Stockbit, a Social Network for Indonesian TradersVertical social networks, which connect people with similar interests, are gaining a lot of attention nowadays in Indonesia. One example is Stockbit, a social networking community for Indonesian traders and investors.Many traders and investors currently discuss stocks on Twitter, forums and blogs. However, information is still very much scattered and traders may not able to get the whole picture; it can take quite some effort for them to check all those sources one by one. Stockbit helps to solve that problem by integrating the information into one platform that is light, stable, and real-time.
Stockbit’s easy-to-use interface is one of the main attractions of the service. Users can share ideas or converse using the live feed section, and can get curated information from third-party sources when searching for information on a particular stock. The financial information itself comes from Indonesia Stock Exchange, which serves as the government body for stock exchange in Indonesia. Wellson Lo, the CEO of Stockbit, adds:
Stockbitの大きな魅力の1つは、使いやすいインターフェースだ。ユーザは、ライブフィードを使って、アイデアを交換したり、会話をすることができるし、ある特定の株銘柄に関する情報を探す時には、サードパーティーからの情報を収集することもできる。株式情報自体は、インドネシアの株式取引の政府機関であるインドネシア証券取引所が情報源となっている。Stockbit最高経営責任者のWllson Lo氏は次のように付け加え述べている。
Stockbit also helps users [by sending] timely notifications either via email or within the website when a stock company issues an announcement to the Indonesian Stock Exchange. Now, nobody needs to miss out on important corporate information that could potentially move the stock price. Time is money for all players in the stock trading industry.
Stockbit has been running since January of this year and has gained around 2,600 users so far with 700 daily visitors. Wellson admits that the trader market size in Indonesia isn’t that big; there are only 400,000 registered investors in the stock exchange database. Considering that half of those people could well be the older generation of people who don’t use the internet, Stockbit’s current market share might only be about 200,000 people. Despite these challenges, Wellson believes that traders are quite loyal when it comes to using valuable online tools like Stockbit, and there is also the fact that a new generation of tech savvy traders will be potential Stockbit users as they grow up.
Wellson told us that he plans to cooperate with a data provider company to offer a premium subscription model. This will include a complete profile of the company along with its fundamentals, such as stock and market data, that will help users research, analyze and make better investment decisions. He hopes to roll out that feature before the end of this year.One of Stockbit’s competitors in Indonesia is Idsaham, which has the same news, charts, blogs, and comments features. But personally, I think that Stockbit is one step ahead in terms of the general ease of use. Will that be enough for it to beat out the competition? We’ll have to wait and see.
China’s Luxury E-Commerce Market to Be Worth $27 Billion in 2013 (INFOGRAPHIC)As we wrote earlier today, China’s e-commerce market looks set to be worth $296 billion in 2013 as China surpasses America to be the world’s top e-commerce market. In that industry, one of the most interesting and international segments is Chinese luxury e-commerce. According to a new report by Washington-based Observer Solutions today, the country’s online luxury sales will be worth an estimated $27 billion this year.For more fun graphics like this one, check out previous entries in our infographic series.
中国eコマース高級品市場、2013年に270億ドル規模へ(インフォグラフィック)今日の記事で既に紹介した通り、eコマース業界においては、中国がアメリカを追い抜いて世界トップになるなか、同国のeコマース市場規模は2013年に2960億ドルになると見込まれている。同業界において、最も興味深く国際的な分野の1つは中国の高級品販売市場だ。ワシントンを拠点におくObserver Solutionsが本日発表した新たなレポートによると、同国のオンライン高級品販売の市場は本年度に270億ドルになると見られている。このような興味深いインフォグラフィックをもっと見たい方は、当サイトのインフォグラフィックシリーズで以前の記事もぜひチェックしてほしい。
The report’s authors also made an infographic (see below) that outlines the numbers and key players in this high-end sector in China. It’s structured around four reasons why luxury brands should leap into China right now if they haven’t done already.As we’ve chronicled on this blog over the years, China’s priciest and most prestigious e-stores are a diverse bunch of excellent businesses, from global haute couture brands like Net-A-Porter, to homegrown startups prospering in fine wine e-commerce, to high-end flash sales site VipShop. Here’s the infographic:Disclosure: The report’s author, Julia Q. Zhu, is also an occasional contributor to this site. See our ethics page for more information.
