planckdive 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
planckdive 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

There’s no better motivator than thinking you want to do something to improve life for your children. I also have the most supportive mum, which helps.
We had £600 as a seed fund to start with, and my kitchen table. With that, we were off.
It took a long time to find someone who made satchels and when we did he wasn't sure what to make of us. He went back to his wife and said 'she was so enthusiastic, and I tried telling her people don’t like satchels any more, but she wouldn’t have it, so I'll make a few and then she’ll realise'. (Dean laughs)



planckdive 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

The turning point was when one of my daughters came home one day and told me she wasn't happy at school anymore – we found out she'd been kicked on the floor in the playground for not knowing who the characters were in a particular Eastenders storyline.
I tried to work with the school about it, but it was obvious things weren't going to change. I had to find a new school, not just for my daughter but for both kids as you couldn’t send them to different schools, and the only one nearby was a private school.
That meant two lots of school fees to find, and that's when I decided 'I'm going to make something to sell, to pay for that'.



planckdive 英語 → 日本語

When I was expecting my daughter Emily, I remember I thought 'I'm going to make the choice to stay at home and go for being a mum in a big way' – the amount of time I've spent with play-dough over the years is incredible!
But when my kids were six and eight years old, it suddenly dawned on me that I probably wasn't going to be their best friend, or the person they wanted to spend all their time with, forever so I had to consider what I wanted to do when they grew up.
I considered going back to work at the local college again for a bit, but I wanted something which would easily revolve around family life – I love picking up the kids from school, it's the highlight of my day.

