A and B is an accessory that is used in the products that does not exceed the maximum power 0.989J.
I understand.It is impossible to sent this products to Japan.What a pity.So, can you please wait for the disposal of the product, since I will contact the Ebay seller for product's return.Thank you very much.
I have prepared the cover of the SLOT-2 for you.We will send it to you as soon as possible.I will appreciate it If I can get a little more time until the cover reach. Thank you.
Thanks for the reply.first, i am thinking to purchase 10 of it, i am ready the payment of 3400 Dollar.Can i purchase with you in this circumstances?How should i purchase?
I have send the draft of the post for the first round.Firstly, in order to grasp what kind of content that readers demand, I have selected the content of a wide range of genres and types as much as possible.A trial like this will continue for a while, and we will know the needs of the reader to some extent, We plan to post mainly on the content that they needs.
Please manufacturing ten Small size rings.Conditions,1.Produced in Copper.2.Same as the ring in Silver, apply the projections of large and small on the inner side.3.A stamped ring of copper, change to the mark of the crescent moon and star from the yin and yang mark.4.The thickness of the metal is slightly different between the ring of copper and silver. The thickness must same as the copper ring.You can order others size by looking on the quality.I only ask for 10 samples this time. The subsequent each size below 50, is 150$ each. Please manufacture below 100 for 80$each.I'm glad that can do business with you. Thank you.
This clogs will fit well with kimono!
You can put on these boots on rainy day, and have the feel like going out unintentionally!
The following products is very popular in Japan.New condition or used fairly condition is quite desirable.If it is possible for order, please tell me the price including the postage.in future, including the ones above, if something unusual of Products TourIssue arrived,I am glad if you inform me.I want the signed ball from the Japan's golf player.Because the following Player's products are popular, I am glad when you tell me when it is available.If possible i want the one that was used in the actual game with certificate.
I sent two copies of the email to you long times ago. The other day, I sent a mail to other Americans too because i have an errands, but still din't receive any reply yet..Will there be an email that moved to the Junk E-mail folder? i was in trouble
Good afternoon.you have divided 4390€ into two part.I understand your meaning.I have completed the payment of 2215 € a minutes earlier.Please give me more time for the remaining claims.Because the Office had transfer, Please deliver to the address below.Also be able to check on the Paypal delivery.
わたしは10月17日に、jp.BeatsbyDRe.comで、以下の注文をしました。注文番号: JP10000170商品名: Beats PROスタイル: レッド本日、商品が届きましたが、注文したものと違います。届いたのは「レッド&ブラック」で、私が注文したのは「レッド」です。写真を添付しましたのでご確認ください。商品を交換していただきたいのですが、どのようにすればよいですか?
I have ordered the following product on 17th October by jp.BeatsbyDRe.comOrder number: JP10000170Product Name: Beats PROStyle: RedI have received the product today , but it is differs from the one I ordered.I received a "Red & Black",but what I have ordered is "Red".I have attached a photo please take a look .I would like to make an exchange of the item, but how can I do this?
Do you make your own Miso soup? I love Miso soup too, i want it so much especially on cold season. Thank you for the recipe. Please don't work overload okay?I've sent the sweets this morning. Although i sent it right out immediately from the refrigerator, because it is raw so i am worry that it will break Ms/Mr◯◯'s stomach.( Although i had told the postal worker that this is sweets when i send it out)Although this time is Takoyaki snack, i will put a little something on it when it is light weight and send it out. It has more than a half year although you only drink a cup each day ! I drink coffee every day, do you drink it every day?
This is a purchase order of sesame.This time i would like to order 200Kg of sesame.Please send me the latest sesame that harvested on this fall.( ISO certification of Products is attached)Please make sure that you have signed the agreement.And , you will come to Japan on 2014 for foodex, do you want to service in the booth?Or do you just want to join our company?
I understand.I will correspond by the refund.How much do you want for the refund?And I'm really sorry for any inconvenience this time.
こちらの希望としては「2013 Easton YB13S1 S1」1本145$「2013 Demarini WTDXCFL CF5」1本130$「Easton 2013 YB13S2 」1本135$くらいにしていただけるとありがたいです。今回は「2013 Easton YB13S1 32/20 S1」「Easton 2013 YB13S2 31"/18oz」「2013 Demarini WTDXCFL 31/20 CF5」を1本づつ欲しいです。
This is my hope for the following item, will appreciate that.「2013 Easton YB13S1 S1」one for 145$ 「2013 Demarini WTDXCFL CF5」one for 130$ 「Easton 2013 YB13S2 」one for 135$For this time, i want the following item each for one「2013 Easton YB13S1 32/20 S1」「Easton 2013 YB13S2 31"/18oz」「2013 Demarini WTDXCFL 31/20 CF5」
はじめまして。突然のメールすみません。私、ebayであなたから「2013 Demarini WTDXCFL 31/20 CF5」Item number:370792639822「2013 Easton YB13S1 S1」Item number:360630694845、380615587778、200906004185を購入したebayID:mori_mori_ninety2012ことHisayoshi Moriと申します。
Nice to meet you.Sorry for e-mail you in a sudden.I have purchased the following item from you from ebay. 「2013 Demarini WTDXCFL 31/20 CF5」Item number:370792639822「2013 Easton YB13S1 S1」Item number:360630694845、380615587778、200906004185ebayID:mori_mori_ninety2012ことI am Hisayoshi Mori .
Thank you for your easy-to-understand reply.So,please deliver the item that is available now.please deliver it together at one time for the item that is not available.The order will cancel due to the delivery time for item AAA can't be decided.Since will pay for a total of 22 item, please send the invoice.Thanks for your kind support.Thanks you.
Hello.Thank you for the invoice.How is it regarding the another to be confirm item?Hello.During this time, after i sent the mail i did not receive any contact. Why is it like this?I am expecting your reply.
Price Listはありますか?Aは上記のセットを$5~$8で購入しています。購入先はAdoramaなどその時一番安く買えるnet shopです。Aは1度の注文で5~10セット注文したいと考えています。Bの購入を検討している私の顧客と本日会議しました。2000個の注文を検討しています。1商品あたり$8になりませんか?納期は7月初旬です。7月初旬までに2000個納品が可能か、何日で分かりますか?Bはnoveltyとして使用する予定です。日本でCを宣伝する良い機会だと思います。
Do you have the price list?A is purchased as a set as above at $ 5 to $ 8.It is the cheapest affordable online shop on that time you can purchase such as AdoramaWould like to make an order 5-10 sets of item A again.I made a meeting with my customers today about considering to purchase item of B.We are considering to order 2,000 of the item. Can you make it each for $8?The delivery time is early July.Is it possible to deliver 2,000 item by early July, Do you know how many days it take?B is used as a novelty.I think it is a good opportunity to promote C Japan.