トロントからソウルを経由し、最終目的地の成田へ向かいます。トロントーソウル間は、大韓航空を利用し、ソウルー成田間は日本航空を利用します。実際に運行される 2013/11/03の11:30トロント発、翌日15:30ソウル着、KE74便と、11/05の8:00ソウル発、10:20成田着の、JL950便を例にします。
11/03のKE74便で利用される機材はボーイング777-200です。ファーストクラス8席、 ビジネスクラス28席、エコノミークラス225席の計261席で
The 11/03 KE74 flight will be utilizing the Boeing 777-200 machine. There are 8 seats for first class, 28 seats for business class and 225 seats for economy totalling to 261 seats.
Boeing 777-200 is used in Flight KE74. 8 seats on first class, 28 seats on business class, and 225 seats on economy class. To sum up there are 261 seats in total.
11/05のJL950便で利用される機材はボーイング767です。ビジネスクラス30席、エコ ノミークラス207席の計237席です。非常口は合計8カ所です。
JL950 service will use the Boeing 767 plane on November 5. The plane has total 237 seast, including 30 business seats and 207 coach seats. There are the total 8 emergency exits.
Korean Air was founded in 1962, has provided their services in 125 cities or 45 countries, and has 149 planes.
Japan Airline was founded in 1951, has provided their services in 229 airports or 40 countries, and has 214 planes.
Korea Air has won the first position in the contest of inovative air companies in the world 2012.
The 11/05 JL950 flight utilizes the Boeing 767 aircraft. There are 30 seats in the business class and 207 seats in the economy class totaling to 237 seats. There are a total of 8 exit points.
Korean airways was established in 1962 operating in 125 cities in 45 countries with 149 aircrafts.
Japan airways was established in 1951 operating in 229 cities in 40 countries with 214 aircrafts.
Korean Airways was ranked as the number one most innovative airline company in the world last 2012.
The type of airplane used for JL950 of 11/05 is Boeing 767.
It has 30 seats for business class and 207 seats for economy class totaling 237.
It has 8 exits in total.
Korea Airline was established in 1962. It flies to 125 cities in 45 countries and it has 149 airplanes.
Japan Airlines was established in 1951. It flies to 229 airports in 40 countries and it has 214 airplanes.
Korea Airlines was ranked at top as innovative airline company in the world in 2012.
The airframe used to the flight JL 950 on Nov. 5 will be Boeing 767. It has 30 business class seats and 207 economy class seats and total of 237 seats. There are eight emergency exits in total.
Korean Air Line (KAL) is established in 1962 and their destinations are 45 countries and 125 cities. Their fleet is consisting of 149 airframes.
Japan Air Lines (JAL) is established in 1951 and their destinations are 40 countries and 125 airports. Their fleet is consisting of 214 airframes.
KAL was selected as the first place in the innovative air line of the world ranking in 2012.
The slogan of Japan Airlines is "to leave and arrive on time by putting safety of passenger on top priority".
This slogan is based on the idea that trip taken by passenger and time are the most important.
The Japan Airlines is ranked at top as an airline which aririves on time in 2012.
To come to insepction room and boarding gate,
The KAL has been contriving ways to have distinction such as operating the organic farm by themselves and providing women only lounge at Inchon international airport.
The slogan of JAL is “passengers’ safety first, departing and arriving on schedule”. This slogan is based on the concept of giving important value to the passengers’ trip and time.
The JAL is recognized as the world No. 1 airline of the on-time arrival rate statistics in 2012.
うに乗客に呼びかける、客室乗務員も清掃作業を手伝うなどして 時間短縮を図っています。各都道府県の特産品や名物料理を取り入れたり、大手食品メーカーやレストランと共同で 機内食を開発するなどの工夫をしています。
2012年の航空会社安全ランキングでは、24位がエアカナダ、日本航空は47位、大韓航空は56位です。この評価には運航における安全性だけでなく、過去30年の重大事故も 含まれます。ともに過去に墜落事故を起こしているため、評価が低いと考えられます。
In the airline safety rankings 2012, Air Canada was ranked in 24th, Japan Airline was rankied in 47th and Korean Air was ranked in 56th. This rating is based on not only the safety during the flight, but also the number of heavy accident of the past 30 years. It would be appear that the crash accidents of both airline companies result the low evaluation.
In ranking of safety for airplane in 2012, 24th is Air Canada, 47th is Japan Airlines and 56th is Korean Airline. This ranking includes not only safety in flying but also serious accident occurred in the past 30 years. It caused plane crash, and it must be ranked at low.
In the 2012 airline safety ranking, the Canadian airline was 24th place, JAL was 47th place and KAL was 56th place. This ranking was determined not only the evaluation of the safety in flight operation but also including the serious incident in the past thirty years. Because both JAL and KAL experienced the fall accident in the past, the evaluation seems to have been at low rank.