
Tony Bennjamin (superdude) 翻訳実績

12年以上前 男性 40代
インドネシア語 (ネイティブ) 英語
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50 時間 / 週
superdude 英語 → インドネシア語

All of this takes place in the 1920s and 1930s, as the world arms up for war. "The Wind Rises" is a mild anti-war film (in an early scene, when Jiro beats up a school bully, his mother scolds him saying, "Fighting is never justified."), perhaps too mild, considering its topic. But Miyazaki sticks close to Jiro's journey, following him through his dreams, his schooling, his investigative trips to Germany, and his sweet courtship of the girl Naoko, who will become his wife. Still, with all of that, "The Wind Rises" has an uneasy undercurrent about what these "beautiful dreams" will become when used in warfare. Planes then turn into nightmares, raining death down on the people below.


Semua ini terjadi pada tahun 192-0an dan 1930-an, ketika dunia mempersenjatai diri untuk berperang. "The Wind Rises" sebuah film anti-perang ringan (dalam adegan awal, ketika Jiro mengalahkan si pengintimidasi sekolah, ibunya memarahina dengan mengatakan "Perkelahian tiak pernah dibenarkan."), mungkin terlalu ringan mengingatkan pada topik ini. Tetapi Miyazaki melekat pada pertualangan Jiro, mengikutinya melalui mimpinya, masa sekolahnya, perjalanan investigasinya ke Jerman, dan pacarnya yang manis Naoko, yang menjadi istrinya. Masih banyak tentang itu. "The Wind Rises" memiliki kegelisahan yang terpendam mengenai apa yang akan menjadi "mimpi yang indah" ketika digunakan dalam peperangan. Pesawat berubah menjadi mimpi buruk, hujan kematian mengantar orang-orang dibawah.

superdude 中国語(繁体字) → 英語

OS : 每年5月至11月防汛期,是主要降雨及颱風侵襲的季節,近年來因為







OS: There is a flood stage each year from May to November, it is occur in the major season of rain and typhoon, in recent years due to the climate change, instantaneously probably cause by the increasing of the heavy rainfall, which causing flooding often occurs in various regions of the disaster

OS: in more than 120 km along coastline.

OS: Taiwan is located between the Eurasian Plate and the Philippine Sea plate boundary, New Taipei City, the territory of a foot of living Fault, the earthquake occurred densely

OS: The earthquake occurred in last 88 years in Republic of China

OS: three nuclear power plants located in New Taipei City, the safety can not be ignored

OS: New Taipei City Disaster Response Centre building was completed in 2005.
OS: The Technology of the Disaster Response Centre, is located at ninth floor of New Taipei City Hall , can withstand more than seven intensity earthquake

superdude 英語 → インドネシア語

Well mybest friend was staying in the trava its very close to monas park area menteng/cikini my friend was there a few days ahead of me and my wife he had a few problems 1 the room he wanted/was shown before was gone 2 when he did get the there was a problem with the loo very noise 3 the inroom safe kept failing he could not lock it but when he called them thay sent men to fix it pronto he paid idr400.000 pernite my friends room was ok and very big but needed to be sharpend up has wall paper hanging off and old big bathroom good in its hayday but dated now but still an ok place and nice staff first class doormen who can talk english and are age 30 pluse maybe ex army of police


Sahabat dekat saya tinggal di Trava yang berdekatan dengan Monas, kawasan taman menteng / Cikini saya ada beberapa hari kemudian saya istri saya, dan dia memiliki sedikit masalah 1 ruang yang ia inginkan / ditunjukkan sebelumnya sudah tidak ada. Saat dia tiba disana ada sedikit masalah dengan keributan. 3 ruang keamanan tidak bisa dikunci tetapi ketika ia memanggil teknisi, mereka mengirim orang untuk memperbaikinya langsung dia membayar idr 400.000 per malam. Kamar teman saya lumayan bagus dan sangat besar namun wallpaper perlu diperbaiki dan kamar mandi yang tua meskipun bagus di jaman itu, tetapi masih lumayan dan karyawan yang baik seperti kelas atas, penjaga pintu yang bisa berbahasa Inggris dan usianya lebih dari 30 tahun mungkin mantan tentara dari kepolisian.