This email is bittersweet, as I am writing to let you know that after 12 years with PA USA, I have accepted a position elsewhere. My last day with PA USA will be this Friday, May 4. I have enjoyed working with all of you over these past several years. Please let me know if there is anything I can help you with before I leave.Going forward, your main source of contact will be Jon Baty. His email is All POs should be emailed to Many of you have also spoken with Frances on occasions, and she will be able to assist you as well. Her email is --This is estimated to arrive us 5/7 we are expecting 6 and only have 3 pending orders at this time
このメールは朗報です。。PA USAでの12年間の勤務後別の会社へ転職することをお知らせします。PA USAでの最後の勤務日は今週金曜の5月4日です。過去数年間皆さんと働いたことはうれしかったです。退社に先立ち私にできることがあればお知らせください。今後の貴方の連絡先はジョン・バティです。彼のメールアドレスはjon@PAUSA.comです。全てのPOsはdealers@PAUSA.comへメールで送信されます。大部分の方々はフランセスと話したことがあると思いますが、同女史が今後皆さんをサポートします。同女史のメールアドレスはsales@PAUSA.comです。
1. Thank you for paying the amount by order number xx today.I sent it by EMS today.2. Regarding order number xx that has not been paid yet,our company is going to be on holiday from tomorrow May 3rd to 6th sincewe have Golden Week (consecutive holidays).For this reason, if you pay after 16:00 today (Japan Time), we will send it after May 7th.We appreciate your understanding.Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
お世話になります。写真拝見いたしました。有難うございます。1か所、気になる点がありましたので、添付ファイルにまとめました。お手数お掛けいたしますが、修正お願いできますでしょうか?仕上げは、Natural finish でお願いします。①左の画像の赤丸部分となりますが、溶接部分がとがってしまっているのが、気になります。下記画像青丸部分のように、少し丸みを帯びた仕上げにしていただけますでしょうか。②こちらのスツールの裏側の写真(脚の溶接部分)もいただけますでしょうか?
Thank you for your support.I saw the picture.Thank you very much.As I am concerned about 1 point, I summarized it in attached file.I hate to ask you, but would you correct it?Please finish it by natural finish.①Regarding red circle of the left image, I am concerned that welded part is so sharp.Like the blue circle in the image listed below, would you finish it a little round?②May I have a picture of back of the stool (welded part of the leg)?
I will send an item with defect next week.As for A, there is only 1 supplier that can make the parts of internal. As the supplier is busy with making the parts, it takes time to make it.I am also looking for another supplier.As for delivery period of B, I am asking the factory to make it immediately.When do you need 1 set? Would you tell me deadline of its delivery?As for A to Vietnam, I will classify its details since another company is negotiating it.
We can send them together. In this case, shipping charge is discounted. Would you arrange for purchasing at eBay, and have an invoice from us where total amount is listed without making a payment at PayPal?After checking the invoice, please pay the total amount at PayPal within 3 days. We will arrange for sending the item after checking the payment you made. If you cannot work on the process listed above and pay the total amount without discount, we will refund you. Please do not worry about it. As we refunded the difference in your account of PayPal, may we ask you to check it? Seller Performance Teamご担当者様この度はご迷惑をおかけし誠に申し訳ございません。今回、出品用アカウントが停止された原因は、先日申請された「A-to-z」に起因するものでしょうか。申請された原因は、輸送中に商品が運送会社により紛失されたことでした。私たちは、申請のあった購入者に対応し、申請を取り下げてもらいました。購入者は返金ではなく、交換を希望されたので、私たちは商品の再送手続きを行ってます。購入者とコミュニケーションをとり、
Dear Sir or Madam in charge of Seller Performance TeamWe apologize to have caused you an inconvenience this time.This time was account used for listing an item stopped by A to z you had filed a few days ago?The reason you filed is that the item was lost when transportation company was delivering it.We asked the purchaser who had filed to withdraw the filing.As the purchaser requested not refund but exchange, we are arranging for sending the item again.We are communicating with the purchaser
トラブル解決にむけ、誠心誠意対応しております。また、今回のようなことが再び起こらないように対策を考えました。購入者様に、・商品が日本郵便に引受 ・日本交換局発送 ・海外交換局到着 ・通関保留 ・通関検査中 ・海外配達局到着 ・配達完了が行われた状況を、随時メッセージで報告するような仕組みを作り、現在、実践しております。出品用アカウントを元に戻すために必要なことがこの他にもありましたらお知らせください。ご迷惑をおかけし申し訳ありません。ご連絡をお待ちしております。
We are working to solve the trouble conscientiously.We considered a measure to prevent it from happening again.We made a measure to report each situation listed below to purchaser at any time by message, and are carrying them out.Japan Post receive an itemJapan Exchange Station sends an itemAn item arrives in exchange station abroadStored in customs clearanceBeing inspected in customs clearanceAn item arrives in exchange station abroadDelivery is completedIf you have another item to return the account for listing to before, please let us know.We apologize to have caused you an inconvenience.We are looking forward to hearing from you.
