Rie M (rieeeeeee) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
rieeeeeee 英語 → 日本語

So why is Phelps, like many top athletes, ridiculously faster than his predecessors?

Let’s look at Mark Spitz’s stroke:

Obviously, he doesn’t have a cap or goggles, which is going to knock a few notches off his time. (1: equipment improvements).

But there is more - compare his stroke to Phelps:

It’s like the difference between a puddle jumper plane and a stealth bomber.

Note his body position. Spitz is going near vertical to breathe, dropping his hips and creating drag in the water which slows his forward momentum.

Phelps, in turn, is staying as horizontal as possible, gliding along the top of the surface, his chin is just scraping above the waterline, increasing speed and reducing effort.









rieeeeeee 英語 → 日本語

Also, note his arms are almost symmetrical on both sides, keeping his body balanced, with his wrists staying just above the water line. (2: technique improvements)

This isn’t by accident. It’s a product of decades of research and testing, all aided by technology and film study of swimming technique. (3: Research and Technology).

Additionally, in years past, swimmers were overtrained to the point that it eroded their muscle and speed in the pool. Peaking for competition has been whittled down to a science. They have also perfected weight training regimens that enhance in-water speed. (4: Training).



rieeeeeee 英語 → 日本語

A lot of folks think the goal is to keep end-users out. That’s absolutely not the case. When Apple moved to the “pentalobe” screw, you could buy pentalobe screwdrivers on Amazon for a couple of bucks only months later.

I’ve been a computer user since 1977 and I’ve used Apple computers since 1979. (I still have an Apple //c in my collection.)

I’m typing this on a 2012 MacBook Pro that has been extensively modified—I removed the DVD drive, added an SSD, added more RAM, and so on. I do a lot of work on Apple computers—sitting to my right is an aluminum MacBook Pro (Core 2 Duo) that I just had to replace the right fan on when the fan bearings failed.My aluminum MacBook Pro has a problem. It’s missing several screws.


私は1977年からパソコンを使っていて、1979年からはApple社のパソコンを使っています。(いまだに Apple //cが私のコレクションの中にあります)

私は今2012年のたくさん改造をしたMacBook Proでこの文章を打っています。DVDドライブを無くしたり、SSDを足したり、RAMを増やしたりといった改造です。私はApple社のパソコンを使って多くの作業をしますが、現在私の右隣には最近ファンが壊れて右側のファンを取り替えたばかりのアルミ製のMacBook Pro (Core 2 Duo)があります。私のアルミ製のMacBook Pro には問題があります。それはいくつかのネジを失っているということです。

rieeeeeee 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

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