この時間なら何人か戻ってきていてもいいはずだ。 だが、食堂に入ると、その理由がわかった。マユミ:「そこの窓も随分と汚れているじゃない。全く、王宮の掃除ができていると油断したら、宿舎がこれだもの」 何故かは知らないが、マユミが下男の住居にきているのだ。 運悪く居合わせたフウがこき使われている。ミズキ:(下男が住む場所にまで口出ししなくてもいいのに………メイド長も暇なんだな) ミズキはマユミに気付かれないよう、そっと足を出した。
There should be some people out here at this time of the day. When Mizuki enters the canteen, he knows the reason why it is so quiet. Mayumi : "That window over there. It is also extremely dirty. Gosh, it was too early for me to feel happy just because the palace was all clean. The quarter is in this mess"Mizuki has no idea, but Mayumi is at the house of servants. Fuu is being ordered to work, that unfortunate kid. Mizuki : (Why is she bothered to care even about the place where servants live? ...... Maid master must have had nothing better to do)Mizuki steps ahead quietly so Mayumi will not know he is here.
しかし、年季の入った床がミズキ程度の体重で軋んで、マユミはすぐにこちらを振り返る。 見つかってしまったと、ミズキは心から後悔した。 必要もないのに痩せることを考えてしまったほどだった。マユミ:「ミズキ」 すると案の定、背後からマユミの呼び止められる。 ミズキは悪事を働いたわけでもないのにギクリとして、ぎこちなく振り返った。ミズキ:「な、なんでしょう・・・?」マユミ:「その紙袋から何かこぼれている気がするんだけど」
As ill luck would have it, the seasoned floor creaks with Mizuki's weight, and Mayumi immediately looks back at Mizuki. Mizuki feels regret from the bottom of his heart that he's been seen by Mayumi. He even thought of losing weight though it would not be needed.Mayumi : "Mizuki"Then as expected, Mayumi stops Mizuki from the rear.Though he has done nothing wrong, Mizuki is given a scare and turns to Mayumi awkwardly. Mizuki : "Wh... what is the matter...?"Mayumi : "It seems like something is leaking from that paper bag"
ハッとして、自分の抱えている荷物を見る。 卵の入った紙袋から、粘っこくて黄色い液体が染み出していた。 男たちと争ったときに割れてしまったんだろうか。随分前からこの状態だったらしく、いくらかは既に乾いていた。マユミ:「こぼしたであろう王宮の中を掃除しなさい。馬車の中もですよ」ミズキ:「はい………」
Mizuki is startled. He then looks at the stuff he is carrying in his arms. Some slimy yellowish liquid is leaking from the paper bag with eggs. Did they break when I fought with those men? It must have been like this for some time as some parts are already dried up. Mayumi : "You've better go clean the area where you might have spill the liquid. Of course, inside the carriage too" Mizuki : "Yes...."
こぼれた卵を見つけて、拭いて、車庫にしまわれたであろう馬車を探して……… いや、その前に下男の食事を作るためにナツメを起こさなければならない。 そういえば午後の仕事のことをまだ聞いていなかった。ミズキ:(今日、休む時間はあるのかなー………) 今日一日の終わりが見えず、ミズキは人知れずため息を吐いた。
Mizuki finds and cleans the spilled egg. He then looks for the carriage which might have been kept in the garage.......No, Mizuki realizes he has to get Natsume up to prepare some meals for servants.Also, Mizuki has not asked Natsume about the afternoon duty. Mizuki : (Will I have some time to rest.......?)Mizuki secretly sighs as he sees no end to today.
11. 時間とお金の両方を節約する為、できるだけすみやかに商品の返品を開始します。最後に私の意見を言いますと、EBAYのページでは、フオークが金色(色)をしている写真を巧妙に掲載してありました。金色のフオークは全く無いのにです。金色のフオークの写真をたくさん見せていて、実際は金色(色)ではなかった。これは、私にとっては、一種の詐欺行為に思えた。だから、購入者の私が大変怒っていたのです。
11. I will, as immediately as possible, arrange to return the items as I wish to save both my time and money. Lastly, here is my opinion. On your eBay page, many photos with golden forks were on display though there were no golden forks in fact. You published many photos of those golden forks. However in reality, they were not in the color of gold at all. This seemed to me like a kind of fraud. Therefore, I, as a buyer, was furious.