この度はご迷惑をおかけしまして誠に申し訳ございません。今回の「A-to-z 」の申請をいただいた商品についての状況を報告いたします。こちらについてですが、商品は追跡可能郵便で発送しております。下記サイトより確認いただけます。日本郵便のSAL便で送っており、平均すると2週間程で購入者様に配達されます。また、到着予定日も、2018年5月2日 - 2018年5月17日となっており、まだ到来しておりません。
I apologize to have caused you an inconvenience this time.I will report about the item that you has filed for A to Z this time.Regarding this, I sent it by the system with tracking function.You can check it at the website below.I had sent it by SAL of Japan Post. A purchaser will receive it in about 2 weeks on the average.The expected arrival day is between May 2nd to 17th 2018.These days are a few days later.
また、紛失などで購入者様に商品が到着しない場合は、必ず返金致します。最後まで誠意を持って対応します。もう暫くご猶予いただけないでしょうか。「A-to-z 」の申請を取り下げていただけないでしょうか。お忙しいところ恐縮ですが、ご確認よろしくお願いいたします。
If a purchaser cannot receive it by reason such as loss, I am sure that I will refund you.I will work on it until the last stage conscientiously.May I ask you a patience?Would you kindly withdraw the filing of A to Z?I hate to ask you a favor while you are busy, but appreciate your confirmation.
I am contacting you about the item already sent to you. After post office inspected it, they found that they had received it although size of the item was much larger than defined size due to mistake of staff of the post office.As a result, number has not been reflected at the website of tracking. The item will be returned to me within a few days. Recently staff who is not well versed in his duty is increasing in the post office due to privatization, and this kind of problem has been occurring often. As the post office had contacted me about it, I sent the same item again on 22nd since fortunately I had the same item in the inventory. I misunderstood that it is an inquiry from another customer, and was late in contacting you. I deeply apologize to you.
As we are under this situation, I will leave the decision to you.If another guest wants to stay at your apartment immediately, I will check out on 30th and move to the next place such as hotel based on the first schedule. (The hotel I stay has not been decided yet, but I am sure that I can find it soon since I stay there only for 2 nights.)I will let you know about start of living in the apartment as soon as I find its result.
Thank you for contacting me.I apologize the manufacturer has not yet replied. You may want to contact the merchant to determine if they can provided the needed as you will have to return or discard the the item if no ECCN is provided.I am very sorry. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Kind regards,
As for delivery period of A and B, I am adjusting to deliver until the end of July for both.I hate to say, but can say only that I am adjusting it.Regarding delivery period clearly decided, as we have not finished adjustment with our supplier, may we ask you to give us time?If A is delivered at the end of July, your company will be in the hard condition in planning of manufacturing, we will consider a measure such as deliver cleaning of A earlier.If you have an idea, please let us know.As for the following, is it manufacturing line of A or B?
