But, in the event of such assignment, the new entity, as well as theoriginal party, shall remain responsible for the provisions of this agreement.16. JURISDICTION AND VENUEThe parties agree that the terms of this agreement shall embodygeneral, international legal principles as interpreted under Japan law.Jurisdiction for the resolution of disputes shall be Kyoto, JapanState courts. Such court shall haverights to determine all disputes, as well as initiate any injunctive relief hasmay be necessary or convenient in order to preserve the rights of the partieshereto, including, but not limited to, the right to exclusivity.
floods, fires, acts of God, accidents, delays, shortage ofcars, contingencies of transportation and other causes of like or differentcharacter beyond the control of Supplier. Impossibility of performance byreason of any legislative, executive or judicial act of any governmentalauthority shall excuse performance of or delay in performance of thisagreement.11. WARRANTIESSupplier warrants thatA. The Sesame shall be delivered free of the rightful claim of anythird person, and that Supplier has full title to the Sesame andauthority to sell such Sesame;
洪水、火災、天災、事故、遅延、車不足、交通網の不測の事態、サプライヤーの管理下を越える様々な特徴の原因。 法律上、公的政府機関の行政執行による業務遂行が不可能な場合は本契約遂行の遅延もしくは免除をしなければならない。11.保証責任サプライヤーは保証する、A.胡麻が第三者に合法的に無償で提供され、サプライヤーが胡麻に正式な肩書きをもたせ、その胡麻を販売する権利を持つと;
MARS ENTERTAINMENTとは、日本における、芸能マネージメントという概念を変える為に設立しました。日本の芸能マネージメントは、タレントやアーティストの身の回りの世話から、仕事のスケジュール管理、仕事依頼の調整など、オールラウンドに行う場合が一般的です。採算の合わないタレントやアーティストに対しても同じ事を行わなければならないです。我々は、仕事の依頼交渉に特化した形で、マネージメントのあり方を変えていく企業です。身の回りの世話は自分自身で行って貰います。
We have esablished a company which names MARS ENTERTAINMENT to change the Japanese stereotyped cencept of a talent agency.It is general that Japanese talent agencies take care of their talents and arrange their time schedule and adjust their job offers. It has to do the same thing with unprofitable talents and artists. We are the specialized company for job offer negotiations and change the way of entertainment managment. Our talents and artists have to take care of themselves.
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Thank you for your usual help. My ebay account was restricted in spite of ID presentaion before. Finally, it's allowed to pay on the ohter day, but the payment restriction seriously annoys me because I earn my bread by using ebay. Please release the restriction sooner. I sell any commodities with gentlemanship on ebay.I hope this work done immediately.
I can do 85 a watch with FREE shipping which will be a total of 4,250..and my email is marcus9011@icloud.com.. If paid today ill ship over night and u will have it Tuesday and I have 150 more if u interested and will have another 100 every week
85で無料配送できます。合計金額は4,250で、私のe-mail アドレスはmarcus9011@icloud.comです。本日のお支払いで発送すると、火曜日に届きます。ご興味があれば、150以上用意できます。さらに、毎週100を他に用意できます。
Soon afterwards the king died, and control of the nation was disputed between his sons and the Greeks, who numbered more than ten thousand. They met in battle, and the Greeks were victorious. Archelaus, the heir [of Herodes], sailed to Rome with his other brothers, to claim his whole kingdom, and he urged Nicolaus to sail with him. Nicolaus had already decided to retire to private life, because he was about 60 years old. Nevertheless, he joined in the voyage, but he found that everywhere was full of Archelaus' critics. On the one hand, his younger brother was making a rival bid for the throne, and on the other hand all his other relatives were critical of Archelaus, without supporting the younger brother.