12. あなたがいくいら言い訳をしようと今でもそう考えます。購入者がそう考えるのだから、あなたも出品方法を再検討した方が良いと考えます。これは、購入者の厳しい意見です。
12. No matter how much you try to make excuses, it still does appear to me it was a fraud. This is what a buyer thinks, so you should really reconsider how you list your items in the future. This is a stern opinion of one buyer.
To my dearest friend from Israel, I have been trying my very best for you, the one who loves Japanese watches. Lots have happened, but I must say thank you for your heartwarming message.I understand that you do not celebrate Christmas day or the 1st day of the year. No matter what, I will never forget the year I met you, the year 2011. I am sure I will be of your help soon in the future. From your dear friend.
Not even the PlayStation Network disaster could keep users from engaging in online play, whether it was through a PS3, Xbox 360, Wii or increasingly — an iPhone, iPad or Android device.With Zynga’s upcoming IPO and its multi-billion dollar valuation, casual gaming is no longer a joke. It’s real and it’s going to be part of the future.To wit, big studios are acquiring or creating smaller units dedicated to building smaller, iterative titles that can be updated more regularly and have smaller budgets.
PlayStationのネットワーク障害でさえも、ユーザーをオンラインプレイから遠ざけることはできなかった模様で、これはPS3、Xbox 360、そして Wii、また著しく使用頻度が増加の傾向にあるiPhoneやAndroid機器全てにおいて言えることだ。来るべきZyngaのIPOとその数十億ドルもの評価額をもってすると、カジュアルゲーミングはいまやおふざけの類などとは言っていられない。それは現実的なものであり未来の一部を表するものとなるのだ。これはすなわち、大手のスタジオ勢は、更新をより頻繁に行うことが可能で小額予算のみ持ち合わせている小規模でイタレイティブ性のあるゲームタイトルの開発に従事する小規模の部署を買収もしくは築き上げていっていると言うことである。
オレは最高だと思っているんだ(笑)- チェスター
I think I am the best * laughs * - Chester
ok, i am willing to help u.i will contatc the logestics company and notify u.ok?
When I ordered on the 1st of December, the shipping fee for 2 items was $ 38. This time around, I purchased 2 items again, so the shipping fee should be $ 38, I think.The shipping fee claimed this time around was $ 76, but please send the items at the same shipping fee, that is $ 38. You also said that you will deduct $ 25 as a discount. Please refund me the total of $ 63.
We apologize for this delay - our supply has not arrived on the promised date. We will rush it out today as soon as we can.The (商品名) are now out of production - but we managed to be able to acquire a few.
The holiday season has arrived. How is everyone doing?I arranged to put the store on Amazon.com on a holiday setting last night.Due to this setting, the listed items have stopped showing. As such, I have added a stock list sheet on Excel to avoid double listing. When you wish to list your items for the first time, please check this ASIN code list and avoid double listing. Kindly contact me anytime should there be suggestions or requests to proceed with various transactions.
Thank you for creating such wonderful products. We order our products from the market in the U.S. Are there problems selling them in Japan? If possible, will you sell us your products on a wholesale basis? I am grateful of your kind consideration.
Finally, the items got to you! I am glad that you liked them. Please let me know if you want anything at all!I will be able to get anything even other than head phones. My English skill is rather poor, but I am happy to be able to communicate with you who are in Moscow.
