spdr 翻訳実績

約10年前 男性 60代
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
spdr 英語 → 日本語

So, If I have understood you, you need from me a damage report which I have to ask for to my post office... I will go tomorrow and I will ask about it, but I feel they will say they had brought me the packet and they have nothing to say about what it there was inside... I think in that case I can present a formal complain...
And finally I know import duties was a risk that I assumed, but do you know if the insure could cover this taxes? Because at the end import duties are a tax about a product, and it increases the valor of the product itself...
Thank you very much and sorry for the inconveniences, if you could tell me anything more about what I have to do I would appreciate it.



spdr 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.0

im sorry to inform you we had a death in the family dont think we will have the money for the puma we are very sorry but have to drive out of state for this matter i know we committed to buy and had full intentions to do so but this is a emergency so we are willing to take what ever bad feed back you have to leave.. husband loved the dorko 43 you sold to us and was very excited about the puma and we are very sorry..we will be out of town for a week or so i will try to respond to any messages you send but may take me a little time right now this is are biggest concern
I got the goods of bad quality. Please replace it or refund the money.
You have a razor replacement, or You want to return the money?


申し訳ありません。家族の一人が亡くなり、Puma用のお金がなくなりました。大変申し訳ないのですが、死亡のために州の外に行かなければなりません。当社が購入を約束したのはわかっていて、購入するするつもりであったのですが、これは緊急事態ですので、貴店がどのような悪評価を残したとしても受入れます。夫は貴店が販売してくれたDorko 43を大変好きだったので、Pumaに購入について大変喜んでいました。大変申し訳ありません。貴店が送付知れくれたメッセージに返信するつもりですが、1週間余り街を離れますので、返信をするのに時間がかかる可能性があることが私の大きな心配事です。

