transcontinents 翻訳実績

英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
ビジネス 商品説明 旅行・観光
transcontinents 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

Hi. No I have not yet make the car. I will build the car next year.I will it make with a friend. We want to make ithe bodie just like you. But I make the bodie blue and red like the red bull sign. Can you ask your friend for the plan for the rollcage or he has not make a plan?
How long did it take to build the car? I will buy the baja 5t. Did you also the hpi baja 5t? Which motor do you used? I love this car, because the rollcage and the body are very nice.When the car is finish I show you the body and the car.

my friend wants to make the body of fiberglass

...has TSCO listed as showing.... 2 pops in the trailer.


車を作るのにどれ位かかりましたか?Baja 5tを購入します。hpi baja 5tはありますか?どのモーターを使いましたか?この車をとても気に入っています、ロールケージとボディがとてもいいです。車ができたらボディと車をお見せしますね。



transcontinents 英語 → 日本語

So if you send me the payment by western union method then i will discount you $15 per piece mean's every jacket piece price will $120 include shipping fee door to door express delivery,
So then the total of all 4 piece is $480 include shipping fee door to door to express delivery,
if you follow the paypal payment method way then it will costly because paypal deduction the $6 dollar per piece so the total for paypal method 4 piece x $540 include shiping fee door to door so i think if you follow the westren union method that is better than paypal way ,

Discount for western union method is good,
I want to fully corporate with you because Our company want to work with you for a long term business releathionship,


Western Unionで送金していただける場合は1着15ドル値引きします、速達宅配送料を含めてジャケット1着あたり120ドルとなります。ですので速達宅配料金を含めた4着の合計は480ドルです。PayPalでお支払いされる場合は費用が高くつきます、1着あたり6ドルのPayPal手数料がかかりますので、PayPal決済の場合は宅配送料を含めて4着で合計540ドルとなります、なのでPayPalよりもWestern Unionを利用されるほうがいいと思います。

Western Union決済の場合の割引はお得です、

transcontinents 英語 → 日本語

He also believes that having good travel related content also helps Burufly acquire users more efficiently. While competitors are spending a huge online advertising budget to bring in visitors, Burufly enjoys a lot of organic traffic generated by people who search for content. The site is extremely social as well. Every user, be they a travel agent or a travel enthusiast, can create their own collection of places. Users can click “want” to save a trip or “done” when a particular trip has been explored. Launched this past November, Burufly now has more than 178,000 registered users who have clicked the “want” button over 800,000 times.

