GermanyI checked the status with the delivery company and found the parcel had god lost.DHL should have lost it.It may take long to trace and find the item.I would like to sugguest you the following to two options to prevent you from further troubles.1. Full refund2. Reshipment of new item* Reorder and shipment will not be charged.Please advice me.Have a nice day!
最近はDoujinshiだけではなく、Featured ItemsやCharacter Itemsから商品をまとめて買って下さるお客様も増えたので、是非ご利用ください(*>ω<)!★久しぶりに「Our Shop」に来て下さる方へ!★最近、New Arrivalsという新しいページを作りました!このページで、最近の商品をまとめてチェックできます!色んなジャンルの新商品を探せるので、今日はここから見てみませんか(・∀<)?
Recently, more customers purchase doujinshi, featured items, and character items together.Please enjoy shopping from us(*>ω<)!To Customers Back to "Our Shop" After A Long Interval,"New Arrivals" page is available now.You can check latest added items here.Please start from the page today, and find new items from various genre(・∀<)!
エクセルデータのNo. Aを修正して、新しいNo.を教えてください。
Please correct data No. A on Excel, and inform us the new number.
Is this product can be used instead of XXX's similar product?(Is it compatible?)
We appreciate if you can have some time to talk on the phone.We would like to share topics above, the same perception.Thank you.
We regard this sales volume up to mark comparing to for the past one year.Please refer to the objective ranking data from URL below.<URL>* This website is written in Japanese. See attached file.This vendor still sells the product.<URL>We know some vendors outside of Japan sell them on Amazon.Our concern is parallel import of the products to be sold outside.
Hello,Sorry for the delayed response.Logistic vendor's insurance will not cover it.I will send it to a repair expart.So, would you please send it back to me?The shipping cost will be transfered to through PayPal after return.Please advice if you wish other solutions.Thank you.
I have a question about Q10-5182.Please advice the chain length.And, is it adjustable?I appreciate your prompt response.
○○さま本日商品を受け取りました、ありがとうとても良い○○(商品名)です、私たちは喜んでいますさて、私たちはこれから年末に向けて忙しくなるため、商品の取引先を増やしたいのです。商品は1か月に30pairs以上必要ですが、少なくても構いませんし入荷も定期的でも不定期(そちらの都合で)でも構いませんので直接取引をお願いできますか急ぎ購入したいのは本日購入・○○(商品名) W31.32-L32×1・○○(商品名) W28.33.34-L32×1合計5 pairs
Mr. AAAWe received items today. Thank you.We are pleased with <name of products> with good quality.Well, we are going to be busy from now to the end of year, and we would like to have more clients.We need more than 30 pairs/ month. We'd like to offer you a direct deal even with a small number on a regular/ irregular base.Our request with all speed is1. <name of products> W31.32-L32×12. <name of products> W28.33.34-L32×1which we purchased today,Five pairs total.
Please find attached a part of bill, since I could not fax.Thank you.
Hello,I own woodwind and brass instrument repair shop in Japan.I really like AAA's product.I understand no authorized distributors in Japan.That's what I would like to be.Would you please let me sell your products in Japan?If it works, we actively sell them through repair shop in Tokyo and my Internet shopping site.I hope to hear from you favorably.
I ordered the shoes with US clothing size, however, British clothing sized item arrived.Nine in British clothing size is bigger than the US one even they have the same number.Would you please replace the items or give a discount since that is not the size I ordered?
This regulation subjects about labor condition of management level and inside duty staff, XXXX, and other conditions of labor.All the employees shall be on the basis of the duty into administrative staff and technical staff.Other employees except for Head of branch, Sales Manager, Promotion Chief shall be graded according to Job Grading Definition Table.Global staff and Local Area StaffActual working words shall be 40 hours a week.Employees applied to project team class discretionary labor system are regarded as employees subjected to Labor Committee's Decision.Half-holiday in the afternoonPublic holiday may be valid for 3 leave years.Service yearsSick leave term limitWarningReprimandPaycutSuspensionDismissalRemovalDiscipline Committee
こんにちは。では速達でお願いします。私の住所は日本 熊本県荒尾市八幡台4-4-3-9ADP3101は明日の支払い分には間に合わないですか?間に合わないのであれば、10月1日に支払います。何か他に在庫があれば明日支払いますので教えてください。ちなみに送料分値引きしていだくことは可能ですか?
