トレンチコートですが、サンプルには4サイズの表記がされています。 何名かの顧客に試着してもらいましたが、恐らくMサイズ相当ではないかと考えられえます。 もしこれをSサイズと考えると、サンプルは非常に大きな作りとなっております。 こちらのカットソーですが、ネックが小さく、普通の小ぶりな頭でも入りません。 ネックサイズの変更をお願いします? このままでは販売に支障が出てくると思われます。プライスは、円ではなくユーロでも問題ないです。書類は、問題ないのでサインしました。
Concerning the trench coats, in the sample 4 four sizes are listed. A number of customers tried them on, but it was thought that the M size may not be suitable. If you were to think of this as the S size, the sample will have a very large make. On our cutting and sewing, the neck is small and even a regular small head cannot fit through. Can we request that you change the neck size? We believe that as it is we will have difficulty selling them. The price is fine in either Japanese yen or Euros. The paperwork had no problems, so we signed it.
First, please remove the applicator cap. Hold the open portion of the shampoo firmly, and after unfastening the cap exchange and insert the applicator cap. So that there is no spilling from the shampoo to the applicator, slowly insert the contents. Once the fixed amount of the contents has been placed inside the applicator, please put the pack’s cap onto the applicator. Please do not mix and use with other products. It defends against split ends, breaks, and brittle hair. When you shampoo, while caring for your hair finish with beautiful, hair moisturized to the ends.
To me, Twitter was the "black ships.”Something will change. I foresaw that.If Sakamoto Ryouma was alive now, how would he feel, I wonder.
”マベパール”とは、「マベ貝」から取れる真珠の事を意味しています。マベ貝の真珠層のキメの細かさは他の真珠とは比べ物にならない程良質であり、真珠の中 でも貴重なものとなっています。マベパールの特性は、採取されたそのままの”色合い”を大切にする為一切 ”調色加工”を施さないという事。これは”マベパール”の真珠層が高品質であるからこそ、自然 のままの色合いを楽しむことが可能になるのです。 そんな”自然の美しさ”を携えた マベパールは皇室の女性にも愛用されているとの事です。
“Mabe pearls” are pearls that are taken from the “Mabe shell (Pteria penguin).”The fine grain of the Mabe shell’s pearl class is so high quality that other pearls do not even compare; even among other pearls, the Mabe pearl is a precious item.The characteristic of Mabe pearls is that it is harvested as-is, valued above all because it preserves the “tint” of the pearl by adding absolutely no artificial tones to the color. As a result, Mabe pearl’s pearl class is of the highest quality and one is able to enjoy the natural hue of the pearl. That “natural beauty” carried by the Mabe pearl is also a favorite of the women of the Imperial household.
What kind of hide material is A? If it is hide, please put down the animal name, and if it’s synthetic hide, please indicate what type of coating it has. Are the raw materials correct on the line sheet? We’ve received 3 color samples, but there are items where there is silk attached at the cuff/hem and ones without it attached. Which type will the finished goods we receive be? The line sheet says that the materials are wool, but they do not appear to be wool. Please inform us of the correct composite. There are still about 7 points of samples not that have not arrived. According to the previously received schedule, they will be delivered at the end of August.
So that the areas of concern of the skin can stretch, bend the elbow. Atop those areas, attach the tape parallel to the arm. Use another set of tape going sideways over trouble spots. Sit in a chair and bend the knee at a right angle. Affix the center of the tape to under the patella, and attach the tape about both sides of the thigh so that both ends of the tape enclose the patella. Attach another set of tape centered above the patella going towards both ends of the shin. Bend the underside of the foot and attach the tape from the heel to the center of beneath the foot. (Ashi no suke: This is the foundation of the Ganban foot bathing style. Warm the entire body, feet first. Please sit and use it, warmed entirely by the Ganban frame. Gradually warm from the lower body.
Attach tape 3-4cm below the bulge of the large bone at the base of the neck, facing the back of the ear. Bend the body forward, face it from the tail bone to the back and attach it on a slant. Attach one more set of tape on the opposite side in the same way. Attach tape directly horizontal over areas that are painful. Please apply the tape directly to skin. Bend the neck in the opposite direction of the painful shoulder. Attach it parallel from the hairline to the ridge of the shoulders. Curve it beneath the arms and use it to cover the deltoid muscle. Hold it in front of the arms and wrap it to cover beneath the deltoid. Stretch the Achilles tendon and from above the heel attach it left and right to surround the calf.
