Ne&Na (nemonao) 翻訳実績

9年弱前 女性 60代
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
nemonao 英語 → 日本語

His album would wind up on Paramount. The shift to major label should have seemed like a blessing, but the label simply didn’t know what to do with Wonderling. He’d languish and most of the records printed would disappear, with as few as 10 copies being reportedly making their way to distribution. As such this has become a pricey collector’s property. The record shouldn’t have been as hard a sell as it’s often described. Though songs like “Man Of Straw” seem a bit past the mark, the rest of the album delves into the kind of wistful ballads that wound up making legends (albeit not always in their time) of artists from Nick Drake to Gene Clark.



nemonao 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.0

I was suggesting that you come up with a price point that you are comfortable with and can still make money. I am happy to send all future Japanese inquiries your way as our main distributor.

For example...your orders from us are at the 40% off MSRP price if shipped from US or 50% off MSRP if shipped from China. If you were to discount incoming orders by 25% or 30% you could still make money.

40% off a product is $35.40/unit if you feel comfortable reselling to a 3rd party for $44.25/unit (that is 25% off MSRP) then you could make profit whether you are selling to a customer or to a business.

Let me know if this makes sense.






nemonao 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

So scientists upload the information by the wireless waves ,so it can transfer to wherever they want.

5. What did human do in electricity research after Miletus' discovery?
A: Dated back to the 17th century, Benjamin Franklin, a famous American scientist, proved that lightning was caused by electricity by describing an experiment in which an electrical conductor would be used to extract power from a thundercloud. In the experiment, he flew a kite with a metal key attached to it into a suitable cloud. The precise historical details are unclear, but he may have then retrieved the key and discharged electricity from it. By using the principles, he successfully invented for lightening rod.



A:17世紀にさかのぼりますが、ベンジャミン フランクリンという有名な米国の科学者は実験により稲妻は電気によって引き起こされることを証明しました。その実験とは伝導体は雷雲からの余分な力が使われているのではないか、というものでした。実験で彼は実験にふさわしい雲にメタルキーの付いた凧を揚げました。正確で詳しいな歴史はわかっていません。ただ彼はその時キーを取り戻してそこから電気を放電したかもしれません。その理論を使って彼は避雷針の発明に成功したのです。