的な所要時間への変更を含むようにする。
Example 3: The notice received from Seller Performance indicates that your account was suspended or blocked due to a high pre-fulfillment order cancel rate and your customer metrics show that your cancel rate does not meet our performance target. Action: You could review your inventory management and/or inventory control processes. You may find that your high cancel rate is due to being chronically out of stock of listed items. Your Plan of Action may include monitoring your inventory daily to make sure you never list items you cannot ship immediately.
When evaluating your selling practices, here are some areas you may want to review:
Setting shipping lead times – are you setting shipping lead times that are too short?
Communication with buyers – are you effectively responding to buyer questions and doing so promptly and politely?
Stocking inventory – are you consistently running out of inventory and cancelling orders?
Listings – are you describing your items accurately in your listing comments?
Policy Violations
If your account was suspended/blocked for violations of our policies, review your inventory to determine whether it includes Prohibited Content and/or Restricted Products, and compare your selling practices with our Selling Policies.
購入者とのコミュニケーション - あなたはきちんと購入者の質問に答えていますか?また、素早く、丁寧に答えていますか?
商品在庫 - しょっちゅう在庫切れによる注文キャンセルを起こしていませんか?
出品商品 - 商品に関する事項を、正確に説明コメントで書いていますか?
規定違反 - あなたのアカウントの停止/ブロックの理由が規定違反であった場合は、商品の中に禁止品や制限品が含まれていないか確認してください。また、弊社の販売規定と、あなたが実際に行っている販売行動を照らし合わせてください。
購入者とのコミュニケーション− 購入者の問い合わせに迅速かつ丁寧に対応していますか?
在庫商品− いつも在庫不足で、注文をキャンセルしていませんか?
リスト表示− コメント欄の商品の説明は正確ですか?
Example: The notice from Seller Performance indicates that your account was suspended or blocked for selling promotional versions of media (prohibited on Amazon.de). You could review your inventory and your inventory intake process. You may find that your supplier includes promo CDs in their shipments. Your Plan of Action might include immediately removing those items from your inventory, and then making changes to ensure you review your inventory regularly to remove promotional media.