Weak current! The germanium has become tape and appeared. It is a favorite among sports players. It doesn’t chafe! It is also safe for people who have sensitive skin. The materials use cotton, so the airflow is good and doesn’t get stuffy! It’s a design that is gentle on the skin and does not cause a chafing/rash. It’s an exact fit no matter where it’s used! It is a type that is flexible both before and after, so even at the elastic parts there’s no difficulty and it can be secured. While it’s in place you can take a bath, but after bathing please use a towel to remove the water. People who do not have eczema can keep it in place it for up to three days. After securing it there will be a rise in body temperature. There is a thermography body temperature change verification graph.
I wanna see your peacock.
For mens clothing, the form of the jackets and pants are very neat and the price is cheap. The graphic design of the T-shirts is very good. Overall, the last year and price are without change, and because the price is reasonable the client’s reaction was good. Concerning ladies clothing, the design is very beautiful, but overall all the items are expensive. It is okay to have cotton materials and cheap dresses. Overall, the client’s reaction was good, but there is a problem with the rate of cancellation of goods. Also, in shoes and bags we would like to collaborate and expand goods with our existing brands.
当社は、"Partner with Entrepreneurs"を理念に、ネット/モバイルベンチャーにIPO、M&Aアドバイザリーサービスを提供しています。
This firm, with “Partner with Entrepreneurs” as its ideology, is offering IPO, M&A advisory services to net/mobile ventures.
PyhaRubyで書かれたクラウドの為のCMS。特徴* Windows, Mac, Linuxに加え、Google App Engine, Heroku等のクラウド環境でも動作します。* WordPressを参考にして、WordPressユーザーに分かりやすく作られています。* インストールが簡単。* デザイナーにとってテーマを作るのが簡単。* RubyistにとってクリーンなプラグインAPI。
PyhaThis is CMS written in Ruby for Cloud.Features:*Add it to Windows, Mac, Linux, and it operates in Cloud environments of Google App Engine, Heroku, etc.*References WordPress and is easily understood for useage by WordPress users.*Installation is easy.*Making themes is easy for designers.*Has a clean API plug-in for Rubyist.
この品番だけ生産することはできませんか。なぜなら、Aさんは、これ以上キャンセルをお伝えできません。納期に関しては 9末までに顧客に届けたいです。もし色・素材が変更になる場合は、どのような変更になるかを事前に連絡を下さい。Bは「4サイズ」と記載されていましたが、ラインシートのサイズ展開は「XS-S」でした。どちらのサイズでオーダーしたらいいのですか。また、3MODELのプライスが確定しました連絡ください。はずれてしまっているボタンがありますので10個取寄せいただけませんか?
Can you manufacture this number item? For some reason Mr. A cannot convey cancelling more than this. As for the appointed day of delivery, we want to deliver it to the client by the end of September. If there is a change to the color or materials, please contact us beforehand to inform us of what kind of change it will be. Mr. B entered “Size 4,” but the development of the line sheet size was “XS-S.” Which size should be ordered? Also, if the 3MODEL’s price is decided, please contact us. We have disconnected buttons, so could you please send for 10 of them?
In order to preserve inherent and natural qualities, we have made the deliciousness of natural vegetables our top priority without using flavoring or seasoning. While controlling the basic materials, it has a delighted, easy drinkability in the “It’s my first time having Green drink” way. There is one folding of powders (fine grain) in one serving, so it’s very convenient! It’s a compact folding of powders, so you can take it to work, place it in a bottle and drink it, or actively use it in many different places! Especially before business trips if you just buy water at a convenience store you can drink it easily, so it is a recommendation for taking care of nutrition!
Because it is green tea flavor, it can be put in put it in alcohol, sweets, soba to make green tea soba, etc. Depending on your ideas, it can be used in many foods. It is also excellently compatible with sweet flavors. This Green drink is mixed with 3 types of vegetables and green tea in a miraculous balance, and it was recently developed so that it can be enjoyed like the feeling of drinking green tea. As with the current types of “cool” and “young leaf barley” in Green drink, original combination ratios of “spinach leaf” and “green tea” are used as ingredients, and, being made with a granule purification machine, Green drink fine powder will dissolve perfectly in an instant into milk or water.
On the invoice were short length socks, but the actual merchandise received consisted of long ones. On the invoice this code was also printed, so we think the manufacturer shipped this merchandise. We would like to request that the original shipment of short socks be shipped to us.
Given that Mr. Ou will arrive in Japan on September 20th, if my work schedule can be adjusted and I am given permission from my company, I would also like to go to Tokyo. I am not proficient enough in Chinese to hold a conversation, so if I am able to meet Mr. Ou, should I be accompanied by an interpreter when I go? Or, is it better that Mr. Ou have an interpreter?