takapitan (takapitan) 翻訳実績

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takapitan 英語 → 日本語

iPhone 5S Will Have Larger Camera, New Fingerprint Technology, Same Screen Size

Topeka analyst Brian White today issued a new research note summarizing his thoughts on the phone he calls the iPhone5S,expected to be released this summer.Most notably,he seems to have reversed his prior assertion that the next iPhone will have multiple screen sizes,noting that at a trade show in China there was a consensus amongst his sources that the screen size will be unchanged from the iPhone5.

He claims the left side volume and mute buttons will be arranged differently,in line with a parts leak from yesterday,and says the rumored fingerprint technology will be the differentiating feature for the 5S,like what Siri was to the 4S.


iPhone 5Sはカメラが

Topekaのアナリストブライアン・ホワイト氏は自身がiPhone 5Sと呼ぶ機種に関する調査のまとめを今日付で報告しました。iPhone 5Sは今年の夏に発表される予定です。とくに注目に値するのは、画面サイズの異なる機種が複数あるとの以前の予測を撤回したことです。中国での展示会で、ホワイト氏の情報源となった人々は、画面サイズはiPhone 5から変更されない、と口をそろえて言っていたそうです。


takapitan 英語 → 日本語

White also shares some additional thoughts about the rumored cheaper iPhone he expects this summer:

Strangely enough,the lower-priced iPhone is still being called the "iPhone mini"; however,the general consensus was that this new device would actually have the same screen size as the iPhone 5.However,the "iPhone mini" will have a curved back casing made of colored plastic and will be thicker than the iPhone 5.We also learned the pricing could be a bit higher than our recently raised expectation,reaching as high as $400.

The picture around this summer's iPhone releases should continue to come into focus as we see more hardware leaks and get closer to the expected launch.



奇妙なことですが、低価格のiPhoneはいまだに「iPhone mini」と呼ばれています。しかし、この新しいディバイスの画面サイズはiPhone 5と同じになるであろうというのが大方の一致した意見です。それでも、「iPhone mini」は背面がカーブしたカラープラスチックでできており、iPhone 5より厚さがあるでしょう。価格帯は最近予想された価格より若干高めの400ドル程度になるかもしれません。


takapitan 英語 → 日本語

On my website we sell it cheap due to constant movement on other sellers in the uk market,

We have very big problem here with undercutting of price from smaller retail

We have a shop in fulham/Chelsea and why we keep the brand is as the manufacturer wants a store presence in the area, so my web pricing is always open to mistakes but look any way,

I have attached a price list with rrp and my price to you without vat as per your request, my base margin with full rrp is rougly 35% on cast iron, 37% on china, 41% on accessories,

This is there overall margin calculations if I sell one of each line in the catorgories which never happens in real life.







takapitan 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

So what I have done is taken max 7% to 5% margin on wholesale to you, hence you should get at least 25-30% on your retail
But as it’s a luxury brand there you might be able to get more as I will be able to give you the newest uk colours which might not be available straight away in japan.

You can email me anytime I will look to reply

Now from this I am guessing we will look at pallet rates sent to japan so it can be on weight and qty,

Look at pricing and let me know what you think today

I don’t want to waste your time and I want to be open honest and fast, so please excuse my hurried tone.