同リポートの筆者は、中国のオンライン高級品販売に関する数字と主要企業の概略を示したインフォグラフィックも作成し(下記参照)、その中で、まだ中国に参入していない高級ブランドが同市場に参入すべき4つの理由をまとめている。ここ数年、当ブログで紹介してきた通り、中国で最も高級で著名なeストアには、Net-A-Porterなどの世界的なオートクチュールのブランドから、中国のスタートアップで繁盛している高級ワインストア、高級品のタイムセールを提供するVipShopなど、たくさんの様々な優良企業が存在している。同インフォグラフィックは以下の通り。情報公開:リポートと筆者Julia Q. Zhu女史は、当サイトにも頻繁に寄稿している。更なる情報は当社の倫理指針ページにて。
BPI Updates Its Mobile App, Allows Users to Detect Nearest ATMEarlier this week, we discussed the growth that is happening in the m-banking space in the Philippines. Today, the Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) is continuing the theme by launching a major update to its BPI Express mobile app, intensifying its presence among mobile customers.BPI’s mobile app, which is available in both the Apple App Store and Google Play, has already been around for a while. First launched in 2009, it is the first mobile banking app in the country, says BPI vice president Andy Navarrete Jr. He explains the new m-banking features in the updated app:
BIPがモバイルバンキングアプリをアップデート —— 近場のATMが探せる機能を追加今週、私達はフィリピンのモバイルバンク業界が成長していることを話題にあげた。そして、今日、Bank of the Philippine Islands(バンク・オブ・フィリピン・アイランド、以下BPI)が、同行の提供する「BPI Express」というモバイルアプリに大きなアップデートを行い、モバイルへの取組みを継続して、モバイルカスタマーへの存在感を高めようとしている。BPIのモバイルアプリは、Apple App StoreとGoogle Playで入手できるが、ローンチしてからはしばらく経っている。最初にローンチされたのは2009年で、フィリピンで最初のモバイルバンキングアプリだったと、BPIの副頭取Andy Navarrete Jr. 氏は語る。同氏はこのアップデートされたアプリの新たなモバイルバンキング機能について、次のように説明している。
Truth is, the previous version already offered a myriad of options for users: balance inquiry, bills payment, load credits top-up, and funds transfer. But now, the enhanced version adds more to that. Users can locate an ATM or a branch within their vicinity, check the latest foreign exchange rate, and browse through the bank’s promo database. It also provides a quick link to BPI’s Facebook and Twitter pages.BPI says the app has seen 150,000 downloads since the very first version was launched.
Along with this update, the bank has also created a native app for iPad and Android tablets. Noel Tagaza, BPI senior vice president and head of the electronic channels group, says this move is part of their commitment to making it easy for customers to do their banking transactions through their mobile devices. As he says, “We see a shift towards the mobile space.”The bank explains that last year its total mobile banking transactions reached PHP 4.3 million ($99,000).
今回のアップデートとともに、同銀行はiPadとAndroidタブレット専用のアプリも開発している。BPIのシニアバイスプレジデント兼電子チャネルグループ責任者Noel Tagaza氏は、今回の取組みはモバイルデバイスを通じて銀行を利用するモバイルカスタマーへのサービスを楽にするためのものだと語り、「顧客はモバイルサービスに移行しています」と話す。同行での昨年のモバイルバンキングの利用は430万フィリピンペソ(99,000米ドル)に達した、とBPIは説明している。
Noel underscores that BPI is committed to further expanding its mobile capabilities. Other projects in the pipeline include allowing BPI-to-other bank transfers, adding NFC capabilities, and making the app available for Windows Phone 8 and Blackberry devices.Just last year, Unionbank joined the m-banking bandwagon and launched a mobile app that gives users features similar to that of BPI’s (balance inquiry, funds transfer, bills payment, and load credit top ups). Banco de Oro (BDO) followed suit and launched BDO Deal Finder app. However, it only provides information on the latest deals for credit card holders.
Tagaza氏は、BPIがモバイルサービスの機能をさらに拡大していくことを強調している。現在計画中のその他のプロジェクトには、BPIから他銀行への送金を可能にしたり、NFC機能を加えること、Windows Phone 8とBlackberryデバイスへの対応などがある。昨年には、Unionbankがモバイルバンキング分野に参入し、BPIと同じような機能(残高照会、送金、料金の支払い、プレイペードへの入金)を提供するモバイルアプリをローンチした。Banco de Oro(BDO)も後に続いて、BDO Deal Finderアプリをローンチしたが、BDOはクレジットカード所有者を対象に最新キャンペーンの情報を提供しているだけだ。
CyberAgent Ventures Opens Registration for Monthly Sharing Sessions in IndonesiaCyberAgent Ventures (CAV) Indonesia has seen their share of startups in the country and believes that encouraging more people to discuss entrepreneurial issues and strategies is always a good thing. In this regard, the Japanese VC firm plans to hold regular sharing sessions in Indonesia to talk about various business case studies in specific sectors. It’ll be called the CAV Salon.