Hello,Please ship it by express.My address is4-4-3-9 Hachimandai, Arao, Kumamoto Pref, 864-00XX Japan.Could you include ADP3101 for the package of tomorrow payment?If not, I will pay on 10/1.Please advice me other items in stock. I will pay tomorrow.Could you give me a discount for shipping charge from the whole price?
では、TourIssue S300を5セットを各$215送料込みでお願いします。残りの3セットは来週発注する予定です。あと、TourIssue S200を1セット欲しいです。テスト販売をして、売れ行きが良ければ、注文数を増やします。ネットショップはすぐに開設はしませんが、準備が整ったら、必ずあなたに知らせます。あなたと長くビジネスをさせていただくことを希望しています。余談ですが、私も昔、日本のプロゴルファーを目指していました。プロにはなれませんでしたが 笑
I'd like to purchase 5 sets of Tourlssue S300 for $215 for each including shipment fee.I am going to place an order of the rest three sets next week.And I want a set of Tourlsse S200.We will sell test market and if it goes well, more orders will be placed.Our Internet shopping site is not going to open very soon, but I will let you know when it's ready.I hope our long continuous business.By the way, I wanted be a professional golfer a long time ago.Well, I couldn't make it happen though. lol
I was a would-be painter. Currently I create my works while working as a graphic designer.I'd like to make art work showing "I'm here." That's what always in my mind.
連絡をありがとう。税金の件等、あなたの配慮に感謝します。UPSであれば1日2500ドルの制限はありません。注意事項があります。UPSの場合発送をする際のインボイス記載の欄に原産地を記載する項目があります。その欄にメードインジャパンとなるように記載をお願いします。あとは貴方に任せるので請求書を送って下さい。月曜日に支払います。もう一点、makita bl1830はいくらで注文できますか?再度見積もり価格を教えて下さい。
Thank you for your contanct.I appreciate your consideration for the tax issue.UPS does not have a limit, 2,500 dollars a day.Precautions are here. UPS shipping invoice has place of origin column.Please fill it out to allow the product described as Made in Japan.I will leave the rest to you. Please send me a bill and I will pay on Monday.And one more thing. How much is makita bl 1830? Please give me a quote again.
I got new experience to meet energetic ladies at ICT event.Since I did not provide many stories, I felt sorry about my less contribution as a guest speaker.So, Your E-mail really encouraged me.I would like to tell you about my experience.In Japan, traditional gender roles are entrenched in the society.Japanese women rarely put question these gender discriminative customs.
ジェンダーギャップの問題があると自覚するのも難しいのです。 身近に触れるメディアは偏向しています。色々な分野で活躍する女性がいる事や、世界から見た時に、どれだけ日本が偏っているかという情報はほとんど流れません。このような情報のあふれる社会に、日本人女性は幼いころから慣れ親しんでいるのです。ロールモデルになるのは、メディアからすり込まれた従順なアイドルやホステスのような女性か、同じように育ってきた自分の母親しかいないのです。私は、ゲーム業界でキャリアを積んできました。
Gender gap issue is difficult to be recognized.Mass media surrounding us is tendentious.We see few information about active women in various fields and how much Japan's society is deflected comparing to other countries.Japanese women grow up and become familiar with the society full of that kind of information.Dutiful idols and hosteses imprinted by media or their own mother whom grew up in the same environment are the only role models.I built up my career in game industry.
そして徐々に見えてきたのは、ゲームや漫画やドラマ、映画などの中に、同じように偏ったメッセージがすり込まれてるという事でした。従順なアイドルやホステスを、たっぷりデコレーションして魅力的に描いたコンテンツで溢れています。わかりやすいポルノ表現だけではありません。例えばあきらかに少女をターゲットにした、魅力的にデコレーションしたシンデレラに例えたゲームが、 業界の大手の会社からリリースされました。しかし、これはホステスシミュレーションゲームです。
And I gradually found the same tendentious message imprinted in games, comics, TV dramas, and movies.We can find well-dressed up attractive dutiful idols and hostesses contains anywhere.Not only pornography, which is easy to recognize.For example, major game company released attractively dressed-up Cinderella game way for girls. However, it is a hostess-simulation game.