Hello, thanks for your service. I completed the payment, but by mistake I used a different card. Sorry about this but could you please cancel it and send me an invoice again?Sincere apologies for the trouble.
The tracking number you gave me the other day was for some other order. Please provide the correct tracking number.
Hello, thank you for your service. I would like to pay on Monday night. It will be midnight in the U.S. so please send invoice by then. Also, would you be able to give discount if I order 50 additional units next time? I'd appreciate your consideration. Thank you. Regards, kouta
Hello, The package is being stopped at the custom in Japan. They are stopping it as an invoice was not included in the package. Please prepare an invoice and send it to me via email. Please state that one sheet is $30.I would not be able to receive the package unless I submit the invoice. Please help as soon as possible. Thank you.
Koryにお伺いしたいことがございます。私は、黒い瞳と黒い髪と黒いまつげを持ったVictoriaとShyannとLinda Murrayが欲しいです。イメージ写真をお送りさせていただきます。イメージ写真は瞳と髪の色が黒ではありません。わたしは、髪を少し短くして、強い巻髪よりゆるいウェーブが私は好みです。また、もしお願いした場合、日本までの送料込みでいくらになりますか?私の希望は、Viが500ドル、Sが400ドル、Lが400ドルに、プラス送料です。良いお返事をお待ちしています。
I have a request for Kory; I would like to have Victoria, Shyann, and Linda Murray that have dark brown eyes, black hairs, and black eyelashes. I am sending you a picture to show what they should look like. Please note that in the picture hair is not black and eyes are not dark brown. I prefer a little shorter and wavy hair than the curly hair. If I purchase from you, how much would the total charge would be, including shipping and handling? My preferred prices are; $500 for Victoria, $400 for Shyann, and $400 for Linda, plus shipping charge. I look forward to have a positive response from you. Thank you.
1. It allows to register the payment for the shipping fee for returned products by storage entry number, and allows to manage the data along with the record of returned products. 2. It allows to identify any discrepancy by matching returned products invoice data and actual receipt of the goods by storage entry number.
1. Storage FacilitiesGoods that we keep for our clients will be kept in a good condition where dust prevention paint is applied. Your important documents will be also kept safely in a special shelf for the purpose. 2. HandlingWe will continue to use the control numbers that our clients use as they are to keep and manage the goods in storage. Any boxes will be kept in the way they are used today. If clients choose to dispose documents, we would send the whole box to inclination and therefore, client's confidential information will never be divulgated.
Payment will be made in advance via PayPal so there is no problem. I would like to purchase following items. Please let me know available quantity and price. In the past I've heard that if I purchase directly w/o using eBay, the price would be lowered by 8% from the list price on eBay. Please send me estimated price.
あなたの会社にLornelle Henryさんはいらっしゃいますか?私は、Lornelle Henryに日本の商品サンプルを依頼されている小売店の木村と言います。サンプルの手配の承諾と以降の連絡先をお伝えしたくご連絡しました。もし在籍していない場合は教えていただけると幸いです。
Is there a person whose name is Lornelle Henry in your company?My name is Kimura and I am contacting from the retail shop which Lornelle Henry has requested a sample of Japanese products. I wanted to communicate that we've accepted to deliver the sample and our contact information from now on.If the person is not in your company, please let me know. Thank you.
Just in case, payment for the watch for this round has been completed. Please check. I am going to attache a list of products that I am looking for.
I would like to order an additional 96 units. Please use the same shipping address and method from the last time. We are going to put a large advertisement on the 15th of this month and need the products.Please ship as soon as possible. Once shipped, let us know the tracking number. Can we pay through PayPal as we normally do?Also, although we cannot exactly project the demand, we may need to place another order. In that case, we'd appreciate your immediate attention and handling as the order will be for the same products that have been sold already.
わたくしたちは、大正3年に創業し90周年を迎えた倉庫会社です。トランクルームサービスは、 関西では10年以上の実績を持ち、営業倉庫としてトランクルーム認定を取得しサービス展開をしております。特に企業様関係の書類保管、磁気テープ保管、事務什器・備品類の保管に力をいれております。トランクルームの利用をお考えの皆様は、弊グループのトランクルームサービスを是非一度ご検討ください。
We are a warehouse company that was founded in 1914 and has more than 90 years of history. We are a certified trunk room vendor and have provided a trunk room service in Kansai area for more than 10 years. We focus on keeping documents, magnetic tapes, and office equipments for our corporate clients. Please consider our service if you are thinking of a trunk room service.
Sakata Warehouse has more than 90 years of history in warehouse management, and strong in handling multi-product with low volume and high frequency, such as cosmetics and toiletry products or medical products. It also utilizes a sophisticated Warehouse Management System which enables data exchange, issuance of client-unique invoice, and fast data submission (for in/out of inventory, operation history, and inventory information by lot, etc.) for a client. We can not only provide a delivery of goods to not only wholesale/resale/department stores, but also provide delivery service for BtoC pay-on-delivery for individual customers. 1. Operation process for a "complete outsourcing package for manufacturing clients"
Therefore, Sakata Warehouse has many records for providing 3PL services to clients in industries such as Cosmetics (cosmetics and toiletry products), Medical (general medicine, quasi drugs, and medical equipment), and Electronics (electronic components, equipments, and IT equipments) where high quality and careful operation is required. Furthermore, Sakata Warehouse uses a logistics system that it has developed reflecting know-how from the field, and provides a unique service that is characterized as small volume, high frequency, accuracy, and high quality.
Sakata Warehouse is largely characterized by its logistics service for multi products with small volume, high frequency, accuracy, and hiqh quality. Sakata Warehouse provides high quality and careful 3PL services to its clients. The company grew with the expansion of Japanese cosmetics and medical industry which gained momentum after the world war II.
1. Business OutsourcingRecently more and more clients consider and introduce the outsourcing service for logistics. However, in order to make the outsourcing successful, they often need to take partial/gradual approach while carefully considering aspects such as effective use of existing storage or distribution center or treatment of human resources that are currently in distribution related functions.
However their core business is to run gym so they don't seem to be putting much energy into selling holds. Certainly price is the key factor for people to purchase holds. If we can convey the added values that come from your brand, we will be able to sell through the quality and brand. In that regard, it would help if we could have more information from you. If you could provide material such as information on new products, areas that you are focusing on, details of the material, voice from shapers, or photos of scenes where they are manufactured, etc., I would put them on our web page. Explanation for the information from you;The material is similar to Atomik.
I want the strength to thank the people who are there now with a smile.
Please take care of yourself. P.S. I will give you a bag as a gift. It is for a mother when she goes out with her baby. Please use it if you'd like. (Actually I am a bag designer)
Dear レイスミ"s motherWe've heard about your family many times through my mother in law. I was very much looking forward to see you and your family in when I go back to Hikone during the end of year / new year time. I am sorry to hear that you've decided to move. My mother in law is a gentle and warm hearted person so I imagine she could not leave a lady and her baby alone in this foreign country. My family is proud of her. Please come and visit Hikone again. Perhaps next time our daughter can play with レイスミ. I am looking forward to meet you and your family someday.