CyberAgent Ventures、インドネシアで開催する月例シェアセッションの参加者を受付開始CyberAgent Ventures(CAV)Indonesiaは、インドネシアにおけるスタートアップ業界をたっぷりと経験し、より多くの人を激励して、起業に関する課題や戦略についての意見交換を助長することは良いことだと確信している。これを踏まえて、日本のVC企業であるCyberAgent Venturesが、特定分野におけるさまざまなビジネス事例を話し合うための定期的なシェアセッション(意見交換会)を同国で開催しようとしている。セッションの名称は「CAV Salon」になる予定。
In these sessions, which will be held in Jakarta, participants will also get to discuss and share about their business ideas with the other participants and the CAV Indonesia team.Here are the seven topics that will be discussed in the upcoming events. The CAV team chose them for their market potential in Indonesia:Restaurant searchRecruitmentSocial networking servicesDatingVertical e-commerceMobile appsFemale-oriented media
このセッション(ジャカルタで開催予定)への参加者は、他の参加者やCAV Indonesiaチームと各自のビジネスアイデアをシェアしたり、それに関する意見を交換することもできる。まもなく開催されるセッションのトピックは次の7つ。CAVチームは、インドネシアにおける市場の可能性をもとにこれらのトピックを選んでいる。レストラン検索リクルートソーシャルネットワーキング・サービス出会い系サービスバーティカルeコマースモバイルアプリ女性向けメディア
The sessions are open to anyone who have an interest or some ideas in one of the above fields – that includes people who do not have their own startups or business plans yet. CAV will limit up to five individuals involved in each category to join the session.If you’re game, you can shoot an email to the CAV team via vanada[at]cyberagentventures[dot]com and liauw_oswin[at]cyberagentventures[dot]com. You need to put in your basic information, background, which category you’re interested in, and what you think are the key success factors for the selected category. You can choose more than one category. The monthly event will start as early as next month.
Why Israel is a Startup NationUriel Peled is the co-founder of Israel-based startup Visualead, a company that transforms QR codes into visual QR codes using its patent-pending technology.
イスラエルがスタートアップ大国である理由Uriel Peled氏は、特許出願中のテクノロジーを活用してQRコードをビジュアルQRコードに変換する、イスラエルのスタートアップVisualead社の共同設立者。
Some call it a miracle. Others an enigma of the culture. But the statistics surrounding the amount of high-tech startups that are conceived in Israel is astounding. A small country, with roughly 7.6 million people, has approximately 4,800 startup companies and attracts far more venture capital per person than any other country in the world. Dubbed as The Startup Nation, Israel outweighs the United States in venture capital investment per person, totaling $170 per person compared to $70 per person in the US. Not too bad for a country that was established 65 years ago.
軌跡だという人もいれば、文化の謎だという人もいるだろう。だが、イスラエルで生まれたハイテック系のスタートアップの数に関する統計には度肝が抜かれる。この小さな国 ——人口はおよそ760万人—— には約4800社のスタートアップ企業があり、国民1人あたりのベンチャー投資額は世界のどの国よりも遥かに高い。イスラエルは「スタートアップ大国」とも呼ばれ、同国の国民1人あたりのベンチャー投資額は170ドルで、アメリカの70ドルを勝っている。65年前に建国された国にしては悪くない。
Some examples of well-known startup companies that have originated in Israel include Waze, a mapping company that was recently acquired by Google; iOnRoad, a mobile app that warns drivers when they are getting too close to the car in front of them; and Conduit, a community toolbar that has received international attention.A country that breeds one of the most concentrated centers of innovation also houses large, established companies like Teva, a drugmaker listed on NASDAQ with a market capitalization of $43 billion and Check Point, founded by an army intelligence group, that is now valued at $11 billion.
イスラエルで生まれた著名なスタートアップを見てみると、最近Googleに買収された地図アプリ「Waze」、車の運転中に前の車に近づきすぎると警告をしてくれるモバイルアプリ「iOnRoad」、そして、国際的な注目を浴びているコミュニティーツールバーの「Conduit」などがある。イノベーションが最も集中している拠点の1つを育てる同国には大手企業もある —— ナスダックの上場企業である製薬会社Teva(時価総額は430億ドル)や、大勢の頭脳集団によって設立され、時価総額が今では110億ドルにもなっているCheck Point などがそうだ。
So what makes Israel a base to nurture the creativity, innovation, and risk that comes with starting a company?The Military: In Israel, most citizens join the army prior to entering college. In the military, it is common to be an expert in a technology at an early age since technology is a key component in military warfare and military communications. There is also an environment and culture in the army that encourages entrepreneurship and leadership. After leaving the army, a lot of young soldiers know that they want to start a company and solve the world’s problems through technological solutions. They just have to figure out what problem to solve.
Universities: Aside from government incentive, Israel also has some of the best universities in the world that focus on technology, such as the Technion in Haifa. The universities are, in a sense, a playground for entrepreneurs to meet others with similar interests who may later go into business together.Government Resources: The Israeli government encourages young entrepreneurs to take the risk of beginning a startup company by providing early-stage funding. The government also goes to great lengths to provide support to young entrepreneurs by introducing companies to investors, creating partnerships and programs that can provide support for young companies.
Mentors: Since the first generation of innovators are now in their retirement phase, they are offering both financial support and mentorship to the leaders of the next generation. The retiring business leaders are both acting as investors in these high-tech startups and are providing strategic counsel on how to develop a business model and go to market successfully.One of the strengths and weaknesses of Israeli startup companies is that they often develop a startup and plan to exit early on making a nice chunk of change but never fully develop the company into a large corporation. Everyone wants to be their own boss; however, for major economic growth, employees are necessary.