The item I've ordered last time has arrived.
I am greatful for your prompt response as always.
However, item number 〇〇 was missing.
I hope you will include it with the item ordered today, after you confirm it.
If there is no stock currently, or arrival of stock is not planned in the near future, I would like to cancel the order for that item.
I will place an order again few days later.
Items needed immediatly is included, so please take it into consideration.
I am looking forward to doing continuous business with you.
Thank you.
I have received the items I ordered last time.
I appreciate for your prompt work.
However, one item with item number ○○ was not included.
Please check at your side and I am grateful if you could include to the today’s order.
For those not in your stock and does not have any supply schedule in near future at this moment, would you cancel them?
would like to place the order for those items later date again.
My order include those with immediate needs, so please take consideration.
I am looking forward to having good relations with you in future.
申し訳ありません。下段の2番目の文章で"would like to place...."の文章のはじめに"I"を加えて"I would like to place...."に修正してください。
The items in my last order have arrived.
It has been so helpful that my requests were attended so quickly as always.
However, Item Number OO (x1) is not enough.
Could you please kindly double check and help to combine it with the order today?
Regarding the unavailable items in stock now or at near future, is it possible for me to cancel them?
I would like to make new orders in the future.
Kindly please help me to double check the necessary goods at this moment.
Thanks so much for your support as always.
すいません、【Items needed immediatly is included】は【Items needed immediately are included】に差し替えをお願い致します。お詫びいたします。