It is a good question. But even if I answer it in English, you will not understand it. The reason is that the language I am going to speak is English.A person who understands power of language understands with the explanation made now well.If he does not understand it, it is apparent that the language was not enough.As the language is not enough, he cannot imagine.All the people I have seen so far were using very many words. They say that we should read a book.They understand the power of language unconsciously.The language controls your world.
As I will be on vacation from May 2nd to 6th and out of office, I can receive it after May 7th.For this reason, I am not in a hurry.I will transfer to the bank as usual.But I am sorry to say, but as maximum amount I can transfer a day in the bank I use is 10000 US dollars, I will transfer twice.I transferred 5,097 US dollars a few minutes ago. I will transfer the remaining amount tomorrow.
It is all right that hair is not as long as B in the picture. The one as long as Kana is fine.I want you to make outfits, atmosphere of skin and whole atmosphere similar to Bonnie in this picture. How much is it including shipping charge to japan?I request that pupil is brown and glass eye.As I want to save the shipping charge, I do not need sand with weight.(No pellet) Please make head, body, foot and hand in cotton.I am sure that you are the only one who can make this B.I have a small budget, but will work as hard as I can.
Thank you for telling me plan of improvement.I want to see the item soon.Regarding 200 pieces I purchased a few days ago, the problem I found while I have been selling in Japan is that no parts was included in 3 pieces.Metal pin was not included. As returned items have been accumulated in the office, I want to have 3 pieces of the parts other than drum respectively in the next order.I want to have a good frame and function of dehydration immediately.I order 250 units. If you send me an invoice, I will pay it immediately.
自分が計画したより少し早いですが、卸販売をはじめました。すぐに発注をいただき、上々のスタートです。早いうちに韓国の販売数量をぬきたいと思います。3000個の注文を入れたいのですが、大丈夫でしょうか?日本はこれから、Golden Weekという休みに入ります。私も実家に帰省する予定ですので、5月7日以降に届くようにお願いできませんでしょうか。現在、パッケージのデザインを考えています。例のトンガンの会社にお願いしようと思っていますが、御社でも良い品質の紙パッケージできますか?
It is a little earlier than I planned, but I started wholesale sales.I have received an order soon after start, and it is going well.I want to exceed sales volume of South Korea soon.I want to order 3000 pieces. Are you all right?We will be in consecutive holidays called Golden Week in Japan soon.As I will go back to my hometown, would you arrange that I receive them after May 7th?I am considering design of package.I am going to ask the company of Tongan to design it. Would your company design it with paper package in good quality?
私のメールを訳してくれる新しい翻訳者を探していて、時間がかかってしまいました。お返事が遅くなりすみません。確かに、日本の顧客へスピーディにお届けできるという点で、素晴らしいアイデアですね。・まず先に、私が製品を10個購入する形でビジネスをスタートさせるという認識で良いでしょうか?・実際にどのような 1.私への卸値 2.日本での販売価格をお考えですか? ・日本での独占販売権をいただけるのでしょうか。・あなたの現在のオンラインでの毎月もしくは年間の受注数の状況を教えて欲しいです。
I was looking for a translator who translates my email, and it took time.I am sorry to be late in replying you.It is a remarkable idea in the respect that you can send to Japanese customer at high speed.May I understand that we start business where I purchase 10 pieces of item first?What do you think about the followings? 1. Wholesale price to me 2. Are you thinking about sales price in Japan?Would you give me an exclusive sales right in Japan?Please tell me number of order you receive every month or a year on line.
There is some distance between heater and inside, and I set 10 degrees higher by considering that the temperature goes down between them. 10 degrees is the value recommended by manufacturer.A fills inside by combustion gas of low oxygen after burning by using first burner.B fills the inside by vapor.You must have heard from xx. We found that best price we offered is difficult.If we offer lower than xx US dollars under the current condition of design, it is difficult. Is it impossible for your company to accept xx US dollars?