馬車乗り場に行くには下男たちの住居の前を通らなければならない。一国の王子がそんなところを歩いていたら目立つし、誰だって記憶に残す。 王様に王子の行方が知れるのも時間の問題では………ミズキはそこまで考えて、首を振った。ザクロ:「なんだ」ミズキ:「いや、まぁ、その………うん。王子もサボりたくなるんだなって」ザクロ:「………婚姻の話だったからだ」ミズキ:「ああ………女性が苦手なんですか」
Prince needs to walk past the servants' houses in order to get to the carriage stop. It will be too prominent for a prince of one country to be walking in such a street, and also people will remember him for that. Mizuki thinks for a second that it is just a matter of time that the king will find where prince is... but then he shakes his head. Zakuro : "What's the matter?"Mizuki : "Um, well, I mean... Yeah.... Even prince sometimes needs a fresh air, I was thinking"Zakuro : "Because the king was talking about my marriage"Mizuki : "Ah... are women not in your line?"
Zakuro : "Women get in my way when running the country. Let my younger brother leave some offspring. Anyway, the woman in question is 10 years older than I am"Mizuki : "10 years older than you?!"Zakuro : "She is the second imperial princess of Alan, the southern empire in the distance. That's what the normal strategic marriage is about"Mizuki : "So it is not that you, sir Zakuro, is not the one who has fallen for the princess"Zakuro : "My father has fallen for oil $, that is why she has become my marriage partner. Well, they are not bad for our diplomatic relation partner"
ミズキ:「………政略結婚させられるザクロ様にもですが、国交の繋ぎ目としか見られてない皇女様にも同情しますよ、俺」ザクロ:「そんな歳まで結婚できなかったんだ。その皇女が悪いとしか言いようがない」 そんなことを言っている間に、馬車はリーンの村に着いたようだった。 リーンの村は王国と海岸のちょうど真ん中にある村で、漁業と農牧が一挙に行われている豊かな村だ。 王宮だけではなく城下町や王国領の町からも一般人が買い物にくるため、小さいながらも村は活気に満ちていた。
Mizuki : "Not only I feel for prince for being forced into this strategic marriage, but also for the princess who is taken just as a bridge for the nations' diplomatic relations..."Zakuro : "She has not gotten married until now. It's none other than her fault."While they are having such conversations, the carriage seems to have arrived in the village of Lean.The village of Lean is right in between the kingdom and the coast, and it is one village with a rich supply as they are engaged in both fishery and agricultural farming. Not only the people from palace but also people from the palace town and palace-owned towns come to shop in this village, so the village is always lively though it is small.
見習いコック:「じゃ、十時にまたここに戻ってこいよ!」ミズキ:「十時? 随分長いんですね」見習いコック:「そっちは下男の今日の昼飯と晩飯の買い物だけだろうが、こっちは王様から大勢の国賓の食事を作るからな」ミズキ:「なるほど。わかりました」ザクロ:「………」見習いコック:「な、何か?」ザクロ:「いや、なんだかおかしなシステムだと思った」ミズキ:「?」
Trainee cook : "Alright then, get back here at 10 o'clock!"Mizuki : "Hm? 10 o'clock? Isn't it too long?"Trainee cook : "For you, it is only ingredients for today's lunch and dinner for servants that you need to buy. But for me, I will have to prepare meals for the king and other national guests"Mizuki : "True. I understand"Zakuro : "........"Trainee cook : "Wha... what is the matter?"Zakuro : "No, I mean, I feel like it is such an odd system"Mizuki : " ? "
ザクロ:「下男は自分たちで食事を作る。王族や国賓は勿論厨房が。ではメイドたちはどうしているんだ? ここに買い物にきているふうでもないが」ミズキ:「そういえば………変だな」見習いコック:「メイドたちは保存のきく食材を安いときに買い込んで、魚とか肉類は俺たちについでに買ってきてもらうようにとメイド長に言われてるそうです」ザクロ:「最初からお前たちに全て買いに行かせればいいだろう」
Zakuro : "Servants make their own meals. The king's and national guests' are prepared by the cooks. Then, what about maids? They don't seem to come here to buy stuff"Mizuki : "Well, .... yes, that is really strange"Trainee cook : "Maids buy a large stock of ingredients that can be preserved for a long time, and the maid master tells maids to let us buy stuff like fish and meat when we come over here"Zakuro : "Why not let you guys buy everything from the very start?"