何が分らないのか、私にもメールだけでは分らないので順を追って考えていきましょう。添付のファイルも参考にして下さい。マーチャントにログインできましたか?貴方に渡したエクセルファイルのeB URLの一つをコピーしてブラウザのURL窓へペーストして下さいeBの商品が表示されましたか? これが今回貴方にeBへ出品して欲しい商品の一つです。勿論以前貴方に伝えたようにタイトル・商品説明をリライトして下さいね次に、日本の商品販売サイトもeB URLと同じ様にコピーしてペーストして下さい
Let’s think step by step about what you don’t know because I can’t understand by just email. Also, please refer to the attached.Were you able to log in to the merchant?Please copy one of the eB URLs of the Excel file that I sent, and paste it into the URL window of your browser.Are eB products appeared? This is one of the products that I hope you to sell on eB in this time. Of course, please rewrite the title and the item description, as I said before.Next, also copy and paste the URLs of Japanese online shopping site just like eB URLs.
Request for change my billing address that you have.I just made a purchase. I moved to a new address at the end of last year. So I changed my shipping address and ordered. But after I did, I noticed the old billing address was on the last page of the order screen.I’ve changed to new billing address on my credit card already.And I’m in a little bit hurry, I hope you’ll send me quickly.Thank you.
Currently, the ad is being posted.Please check if it's convenient to you.
ご連絡ありがとう!White Houseで構いませんよ^^宜しくお願いします!
Thank you for a contact!It does not matter “White House” :-)Thank you in advance!
Hi.I want to ask you question about shipment of the product.At present, the product is automatically shipped nonstop.So I want to change the timing of shipment as I want, but I don’t know how to do it.Thank you.
追伸:今日、○○さんがスタッフ全員にトレイラーの映像に関してメールを送信したみたいですが、僕にも届いてビックリしました(大笑 多分間違ってアドレスのリストに入っていたんでしょうけど、いい記念になりました(笑5bだと今はシャーシの色が黒のモデルは販売されていないかもしれませんね。僕のシャーシはScorpion製の Lite Weight Race Chassisを使ってるので純正品ではないんです・・・・車幅の違いは多分、ホイールの違いによるものです。
P.S: Today, ○○ has seemed to email about the image of the trailer to all of staffs, and I got surprise to get that mail (lol. Maybe, mailing list includes my address, but it was good commemoration.The type of 5b with black color chassis is not available at present.My chassis is Lite Weight Race Chassis made by Scorpion, so it is not genuine product.The differences of the width of them are because of the differences of wheels.
The age of corporate venture capitalIn past one or two years, one of the topics around the start-ups is the sudden rising of “corporate venture capital”.
昨日、東京は雪が降りましたが、あっという間に溶けてしまいました。もうすぐ休暇ですね! 僕もいつか休暇をとってオーストラリアに行ってみたいです。さて、荷物の方は送っていただけましたか?トラッキングナンバーを教えてください。それではよい休暇を!
We had snow in Tokyo yesterday, but it has melted in a short time.You are gonna take a vacation, aren’t you!? Someday I’ll take a vacation too, and would like to go to Australia.Well, have you sent me the package yet? Please tell me tracking number.Have a nice vacation!
商品説明- 「信長のシェフ4」義弟・浅井長政を討つため出陣した信長は、ケンを敵方の料理人に仕立て上げ、浅井の本城へと送り込む。だが、その正体が見破られ…。戦史を代表する凄惨な戦い「姉川の合戦」が迫る中、ケンは!?
Product Description-“The Chef of Nobunaga’s 4”Nobunaga who went to war to beat Azai Nagamasa, a brother-in-law of Nobunaga’s, disguised Ken as enemy’s side chef and send him to the castle of Azai’s.But the enemy found real him out…While “the Battle of Anegawa” that is known for its ghastness coming up, what happen to Ken!?
Megurine Luka is the woman who speaks English in good pronunciation and has attractive body.She is especially good at singing in English in VOCALOIDs.Her age is set to be 20. So she has much more grown-up looks than Miku, Rin and Ren.You might think she has mysterious, unapproachable atmosphere, but in coterie magazines, she has been drawn as the woman with impish, pretty smile!And like ”Hachune Miku”, there is the original character called, among fans, “Tako Luka” that has octopus-like shape. It(?) is very popular in coterie magazines.
Hi!Would you tell me what the color of the knob is?Is that navy? Or black?