sakura_1984 (sakura_1984) 翻訳実績

4.9 26 件のレビュー
9年以上前 女性
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
サイエンス 生物 医療・ヘルスケア
sakura_1984 英語 → 日本語

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sakura_1984 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

I have also added the Asia edition (book & cd) at the end of the order for volumes 1 to 5. They are the exact same editions as the US editions that retail for US$19.99 so that you can see the price difference. If you do not want them, that is fine, but I just wanted to show the comparison.

As for the revised editions and international editions, it has been an ongoing project to revise the Suzuki books with the ISA (International Suzuki Association). International would mean there are the different languages in the introduction (English, German, French and Spanish).

Volume 9 and 10 have not been revised and we do not know if there are any plans to do so.





sakura_1984 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Almost nothing we eat today exists in nature.
Take this carrot for example. Yes, this is a carrot. A wild one in fact, and possibly quite close to what the Ancient Persians had in the BCEs. This carrot is bitter, dry and woody, its roots supplying just enough nutrients in case times got rough.

Mother nature provided the prototype, but humans formed the final product.

Early carrots were grown for their leaves and seeds, much like their relatives the dill and fennel. But somewhere along the line, someone decided it would be much more fun to chew on its roots instead. So after a few odd centuries of furiously clicking the skill tree, this is what we find in 6th century Constantinople.





sakura_1984 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

The seedless melon has literally no reason to exist. It violates the first rule of life: procreation. It lives to die. It lives to be consumed. It lives to serve humanity. And because it is such an evolutionary dead end, its fate is entirely bound to the fate of humans.

The same goes for bananas.

Animals weren’t spared from this human engineering. Cattle are crucial to our modern society, be it for meat, for labor or for milk. But few know that the wild ancestor to all modern cattle, the Auroch, actually went extinct a long time ago. But its domesticated descendants live on, forever chained to humans for their survival. Natural selection has selected the Auroch right into our cattle pens.





sakura_1984 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.0

Nowadays, the mighty Auroch ambles on in the depictions of civilizations past, like on this seal from the Indus river valley civilization.

Pigs are another example. The European medieval pig was half-pig half-hog. They were black and slim and much too cool for sties. Only half domesticated, they scurried around the forest floor and scavenged their own food by nosing through the thicket for acorns and the like.It took the introduction of Chinese pigs, which were bred for weight and fat, to turn these lean European breeds into the beautiful meat cylinders that we know and love today.

We exist because of the food we eat, but the food we eat exists because of us.





sakura_1984 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Now As for projectors ,We all talking about big screen, portable, and we have been thinking about what kind of projector people in this era really need?

We believe that it represents the latest technology and has epoch-making significance. It is a product facing the future, not only owning its own system, but also supporting 5G signal transmission.

This is a very bold attempt, and it is also a design and development for you who are at the forefront of science and technology with our heart and sincerity. We want to share our ideas and accept your test on this platform. We need your support.





sakura_1984 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

①Ok we will agree £50 this time as a gesture of goodwill but this order is actually heavier. I need to refund £70.50 for the two quilts that are not available so can take the £50 from this if that is ok and refund £20.50

②We will split the cost with you and do this for £50 extra as a final offer as a gesture of goodwill. We did not get any payment from you on the last order. we would need to know what colour to change the frontline hammock to as MC is sold out now until at least December

③Do you wish to proceed with the order without the frontline MC hammock ? with the extra postage




③フロントラインMCハンモックを除いてのご注文でのお手続きをご希望でしょうか? 別途送料がかかります。